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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Bug

    Tree Sitting

    Yeah. They're almost as bad as Bush/Cheney/Rumsfield/ .........
  2. Bug


    I have that tent. It can be yours for $40.
  3. Bug

    old gear

    Camlocks are useless as cams but are OK if used as a stopper. If you trust them to cam like a tricam they are definately useless.. Even at that, I would use them as leave peices. Maybe even hammer them in. I do use a medium size camlock a lot for wide fingers but it goes in flat like a stopper.
  4. I don't see MattP as a trial and error kind of guy. But experience through careful mentoring and self study might fit. Wrote rule following will get you killed in this sport eventually.
  5. Bug


    Frostline kits.
  6. Good call. Maybe a bit crusty but with this pick you show you have good judgment, that goes along way to start off with IMO. Thats the way to do it too. Bam! Just like that. Crusty!? Me? You have more opinions than a Jewish knitting club. I sent him a PM. No response. But I suspect he will find his way.
  7. Search the "Partners needed" forum and find people wanting to do routes you think you can follow. If you don't ask, the answer is always "NO".
  8. You spend too much time in front of a computer Porter.
  9. I have always admired my dad's balanced look at presidents. "They are all assholes with meglomaniacal tendencies and self serving agendas. They will sell their souls for a shot at immortality. But they all shit big stinking turds just like you and me."
  10. Bug

    Kids Ropeup

    It depends on what kids are along but in the past, most kids were not into climbing all day. They liked the activity and all but most tended to be a little difficult to pry away from the social scene. The point is, finding a really cool climbing place is for the adults. The kids are there for the hot chocolate and smores. I know Rudy's kids are really good climbers. Mine are OK and do it as a side note. So you might want to figure out who is going and what the real goal is before you plan a long drive. I am not going so my opinion is just fyi. I am just putting my observations from past kids ropeups out there.
  11. A thoughtful combination of the two is the correct appraoch. Alpine climbing includes knowing what you have to have to weather the weather and what you can leave behind in order to have a reasonably light pack. For this and general moving through the woods on approaches, the "Self Taught" approach works well. And get youself into situations where you might have to back out. AND BE WILLING TO BACK OUT SOON ENOUGH. Often, you will be surprised at how successfull and safe you can be. This is invaluable training on route finding and confidence building. When it comes to roping up and getting onto 5th class, find a mentor. The most dangerous period of your climbing carreer is learning how to lead. Books are a great start. So is gym climbing and sport climbing. But having a mentor to help you figure out the variations on trad climbing and descending safely is really necessary imo. There are lots of people on this site who take newbies out. There are also classes and guides. Be patient. Be persistent. Get out on the stuff you can do safely in the meantime.
  12. Bug

    Full Circle

    Yeah, nice. It reminds me of the wolf pack that raised me in a cave in Montana. They were soooo warm and cuddly. But don't bite the nipples man. This IS spray. We always had a house but there were more than a few hungry moments. 2 meals a day when I was 3 and 4. We used to drive up the Rattlesnake and pic the apples from the old homsteads. We also shot everything that moved and ate it. Cattail shoots. huckleberries, you name it. Looking back it was quite an education. At the time I was just plain hungry.
  13. Bug

    Kids Ropeup

    Poach a site up the Yakima somewhere?? Climber's bivy? Park at the eightmile trailhead and walk 100yrds up the switchback? Lake Wenatchee state park? The Enzian?
  14. Bug

    Kids Ropeup

    I was in Icicle Saturday and the road is closed at Ida creek. Chatter is not an option.
  15. When I talk to my daughters about climbing, I always include a note about what could happen if you fail to do each thing. I try to be honest but put it in a fun way. Like, "That knot might work but then again it might not. You might die if it doesn't. But I'll still have all those wonderful pictures of you and I won't have to pay for college. Do you want to see a knot that definately will work?" A similar approach can be taken with strangers. Keep it light, to the point and accurate.
  16. I did it in 9 hours at a leisurely hiking pace and with a nap.
  17. Bug

    Kids Ropeup

    Call the Leavenworth Ranger Station today to reserve a group site. 1-509-548-6977 They are not open as much as you might think. In the past we had to go up to Chatter Creek but that is not accessible due to the wash out. Another time we used the Nason creek site on the Yakima river. Have fun!
  18. NP. I understand. I will be in that area Sept 6-7 if that makes a diff.
  19. Bug

    Liberal Guilt

    I'd love to sit here on my huge ass and type but I have a car to pack so I can spend the weekend climbing. So let's just agree now that everything I've posted today is true and undeniable. Thank you. Thank you. Yes you too. Thank you. Cheers!
  20. Bug

    Liberal Guilt

    Have another beer bish.
  21. Persians have been saying they are Persian since they were a huge empire for far longer than the US has been around. GW didn't know this It makes no sense to argue about beautiful women. The solution is simple. Republicons get the fat ugly ones that talk too much. Demoscats get the cute ones.
  22. i hear there's some good skiing and climbing in Iran And hot chicks. Seriously, some of the most beautiful women I have ever seen were Iranian. It seems like such a shame to hide all that behind a veil.
  23. Bug

    Liberal Guilt

    you'll have to wait your turn; the line is long That's cause its so easy.
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