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Everything posted by Gary_Yngve

  1. I like how you use your fish-eye.
  2. If Larry the Tool has his way, they'll be busting people for bivying overnight at the trailheads (right now you're prohibited from bivying at popular trailheads in some Natl Parks... Paradise, Cascade Pass...). I've yet to see any fee from the Forest Pass go into trail maintenance. More likely it's going into law enforcement / electronic / surveillance equipment, which was apparent the last time I saw Larry's SUV.
  3. I was In-Town Operations Leader (ITOL), as work right now is a bit too hectic for me to get out. Sounds like all the rescuers who were up there had a great time and got some sweet views. Relieved that the heli could fly and it wasn't a carryout from up there..
  4. Eldon Burrier, the subject of the rescue last night, has been jumping for a long time: http://www.nytimes.com/2004/08/23/nyregion/thrill-for-bored-with-parachuting-crowd.html He was also arrested this morning for an outstanding warrant for reckless endangerment in a state park (presumably involving base jumping?).
  5. The execs of BP could care less that they're tanking -- they already have fat wallets, and the notion of the corporation protects them from personal liability. The people who will suffer are the BP employees and the folks who have invested in BP. No doubt the BP execs will find jobs at other corporations -- these other corps are looking to take advantage of a short-term profit at expense of the common good. Not saying that it's right or wrong -- just that it's reality.
  6. Holy Shit! Soccer is about money! WHO EVER WOULD HAVE THOUGHT THAT! Money is not the essential point I was trying to make. In an economic system or in a game, their are incentives to do things that are not for the common good, against the spirit of the game, against the rules, unfair, etc. And there are consequences for taking advantage of these incentives. Many times the consequences do not sufficiently outweigh the incentives. Look at Goldman Sachs, BP, etc. They know better than to do what is right for the common man.. if they have an opportunity to gain an advantage by preventing a goal with a handball, they will take it. That is capitalism at its finest.
  7. Actually we learned from the World Cup that it is capitalism at its finest. Make as much money as you can, and treat obeying the law as a calculated business decision. Goal-preventing handball (Uruguay vs. Ghana)? Screw sportsmanship. It let's you advance to the next round.
  8. Often in cases of missing party members, there is some delay before the RP contacts SAR, because the RP is right then and there and conducting their own search and because they don't want to cause a false alarm. However, the more time that goes by, the wider the area that the missing could be located. The right call of when to call for help is an "it depends", based on many factors. Given the circumstances and conditions here, I don't think any of us can question their decision on where they went and when they called for help. In more lowland searches, SAR will often advise asking for help ASAP, because SAR may possess inside knowledge of where people repeatedly get lost in an area and are often able to quickly insert and search en masse. Such a tactic does not transfer readily to high on Rainier.
  9. No. He's related to Carl Lewis.
  10. Climb as much different stuff as you can, anywhere you can. If you cannot lead it, then aid/french-free so you can top-rope it. Go climbing with a more experienced person, even at the gym, watch them climb, and ask for critiques on your climbing. How is your footwork? Balance? Power? Endurance? Does your hand/finger sizes make certain things easier/harder? How is your lead head? Can you easily lead the 5.8s on GNS (aside from Buttlips Chimney)? Can you go to Castle Rock and lead Canary or Fault? Or lead 5.9 jugs at Vantage?
  11. Maybe Larry the Tool confiscated it.
  12. Sobo, I was talking more about IE6. I'm actually surprised that Jon is bundling IE6 and IE7 into the same. IE6 has many more incompatibilities than IE7, and there are even some stuff that IE7 is more standard on than IE8. Our trick is to focus on IE7 and tell IE8 to run in IE7 compatibility mode.
  13. Mostly it is corporate dudes still using IE 6. They are afraid to upgrade, whether it is from IT/training/security costs, or because they fear that their employees will be YouTubing and FBing all day. Amazing how many places are still using legacy IBM machines, WIndows NT, etc. There are still plenty of ATMs around running OS/2, which IBM had stopped supporting in 2006.
  14. I believe failure to report a crime is in fact a crime in Washington. It is probably seldom used, more as a carrot and the stick with witnesses of murders I think that's usually considered as being an accessory (after the fact) to a crime. Several of the relatives of the Lakewood cop killer were charged with this. But you're right -- there is a specific law: http://apps.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=9.69.100 Though I would think in most cases, it wouldn't apply, because you are not required to report if it would put you in danger for snitching.
  15. So the sherrif made it crystal clear you should just walk away and go about your business on stumbling upon a body? Rob is talking about SAR folks in the field. You don't walk away. You radio to the deputy and await further orders. For the general public, common sense and good karma would dictate reporting the body as soon as practicably/safely possible, for the sake of the body, the family, and any search efforts. But I believe, unless it is work-related or caused by you, you are not legally obligated to report a crime, serious injury, or death.
  16. A friend of a friend once said something profound: "When we had our kid, I stopped reading the paper." In other words.. though that quote can be spun for comic relief, the fact is that he didn't have time to read the paper, just as Holder and Neapolitano do not have time to read Arizona's controversial new law.
