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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. Sorry, I still don't get it. Lets say you girth hitch the thing around a tree. The loop that you threaded the runner through is getting weighted just as much as the other loop (ignoring friction around the tree in this hypothetical case). I don't see how that is any different than throwing the runner around the tree and clipping both loops. You are probably right, but I'm dumb.
  2. Alpinfox


    Resize your picture NOLSe!!! edit: Ooops. My bad, your dick really is that small. Sorry.
  3. I have a homemade one that I've used and it's great for certain things like girth hitching trees, blocks, etc. If you have a big tree you may have to girth hitch several slings together to reach around the tree whereas a single rabbit runner has a lot more "useable length" because it isn't doubled up... I didn't explain that very well, but if you've used one, you know what I mean. Basically I think one rabbit runner will often do a job that would require a double length sling or a couple single length slings. I don't see why clipping one versus two loops would make a difference on the strength rating.
  4. Alpinfox


    Me too, woo hoo, when you going, it's my first time, I leave april 9th Damn, I fly back to SEA on the 8th. NOLSe, Look back at the thread. Sped didn't mention Hannah by name, YOU DID dumbshit. It's amazing that such a cool girl wasted so much time with you. I suppose if I was out aid sieging classic alpine free routes then I could be a REAL NOLSEy approved climber... STFU. To all those who have been living the climbing bum lifestyle vicariously through me... I apologize for letting you down. It's a dark day. But have faith! I'm only working PART TIME and I took the job on the condition that I can leave whenever I want with no hard feelings.
  5. Alpinfox


    I dunno, but I'm sure you have to have several years of NOLSey experience and some experience selling colored Nalgene bottles to yuppies. I mean, if you want to be a REAL climber anyway.
  6. Alpinfox


    At least you now have some what of an excuse for rarely going climbing. I was climbing quite a bit, I just don't inform you of all my trips. I won't be home to recieve your postcard cause I'll be in Red Rocks. Jon, yup. I saw you last week clickity clackin' down the hall in your cyclin' shoes. I would have said hello, but I couldn't catch you - I think your spandex gave you the edge. Plus, I am in awe of "The Man". Sped, you should see the sheep they have in the Animal Research dept. here. OH LA LA!!!
  7. Alpinfox


    This is the second week in a row with good weather during the week and a pissy weather forecast for the weekend. This working thing sucks. GODDAMNIT!!! Thank you for allow annoyed fox to vent.
  8. Dear Sasquatch, Go to a store and find out. At least, that is what brian boitano would do (WWBBD?).
  9. Shouldn't this be in the "Name this WHEEZER" thread?
  10. If you trust your partners, I say go for it.
  11. Yes, but this adds to the hardman image. "Oh, he's an INTERNATIONAL climber!!!" As for me, I like to strap an UltraLuxury Series LE Thermarest (with thermapocket pillow) onto the outside of my pack for those alpine bivies. It's like a magpies tail.... "Damn, if he can climb an extreme route like Das Toof with that much extra weight, he must be EXTRA HARD!!!" Yeah.
  12. You didn't get it right anyway since you didn't phrase it as a "?".
  13. "This word in "computerese" is taken from Hindu mythology and represents a user's identity in virtual reality".
  14. Mr. Peru, Is L-town this year's WA Pass? Is it where the cool cats are at? And what's this partnerless crap? Wherz yer seal cove hon? -Nosey Fox
  15. Hello, I seek billionaire person with her to stand on rocks in the exotic place. Please to send proof of billion to me yesterday. My toes are strong. Thanks for you to allow unwealthy fox to post.
  16. My english teacher was quite sane. Get a red pen and I think you'll be just fine. Better yet, buy a whole package...splurge a little. Any tips for getting red sharpie marks off of a computer screen?
  17. Mr E has to do SOMETHING with the vegetation he cleans out of all those cracks he bolts! Nice way to recycle those gnarly little trees. Mr.E and I put up a route called "Bonzai". It features three miniature trees growing out of cracks on or near the route.
  18. I can't work - the grammar/spelling alarms going off in my head due to reading this thread are distracting me.
  19. Dru I agree with you but for ethical rather than practical reasons. It's more humane to euthenize someone/something with drugs rather than starving them to death. However, you make a good point. I wonder if her organs are usable after 5 years of being bedridden and fed through a tube? KK, I don't know, but I suspect that T.S.'s level of self-awareness is below that of a retarded person's. Is she responsive to painful stimuli? Is it really true that she "tracked a balloon with her gaze" and has responded to verbal stimuli or is that just wishful thinking on the part of her parents/lawyer? The mental test I apply to these sorts of cases is, if I was in T.S.'s place, what would I want? The answer is that I would want to be euthenized.
  20. Yup. There was a good article about him in Alpinist 8.
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