i wish it were so simple - didn't i meet you at smith once jay? recall you being plenty funny and friendly - at any rate, he's a far more civil bloke and likely as not smarter than me (a simple feat, i know) and no less informed - its damned impossible for me to understand how folks so similiar to myself can have such different views on important subjects...ah, but this misses the pt of being funny...
Yes - we've met more than once although my three year sentence on the EC and my subsequent diversion into WW kayaking has unfortunately precluded any further social engagements.
For the record - I think you are a cool dude, obviously very smart, and would be glad to have the opportunity to have any hypothetical future children taught in your classroom.
Unfortunately for me, Diderot, D'Alembert, Turgot, Rousseau, D'Holbach, etc lead directly to Burke, Locke, Hume, Gibbon, Smith, etc - and once I veered off into Menger, Mises, and Hayek I was pretty much doomed to pariah status in progressive enclaves. This after alienating a good many social conservatives with the whole agnostic evolutionist schtick.
I'm also good for alienating your average naturopath/homeopath/vaccine-denier so I'm pretty much a hit at every social function in Seattle.
Typical evening on the town for me re-created in beat-poem form below:
i seem to recall a driving rain-storm at skull hollow, w/ the whole party practially standing in the fire, drowning in smoke
can we at least blame your alleged insanity on being beaten by a nun in her undies or something?