  17. This is where I think Europe does it better. The President attends the funerals. The Prime Minister gets stuff done. Refresh my memory - how many funerals did GWB attend in his 8 years? There were plenty of opportunities, post-Katrina, post-Iraq, post-Afghanistan, post-9/11. I don't recall a big White House presence at many - if any - of those many thousands of funerals, and I also don't recall you claiming that it somehow demonstrated your man in the Oval Office wasn't "up to the task". Evidently something has changed...
  18. I don't call that "vacation." I call that working offsite. Vacation in my mind means that you can shut off your phone and email and do whatever you want.
  19. Do you think we'd have less tolerance for BP's antics if they spoke with a Texas drawl, as opposed to a British accent?
  20. Apparently the idiots at BP have never heard of "underpromise and overdeliver"
  21. I would be all for increased enforcement of cyclists obeying the rules of the road if we'd have increased enforcement of motor vehicle drivers and pedestrians too. I constantly see drivers yakking on cell phones, going 45mph on Westlake, rolling through stop signs, failing to yield to peds at a crosswalk, etc. I do also want to point out that there are many actions cyclists may take that drivers think are violations of the law (e.g., taking the lane), when they are actually legal and safe. Finally, our society generally has the notion that the punishment is proportional to the danger/potential harm of the offense. Cars are much more lethal to others than bicycles. Additionally, the rules of the road were written for cars, and as such, are a little contrived for bicycles, because bicycles travel at lower speeds, are more maneuverable, and take up less space. Idaho has passed some progressive bicycle laws allowing rolling through stop signs and treating red lights as stop signs if no one else is around.
  22. Bullshit, Gary. Ever hear of either of these guys? TIB or CRAB That's just for Washington. They use gas tax money to fund local agency projects, that is, projects where you live. NOT limited access highways First, note that I said "majority" and "tends", not "all" and "always". If you read CRAB and TIB, you would see that: - The annual county road department budgets for 2007 totaled about $1.3 billion, funded by local property taxes, a share of the state motor vehicle fuel tax, federal and state grants, and other sources. - The funding for TIB's grant programs come from revenue generated by three cents of the statewide gas tax. Looking up WA's motor vehicle fuel tax, you can see that it is 37.5 cents/gal, so TIB is less than 10% of it. Now, moving on.. let's look at the King County budget http://www.kingcounty.gov/operations/Budget/~/media/operations/Budget/2010%20Executive%20Proposed%20Budget%20Book/Transportation.ashx On page 53, you can see that expenditures for roads are about 90M per year, with another 30M going to a roads construction fund. For the revenues, about 85M come from property taxes and 15M from gasoline taxes. I cannot find how much King County spends on bicycle/ped infrastructure, but Seattle spends less than 6% of their DOT budget: http://streetsforallseattle.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/Streets-For-All-Seattle.pdf Moving on to the state budget: http://www.leg.wa.gov/Senate/Committees/WM/Documents/Publications/BudgetGuides/2010/CGTB2010Final_3.pdf Washington DOT's funding is 7.6B per year on transportation (page 8). Of that, only 2.7B is from gas tax, of which half goes to counties. http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/Finance/budget/BudgetPieCharts.htm On the other hand, WSDOT shows well over 4B in highway-related expenses: http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/Finance/budget/2009-11ExpendituresTable.htm This means that the difference comes from grants, bonds (whose debts are paid via general fund), other taxes, etc. So once again I say that it is the drivers who are getting the free ride from the cyclists, not the other way around (and either way, the point is moot if one owns a bicycle and a car).
  23. Pay for tags? Get real. The majority of roadwork gets paid for via property taxes and sales taxes. The portion that gets paid for via gas tax tends to go just to limited access highways (interstates, etc.), where bicyclists usually cannot ride anyway. With Eyman's reduction in car tab fees a few years ago, the fees pretty much just cover administrative costs -- licensing is justified because of the pollution a car causes and the proportional danger drivers can cause. Note that the majority of adult cyclists own a car too, so they are paying those fees too. Even accounting for the loss in highway revenue from gas tax, realize that cycling puts negligible wear on the road compared to a car, and trucks put way more wear on the road than cars (truck fuel and associated fees filter down into the cost of goods we purchase). Back in the day, some jurisdictions had optional bicycle tags and dabbled with required (but usually unenforced) tags, for the purposes of theft recovery. Now there are online tools where one can do it without govt bureaucracy. Finally, note that the implementation of any form of bicycle/bicyclist licensing would be difficult to spell out. Would any of the following need a tag/license? - a bike for a kid (how old would a kid need to be before being licensed?) - a mountain bike - a bike used on just multi-use trails or in your neighborhood - a bike used only for racing - a bike used as a spare / for parts - crossing jurisdictions (if Bellevue implemented a tag/license law, and a Seattle resident biked through there without a Bellevue tag, would they be in the wrong?)
  24. An Illinois school district is stopping a high school basketball team from attending a tournament in AZ. Sarah Palin is encouraging the kids to "go rogue" and attend the tournament. http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2010/05/13/sarah-palin-arizona-girls-basketball-team-illinois-school-superintendent-travel/ Though I dislike both the AZ law and Sarah Palin, I agree with her message.. the kids should go rogue.
  25. Yeah, the hardest part about SC is that last bit of the dihedral where the crack thins and there is a jug way up left.. and you're pumped.. or the hardest part is the first moves off the deck where your feet are right by the anchor bolts and the crack is flaring pretty bad and you're not wanting to deck.
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