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Everything posted by Bug

  1. A few years ago we went up the cat track and across the rock field. One of the guys in my party wanted to cut up the gulley at the end of the rocks. He ended up buried up to his chest. Avalanche conditions were "considerable" that day.
  2. My condolences to the family, her partner, and friends.
  3. You can watch a short introductory video about Inner Engineering, by Sadhguru, the founder of Isha foundation which offers the program, here: Inner Engineering Talk by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev
  4. or keep lit an ass candle in the wind. Since you brought it up, what is the etymological origin of "ass candle"? Or is it "Ass-candle"?
  5. Its like trying to retreive a fart into the wind.
  6. I went up there with two newbies on the 26th. It was pretty reasonable as far as avy danger went. I climbed the slab in the middle and set up a top rope over the steeper stuff between the slabs and the main falls. I looked at the stuff to the left but was too afraid to get any closer to the highway. The plow went by twice and dropped crud from 180 ft above. I keep getting errors trying to load the photo here. So the link is below. Franklin Falls pic
  7. Really good advice right now especially.
  8. Bug

    Happy New Year!

    Soooo. What did you blow up? I'm looking at a flock of geese and a dog that never stops barking. Maybe I'll get some sleep tonight.
  9. Getting a higher post count=bragging rights... Hahahah... The sad part is that you are actually right. Do you all know how incredibly LAME this is? Sometimes I am amazed that you are climbers. Such a peaceful, gratifying activity that you turn into a way to brag about how cool you are. Some day you'll (hopefully) look back and realize what it is really about. Go post some more TR’s! It's nice hanging with ya Mike.
  10. There will be peaks and valleys. On the way down. On the way up. We are definately not all the way down yet.
  11. We have seen the bailout of banks We have seen the bailout of wall street. We have seen the bailout abroad on a bigger scale than here. Everybody is scared. Main street will get support too or there will be no consumer base. The biggest concern will be containg inflation after all the tax payer debt has piled up. There will almost have to be a restructuring of debt. Meanwhile, YES, my freezer is full. Half of it is frozennnnnn milk jugs in case the electricity goes. My pantries are full of dried foods.
  12. who is a big post count whore? I'm just trying to fit in with you guys. Am I cool yet?
  13. You are NOT one of Palin's Americans.
  14. Hmm. Lots of passion there. It sounds as though if you read the materials that I linked, you'd be able to translate this set of convictions into concrete statements about the optimal discount rate and, by extension, the optimal carbon-tax schedule. It sounds as though you are convinced that yours is the only path to economic balance. Perhaps if you were to branch out and consider the benefits reaped by countless innovative endevours over the eons, you wouldn't seem so startchy. Don't get me wrong here. Your materials were really quite good and even offer one potentially viable solution to a shared perception of impending disaster. What I think the approach is hindered by is the continued carbon-centric economic model. I know we cannot change the economic institutions over night but the first step to solving a problem is admitting that there is one. Our problem, as your linked materials note, is the heavy dependence on coal and oil based energy sources. The first step in this case is the admission that we are enrgy gluttons. There are huge changes that can be made to our energy consumption patterns that cost realatively little monetarily or by standard of living. Start at home with examples like Fairweather listed. The impact of those alone, promoted by government and utilized on a grand scale would be significant. Move on to the office, then light industry, and then heavy industry. But don't let's get bogged down on one existing example. Think. It is what America is MOST famous for.
  15. You are screwed just like the rest of us. Live to climb another day.
  16. The way McSame scoffed at a energy conservation plan clearly revealed where the old boy republican stance lies. Given the choice, McSame would continue burning, cutting, and consuming. Funny. With G senior it was "about the economy stupid". With little G not only did he screw the lower classes but he screwed future generations as well. Only Laura and a few diehard lie swallowers still pretend that the GW presidency was not a failure. Let's look at the list. We have to dig our way out of a morass in Iraq. We have to dig our way out of a morass in Afganistan. We have to dig our way out of a morass in our debt to China. We have to dig our way out of a morass in our inability to maintain automobile production. We have to dig our way out of a morass due to the lack of oversight authority the SEC has AND how much they even use what they have. We have to dig our way out of a morass in world respect. Meanwhile, Dick Cheney has admitted to outing Plame and gets away with TREASON. I say try and hang the bastard just like we did to Saddam. The only question I have is, will Cheney find a way to pardon himself?
  17. Marketing. Which side is being duped? What I DO know is, after the 50's and early 60's Lake Michigan was dead. The river by my grandparents' house caught fire and burned twice in one month. Acid rain falling on farms in the northeast was determined to have originated in the coal burning industrial centers of the midwest. In Missoula Mt the smog was so bad in the early 60's that you could not see moving cars one block away. The headwaters of the Clark Fork river around Butte and Anaconda were dead or dying from the smelter. The Navajo in the Southwest were dying from radiation poisoning from the Manhattan project. Teakettle mnt on the border of Glacier Park was dead from the Columbia Falls smelter. The list goes on. Who will profit in the short run? Corporations. It is their "fidutiary responsibility" to their stock holders. Who will suffer in the long run? Who cares. I'm 49. I'll be dead by the time it matters. I agree with pc313, Fairweather, Hugh, GW, etc. If we can make a buck today, why worry about the future? Just think of how rich our parents would have become if those damned environmentalists hadn't forced Detroit and the steel industry to use sulphur scubbers. Dang. I could be living off the fat right now.
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