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Everything posted by ivan

  1. if only youtube had existed when i was a young'un billcoe, fast forward to 7:20 for the good part
  2. the war on shit - they hate you for your turds politics as usual - the local reps bring home the bacon for their communities - i've got a mega-million dollar footbridge that's pretty unnecessary right next to my house - in my life, i think i've seen 6 people use it
  3. senator cantwell has assure me She's On it Mother-Fucker, so you've got nothing to worry about i reckon
  4. ivan

    Gay Marriage

    hardly surprising, given his avante-garde aunt jemimah proclivities
  5. ivan

    Gay Marriage

    this will not make the mayan gods happy
  6. did my senior debates on the subject today - of the 60 seniors, something like 70-30 pro/con. they're very hung up on the driving elements of the law.
  7. good luck w/ that the decade-old piss sculptures to be seen on denali are actually pretty amazing, once you get pass the ick-factor...
  8. is life so fucking awesome that dying is all that bad? maybe most climbs are just failed suicide attempts?
  9. seems like the basic role of government when it comes to law and order - tribes don't settle disputes and punish offenders, The Man does.
  10. hardly! conservative or liberal, all economists are full of shit hasn't the historical answer for low employment/recession been government spending on a wide variety of projects?
  11. so isn't this an example of stimulus? from the wsdot website, the federal money seems to fit the stated purpose: "The National Scenic Byways Discretionary Grant program, administered by Federal Highway Administration, provides funding for byway-related projects each year that will help Washington State meet its transportation goals. FHWA asks for WSDOT’s ranking of the grant applications. However, FHWA may choose to fund any applications that are submitted to them. Tribal Nations may choose to submit grant applications directly to FHWA for National Scenic Byway Grants. "
  12. Go Canada! #1 in hockey and #1 in rights and freedoms! congrats, but i bet you don't have an anti-quartering right!
  13. What did you tell him/her when you got to the top and were totally busted, cuz there weren't no death-ray there? How do you know? Have you been to the top of Beacon Rock? indeed - anyone who has will note the wrought iron foundation of said deathray - i explained to my son that it must have been ripped out by an equally impressive suction-bomb, which could only have been the foul work of the vulcan-klingon alliance.
  14. his handle? sorry about your friend, hampton - what can the board do to help?
  15. was the shitter constructed with american materials by american labor? how much of the money stayed in the state? thinking up reasons to pay people to do shit seems to be a classic response to shitty economies, no? at least this kind of project, if my assumptions are correct, keeps the life-blood cash in our country, as opposed to corporate tax cuts which go into banks god knows where, or into foreign contractors to do shit everybit as silly as the shitter in question - in fact, hell, i'll get more utility out of this crapper i'll bet then i'll ever see from the military boon-doogles of the past decade.
  16. sounds like your problem is w/ the people then - if americans won't shell-out to shit, relying instead on the state, aren't they, not their pet congresses, to blame?
  17. are we in that much love w/ our system? the do-nothing periods when one party doesn't control both the legislature and the executive? election years when fuck-all's going to happen? parliamentary systems w/ elections as needed and combined legislative and executive powers seem an improvement.
  18. if you're watching the super bowl halftime show you have no standing to complain about ANYTHING
  19. the declaration of the rights of man is a pretty bitch'n document - hasn't kept the francos from acting like fuckos though pretty certain jefferson n' washington woulda crapped in their culottes if they knew people in the future would think they thought poor black guys n' illiterate crackers should be able to have a frigate's worth of firepower in their foyer
  20. any university hell-bent on achieving absolute-zero? mit? caltech?
  21. i'm horrified that so many countries have drifted away from hammurabi's code too who cares if other nations like our set of rules? we're a pretty atypical country anyhow, given our relatively young age and unique history and evolution - how many nations have adopted our model and had it blow up on them? african states modeling their executive on ours sure have fucked up good n' ugly, no?
  22. i got a 3 year old to the top of beacon rock once on the promise a death-ray was located up there
  23. of course it is - right down there at the bottom "the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven and of the Independance of the United States of America the Twelfth"
  24. Not sure. But I think $3.2 million is a bit on the high side. Especially when we are amputating the feet of Washington State kids for lack of adequate funding. we're a society that spends more on pet food than on feeding homeless people - go figure
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