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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Bug

    avatar pictures

    I am a dung beetle. I only live on cc.com. Gettin nice n fat.
  2. Bug is a dork. Bug is a dork. So INdex in in the North Cascades too? Now I'm lost.
  3. North Cascades? More like Alpine Lakes. Nice TR. I did that several years ago. Getting to the top of the ridge was wet mossy slab interspersed with steep sloping pine needles. The summit is nice though and it is a great workout. I consider it a classic NW climb. It has a barely descernable trail, bushwhacking, Mossy slab, brush aid, route finding by dead reckoning, a breakout to a view, one nice easy snowfield and a stellar summit view. I took a quick jaunt up to Lk Serene and ate lunch. I had to be back by 3:00 to pick up the kids.
  4. Brand new webbing with new knots will slip out occaissionally. After a couple years they lock up and you can't get them to come apart. I still check every knot every time I go climbing and several times while I am on the rock.
  5. If I don't go, swing by and pick up my kid's shoes. They are about a size 12. My 8 yr old wears them.
  6. That's a big huge maybe for me but I'll work on it.
  7. Reminds me of skydiving lingo like, "Hey, I got into a little 3-way R-W. I was the last to pull."
  8. I have the first three weekends in April but I do not want to drive all the way to Smith. Let's all go to Banks lake. It is a little more than half the drive time and no crowds. Quartz monzanite domes. I really shouldn't even be giving out this info.
  9. Bug


    Found this on the site Alpine posted: Other NUSEL Sites Gran Sasso region in Italy In 1993 a highway tunnel and adjacent neutrino lab were dug through the Gran Sasso mountain range in central Italy. What was perhaps unanticipated is that the tunnel and lab act as a drain for the water table of the mountain. Ten workers were killed by the outpouring and the water table in the mountain was dramatically lowered by 800 meters, to the tunnel level. The tunnels empty 3050 liters of water per second from the mountain. Three rivers with their source on the mountain have reduced flows: the Tavo River by 70%, the Tinno River by 16% and the Enel River by 18%, as certified March, 1999 in a National Geologic Service report.
  10. Bug


    And the lack of water in Icicle creek.
  11. This world needs a little more justice. Will definately keep an eye open for your gear. I am going to 2nd ascent Sat. If you have any pics, send them to me. Otherwise, I will take this thread. I have extra gear for you to use on Liberty ridge but it may be too big for you.
  12. Corporations "have a responsibility to provide a reasonable rate of return" to their investors. Prices will go as high as people will pay regardless of all other factors.
  13. Scouting is fun for everybody. Look at all the fun we're having. After about five years in Troop 9 in Missoula, I was ready for anything. We used to ski up to Stewart ridge (7000) and set up lean-to's in 6 feet of snow. We stacked logs crossways and built fires on top of those. We still ended up in the bottom of a smokey pit but we were warm and happy. The next day we would ski the peak (8500) and ski out. There were also some trips in the Bitterroot. We knew enough about avalanches to stay in the trees on intermediate terrain. We dug a few snow caves but they don't hold up well in front of a big roaring fire so we usually stuck with a 10x10 sheet of black plastic. We also didn't have gortex or pile. Just wool and some kind of plastic or rubber raincoat. We were lucky to have packs less than 50 lbs and that was after careful planning. It was great fun. Even without the combustibles.
  14. Bug

    Free Martha!

    I felt like she was being scapegoated so the public would think that our SEC under Bush is actually doing something. I still think that but now I don't care because she had the GALL to say, "It was only $40,000.00". Not much if you're a billionare but who bought the stock she sold and then lost there shirt for a "MEASLY $40,000.00?" I don't know about you guys but $40K is not pocket change for me. Lock er up.
  15. Bug

    My tale of woe

    You need a roll-cage on your bed. Do post your neighbors pics.
  16. Morbidity is one thing, knowing what not to do so you can survive is quite another. I used to read all the accident reports I could find. There have been a number of times that I have avoided potential problems because I found myself in situations that were similar. But there are also some really funny stories sometimes. Like the guy who broke his leg on Bora in Idaho and his buddy went out fore help. Help arrived about a quarter to dark in blue jeans and packinn coca cola. The trusty helicopter showed up just in time but was unable to get close enough to see because of the fog. The "rescuer" on the ground said he could hear the chopper and knew it was close so he told the pilot to release the sling. It was about 600 feet above a snowfield that extended about 1000' down. The gear was dispersed evenly over the entire thing. By this time the blue jeans and cotton sweat shirts that had been soaked in sweat started cooling down. The guy with the broken leg had to give up his tent and triage his rescuers and treat them for hypothermia accordingly.
  17. Bug

    Best Newbie Climbs

    So I guess you wouldn't approve of my "date shoes". Women's size 6. They fit a long list of girlfriends (wait,,,, Im starting to get it.... Nope. Don't get it) one of which still climbs. Come to think of it, she may have run off with the shoes. Anyway, how many girls do you know who climb? Now how many guys do you know who climb? Now I have had my butt kicked by a girl climber or two but the reality is, there are not many girls who really get into it. Woe to the male climbing community. Climbing = celebacy, (let's not get into that masturbation theme again). So, for the most part, while I always dreamed of finding a girl who could cook, clean, and climb, most of them were not into climbing. So when we did go out, it was on something easy so it would be fun for everyone (celebacy sucks). So I hope I haven't pissed you off or anything.
  18. Never mind. I just bought a second hand rope.
  19. Well I ....er.. Oh never mind.
  20. Fuck you, you man-purse carrying , Liberace loving, skin flute player... This could make for an interesting time on Gib Ledges.... Does anyone know of a quick release system for the belay rope? Kind of like a rip cord, was what I was thinking. That way, when these two go tumbling down the Gib Chute cursing and swinging, biting and gashing, I can watch from above. Maybe still summit.
  21. Reagan said things in such broad terms you had to be a spotted owl with three warts on your ass to not like what he was saying. Trouble was, Reagans interpretation was tilted toward screwing the little guy (farmers,insurance co, savings and loans)and taxing the middle class (taxing unemployment benefits that we already payed into, user fees)while also raising the deficit to record levels, scraping the forests bare, and compromising our miranda rights (a cop can pull you over at will and search you car). Play that against his sound bites. Meanwhile, Mondale tried to represent his party. Such is Kerry. That is the similarity I am talking about. And do not discount GW. $100 mil goes a long ways in a pres campaign. You can buy ALL the best marketers corporate America can scrape up with that much $. It won't matter who he is or what he did. The hype will be deafening. Even Catbird might be swayed. And Dave Schuldt is a shoe-in for the new republican party by sound bite. My fovored ticket;
  22. He is following his party NOT leading it. It is a maze and a quagmire. The only thing he has tried to do so far is respond to Bush and champion long-standing Democratic issues. These should be secondary to what he personally will do to make a difference. How will he lead us? What is his plan? Edwards and Dean presented their own ideas with much more depth. If we run another Democratic poster-boy against Bush, we are going to to get trampled. We need someone who comes out of the "New Idea" spectrum. Oh shit. It is too late isn't it?
  23. We are screwed. Kerry is a total Mondale re-run. Doomed to collapse into his own conflicting party image to lick his wounds and wonder "Why don't they understand that I am working to create things that we stand for and make sense to me when I am running for President?" SHOW ME THE ISSUES!
  24. Bug

    Best Newbie Climbs

    BS. I still like them. I guess I'm still a newbie.
  25. I always prefered wrist-rockets. The whole neighborhood gets involved.
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