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Everything posted by ivan

  1. has skynet become self-aware yet?
  2. well yeah, that's why its called "mental illness," right?
  3. ivan

    Mt Hood

    wow, when you said you were climbing w/ a bitch this weekend, i had no idea...
  4. yeah, how do you think that would go these days?
  5. dry holes? jesus christ, i thought the modern wonders of viagra and astroglide had made that a thing of the past?!?
  6. yeah, the conspiracy-theory crowd is a different breed - the 'bone's a good-guy, but he's a beatard through and through, and nothing is as beatarded as a general belief in flying saucers and weird shit like that love ya kev, keep being you! shit, it occurs to me i never got your position on the important david lee roth vs sammy hagar issue! i'm assuming your an old-skewl boi through n' through?
  7. I wouldn't mind shooting that finger off. looks like my pop, w/ a serious tan
  8. admittedly, this woulda solved the gitmo problem quite nicely...
  9. meh. you could say the same thing about rush limbaugh or any other happy conservative asshole on the a.m. dial after the gifford shooting. much as i'd get a healthy gut-laugh out of some navy seal sticking a bowie knife up rush's chocolate-hole, i'd still think homeslice oughta get the trial first...
  10. ask your best buddy - you never seem to call him on this point nonsense - i told that ole'boy plenty of times, but more commonly in person 'cuz he's actually pretty restrained 'round these parts - he listens about as well as everybody else around here at any rate, tvash's argument is a strong one, and the purest. i'm not sold on it heart and soul, mostly b/c i'm deep cynic, but i'm plenty willing to accept that my world-view is fucked.
  11. it's moronic to be concerned your government might be abusing its power to take away the most important right its citizens enjoy, the right to life? it IS possible to disagree w/ someone for reasons other than that they're stupid, right? i haven't been up in arms over osama's death or this new guy either, but i do think it's troubling and the folks of this country should keep an eye on it and keep discussing it, if for no other reason than to forestall the danger we all must sense, that the government do these things routinely, w/ no oversight, and to our own citizens for less than perfect reasons. you can, after all, walk a long time on a slippery slope w/ crampons and an axe, and get cocky as hell about the old adage and warninig, only to suffer the fate you thought so silly.
  12. uh, the scene that was so thoroughly described of his execution made it seem pretty damn clear they could have just as easily invited the bearded gentleman onto the chopper and left his porn stash behind instead
  13. ivan

    happy berfday!

    the american-afghan war turned 10 today here's to it not turning 11
  14. the final irony will be when the predators become self-aware and begin targeting the CIA-types operating them naw...they're mostly an evil concept - the easier we make it to kill people, the harder to resist the temptation to abuse the power to do so - that chewing cocoa leaf vs snorting coke thing...
  15. makes sense, like saudi women, they too wear burqas
  16. your mistake then is thinking we ever were a nation of good and honorable people, and not a self-centered buncha pricks w/ a penchant for bullshit! tickles my heart to see you n' bill on the same page though, if only for a few seconds
  17. sure, i'd prefer a trial to an assassination from the obama-lama point of view though, i imagine i'd rather be damned for what i did, instead of what i didn't do...
  18. sure can't do it as easily, and i prefer the predator approach to the take over the whole fucking country to put a base in every village idea...
  19. the basic principles/objectives stated in the preamble are fucking annoying though b/c they can step on each others toes - sure "establish justice" but also "provide for the common defense" - eternal vigilance, right? each admin gets to kill X number of folks under shady circumstances before a vigiliant public goes batshit - better make'em count!
  20. you're not letting her on cc.com yet are you 'bone!?!
  21. the constitution defines treason as making war on your country - doesn't seem too much of a stretch to define what homeboy was doing as such - the lack of a trial can't help but be troubling, bu the world is a messy place...
  22. ivan

    RIP Steve

    Classically hilarious! like the challenger disaster, i have a feeling there's far more gold in that thar mine - will see what bill maher can manage tomorrow night man, the economy has been looking rough for months, but now there's light at the end of the tunnel. only one jobs died this week.
  23. i'm sure they coulda sent it by passenger pigeon if you hadn't immediately spewed molten-crazy on them perhaps a nelson telegraphic hoist would have been in order?
  24. but obamacare fixed all this, right?
  25. ummm...because it's...umm...like a democracy n' stuff n' the general idear of such a system is you can do what you like so long as you ain't harming anybody else? sure, you can make an argument that fat albert is hurting you somehow by simply walking down the street, looking all chunky, it's just a lame one though. more fat man, less fat women i say! can we just ban them from eating?
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