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Everything posted by ivan

  1. montezuma's atomic revenge?
  2. looked great last weekend john, and can only be getting better - in fact, wtf are you doing not being there right now anyway?
  3. ..you band of brothers. [video:youtube]
  4. perfect conditions on that thare route and you can drive to cloud cap - get'er done!
  5. it sure fucking helps though!
  6. beautiful forecast for tomorrow - anyone wanna climb after 3? getting bored climbing alone
  7. FAH-Q
  8. ivan

    Bill Maher

    i like the rare episodes he doesn't have the obligatory right-wing nutjob on the panel
  9. short people seem to make better post-holing machines
  10. ivan

    The Real Radicalism

    the gubiment needs to be juuuuust small enough to fit into everybody's bedroom
  11. ivan

    The Real Radicalism

    meh. more appealing to their anti-gov base, big suprise. good luck changing hte constitution cowboys, and uh, have you like, uh, noticed them boys in black've been calling things the way you like it more often than not?
  12. far out old man!
  13. ivan

    Bit and Spit

    you just gotta walk shit like that off
  14. Let's just say certain legal issues had to be considered when planning this trip... :lmao: it's always wise to have a plan b when planning a climbing trip to canuckistania
  15. he swore to me on a stack of bibles he didn't have nothing to do w/ that dude
  16. fuck'em, i didn't want to go to heaven anyway
  17. yet they a donut-shop on every corner? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/44983250/ns/health-mental_health/
  18. ivan

    RIP Lord Nelson

    206 years ago today...
  19. nah, my decay's pretty much an across the board one
  20. no doubt he's buried under hundreds of feet of ice at the base of the willis wall, skiis on his feet, wool skivvies on his balls, and fuck all else
  21. i left a brown dwarf in the pool just now
  22. they look horrible - DON'T go anywhere near them man! especially if its nice n' sunny n' clear the next couple of days anasatia took the pix - she'll have to put one from her flicker up
  23. and a 4-part harmony w/ a gi-tar on the side
  24. ivan

    More lies.

    Sounds like the US Government. only if the beef for the burger is produced on a factory farm that inexplicably gets huge gov subsidies and the pickles are picked by migrant workers that everybody bitches about being a drain on 'merica
  25. it's been raaaaainy. drove out from camas yesterday through a gentle drizzle, seriously questioning my free-solo plan, but arrived to a dry lot - dashed down to the base and hustled up the corner, not a breath of wind or another person to be seen, just the sounds of me huff'n'puff'n - 15 minutes later i was up at the trail, admiring the huge elk herd, when the downpour hit the icing on the cake was scaring the crap out of the old folks hobbling down from the summit, who didn't understand how i'd managed to get behind them since they'd had the top to themselves
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