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Everything posted by ivan

  1. wouldn't be suprised - a good cover story if you were freaking out over having kids and wanted to ditch them?
  2. that's my question! i'm planning on doing the exact opposite the week after!
  3. looks like half the scenes in "laurence of arabia"
  4. +1 for Sky Chimney..fun as hell and some great exposure out of the belay cave! the 2nd pitch of skyridge is wicked-fun trady goodness and made for a nice cool down (quite literally in the stiff breeze saturday night) after a bit of a beatdown on new testament
  5. sounds exaaaactly like the experience i had on it this weekend
  6. ivan


    it sure doesn't help when you live in a political culture where the label of "flip-flopper" is instantly applied to anyone who dares to change their mind. One man's flip flopper is another man's pragmatist. hard-core folks on either side of the political divide seem to despise pragmatists though, and everyone's playing to their base - there's a pragmatic solution to just about every issue confronting us at the moment (debt, immigration, energy, healthcare, etc), and not a one has a chance in hell of going anywhere it seems
  7. ivan


    it sure doesn't help when you live in a political culture where the label of "flip-flopper" is instantly applied to anyone who dares to change their mind.
  8. we can't can the chopped salmon nor fry up the filleted birdies?
  9. aLl yOUr cLifF aRe beLoNg tO uS!!!
  10. i alwasy thought tarantino was a modern-day shakespeare, now some clever fuckers have rendered pulp fiction into imabic pentameter! worth the 14 minute viewing, 'specially if you've memorized the original text http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504784_162-57388869-10391705/pulp-shakespeare-pulp-fiction-by-the-bard/?tag=cbsnewsSectionContent.11
  11. ivan


    everything would be a whole lot kewler if we had an amish president
  12. looking forward to borrowing miker's headlamp next summer and doing a corner lap w/ it so i can relive the Golden Years during my Adult Diaper Days still, the things are still too damn clunky...
  13. ivan


    why do you think its worse now than in the past? are you sure you're not remembering the past too fondly? seems to me, looking around my room (well, i'm on my lunch break, but here in another 2 minutes), that i can see a whole herd of literate, mostly engaged kids, many of whom will be popping back into my room over the next decade to talk about succesful careers and lives...
  14. i'm just providing color commentary here kirk, i have no axe to grind and am totally zen 'bout the birdies
  15. there's always room for a man w/ an attitude
  16. ivan


    Hey cupcake, it might be time to dial back on the testosterone you're taking for your training regimen, you're slipping into mondo aggro mode. Funny, when I read your line I heard it in the voice of the Calamity Jane character from Deadwood... genius - me too - great show - sucks dick it just up n' went away
  17. ivan


    i've been operating on the assumption you're the wookie princes (or her brother) for awhile now
  18. ole'boy will be here friday it looks like http://www.columbian.com/news/2012/feb/28/ron-paul-visit-vancouver-again-friday
  19. think your boy is supposed to be in the 'couve today or tomorrow there, hoss - you gonna go rally for him at the caucaus this weekend? ...Crickets nah, no need to be so cynical - i asked the question honestly - i'm sure the 'bone would dig taking his crew to the event, and wouldn't be surprised if he didn't know it was happening - the state would probably be better for it - i, on the other hand, can imagine far more enjoyable thigns to do w/ my saturday than hang out w/ a bunch of fucking replicants!
  20. [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKtz1ED9kkw
  21. ivan


    you assume wrongly - assuming my janitor is making a living wage, i'm pretty much happy to be making a mere 2x that
  22. ivan


    the point is they are a mulititude of people and ideas, so can't meaningfully be dismissed as a single entity. were the sans coulottes wrong? the girondists?
  23. ivan


    a large # of unorganzied people who are angry for a variety of reasons and who propose a laundry list of solutions, few of which they would seem to agree on?
  24. think your boy is supposed to be in the 'couve today or tomorrow there, hoss - you gonna go rally for him at the caucaus this weekend?
  25. since when the fuck did any of you b-ham-necks roll around w/ a mere 6 beers?
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