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Everything posted by ivan

  1. naw, it ain't about hockey! - now why won't they let those nice birds be together?
  2. democracy looks like the food court at the mall - loud, chaotic, filled with nasty people and fucking screaming babies, and holy shit, watch out for yer pecker when you're in the bathroom!
  3. Great, everyone gets screwed and the program expands. Now they no longer ignore old grandmothers. They strip search little children and grope war widows, even making one 95 year old woman take off her adult diaper, all while ignoring a young man from the middle east....I feel safer. You've made progress. Way to go get em. [/img] dude, it was only last week a buncha georgia cracker grandpas got the hook for plotting a terrorist attack, remember? http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/nationnow/2011/11/georgia_militia_novel.html
  4. The point oh dense fuckwad, is that YOUR side argued repeatedly the following during Clinton's accusations of sexual harassment and later "consensual" (actually - predatory sexual behavior of a middle-aged man to his 20+ year old subordinate staff member): 1) it's a private matter - not our business 2) we're electing a president, not a pope 3) don't rush to judgement - we don't know all the facts! 4) the accusers are gold-diggers. dragging a 100 dollar bill through a trailer park. 15 minutes and all that 5) the politics of personal destruction etc. etc. etc. but now you are all singing a different tune. As usual. Consistency is not your strong suit. Except maybe Ivan - he at least appears to "get it". Maybe you could learn something from him if you'd STFU long enough. I am not a Cain supporter, sorry. Although I'd like for an "outsider" to come in and "change Washington", that really doesn't seem realistic. People kind of have to have experience running a state or participating in the legislative process for some time to actually know how things work and get the work of government done. Cain does not have that. thanks for the compliment i suppose, but in truth i'm not sure you "get it" - no two politicos and their scandals are exactly the same of course, but generally speaking, you get caught w/ your balls in the cookie jar, that's it, republican, democratic or none of the above. who's the most recent democrat to survive such a scandal? weiner-gate? he put up a brave fight but no weiner can stay up forever spitzer? everybody spit him out in the end. jesus, seems like clinton WAS the last one to survive, and even so, he so mortally wounded by it he was obviously done w/ public office. i was just barely old enough to vote for clinton in '92 - i don't recall much at all about the allegations made against him during that campaign, and of course it was a very different news era anyway - i recall far more about the whitewater allegation at that time, and maybe those to some extent overawed the paula jones thing? ultimately though, he was in office, and the feeling couldn't help be "what's done is done" - a nice long decade of economic expansion and budget surpluses proved to be more than an ample reward, and when the lewinski thing slowly emerged, it was hard to seperate it from the shrieking blowhards usual insanity - at any rate, that did in the end appear largely consensual, so again, not really worth unseating the rider of a succesful horse over. i don't see how cain's sins are substantially differetn from ever other red, white n' blue motherfucker who's been pilloried and dismissed for the same thing over the past two decades.
  5. ivan

    penal math?

    Are you saying that all people that are found guilty of a crime actually did it? Just asking. cunning linguist that you are, perhaps you can begin by defining "is" for us? a jury saying yer guilty, if nothing else, means you can ditch the "alleged" before "murderer" of course, only dog can make the final judgement
  6. ivan

    penal math?

    a jury of his peers, but a few short hours ago?
  7. "you got about 30 seconds" aka "stfu caramel-bugle guzzler!"
  8. rename tsa tna?
  9. future behavior specialists for a billion bucks? isn't a oiuja board like 2$?
  10. you can't say "junk" on network, dood.
  11. suspected terrorist b/c yer fixing yer shitty car? now i see tvash's personal interest in the issue!
  12. wtf, this touching scene can't occur anymore?!? "scraps is a boy dog!"
  13. sounds like ginger has been blackbaged
  14. 2 minutes in and our boys not called anyone a cocksmoking cum-gargling troglodyte, wtf?!?
  15. starting to listen to it now - its at http://www.kuow.org/program.php?id=25016
  16. ivan

    penal math?

    so...if lindsay lohan only had to serve 4.5 hrs on a 30 day sentence, does that mean the cruel bastard who stole jack-o from us before he was due back on the mothership, who just got his just rewards in a guilty verdict, who stands to be sentenced to 4 years in the can, will be serving something like 9 days for his terrible crime? surely this could be rendered into a fine math problem?
  17. hey man, it's just the primary season - they might well get all rolled into one!
  18. fuckit ron, that dood needs to run for president himself - maybe bring kenny powers in on the team to bat vp? [video:youtube]
  19. ivan

    remember, remember...

    my boy's not one to hide behind explosives - he's far more content to punch you in the balls when your guard's not up perhaps i should move this to the cafe now since it's getting all familish? never seen so many neighbors in my backyard as when we lit that fucker!
  20. jenkem looks damn-right appealing next to krokodil Jenkem was a hoax. Successful hoaxes are repeated. so this is now about gay crocodiles getting caried away by hot-air balloons?
  21. ivan

    remember, remember...

    note the wife's 99% pumpkin in the back - wasn't certain if that was confusing the message?
  22. can we make this thread about gay crocodiles now?
  23. ivan


    a chilean sea-bass main course would be quite the thing to follow yer apertiff.
  24. pretty certain damn near everybody in the bible woulda been pouring this shit into their arm-holes if they coulda - when in history have people trapped in hopelessness and poverty NOT choosen dipshit solutions to escape misery? here's to not living in a siberian shithole!
  25. ivan


    who are we lobbying for again? show-she-lists samwise?
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