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Everything posted by Bug

  1. You know I posted about that episode in the girl's bathroom don't you?
  2. DUDE i live in Oregon... pub club is at least a 5 hour drive You could stop at rest stops with your laptop, log into the WiFi and post.
  3. I met Layton at Ropeup. He wasn't very nice. EricB was there too. He ate all my shrimp then complained. Builder206 said he would be there but couldn't get out of bed. Dragon1 actually climbed with me two days in a row. But he told poo stories an the way home. Porter, you two should hook up. Ketch was there in good form. He brought the sound and screen. CBS was there after climbing Cocaine crack. He shared neither. Ivan was there being obtuse. Almost bivied on Pressure Drop. Kelley came out of the loft on thast trip. Sherri was a kick. All the other girls ignored me for much younger men. The list goes on. It's amazing what happens when you reach over, turn off the computer and walk outside. I'm doing it this weekend. Leavenworth. Asgard Pass and Dragotail or something hikey/climby like that. Any of you wankers up for the trip? Or would that interfere with your posting?
  4. Oh, and in Porter's case, pooh encrusted.
  5. Hey. Folks. It's called pub club. Get off your lazy, computer laden asses. Cheers!
  6. Rumour has it that KKK had a gay relationship with George Bush.
  7. I'll bring the side dishes. So what is the difference between a rooster and a cock?
  8. I am open Dec 15 to climb Gib ledges. So far I have no one to go with. Schedules and Rainier do not mix well but we can organize and be ready if conditions permit. PM me if you want to schedule a climb. I have summitted a few times by DC, Emmons, & LR. Never in winter. Got stormed off Gib Ledges a couple times.
  9. You are a lot more fun lately. Kind of reminds me of the old CC.COM.
  10. There are always people walking around in places like JT and the Valley selling gear. Most of them are legit but watch what you buy.
  11. The biggest attack on the Free Market system is by international corporations, one of which our VP was a ceo before taking office. Monopolistic practices is not free market by the way. Look at who holds controlling interest in the World bank and other multinationals and put that side by side with who is supporting CURRENT republican party polotics. Republicans used to be characterized by their fiscal responsibility and Governmental conservativsm. Iw as always pointed out that Democrats were the war mongers as our major wars were all declare with a Democrat in the white house. Now we are POURING money into Iraq and soon Iran. Meanwhile we defy efforts to conserve energy or develop alternatives. So why are we in Iraq? Money is certainly part of it but the real issue here is power. There is too much power concentrated in the white house. It is destroying our country. I have never been a Republican but I also have never beleived that they are totally wrong. The congressional moderates of the 60's and 70's were amoung the best governors of this country adn I mean on both sides of the aisle. It has been the Kennedy socialism and the Reagan facism that have polarized us and thereby continue to distract us while our constitution is dismantled by these facists who claim the Republican label but destroy the party with their radical spending. They claim your loyalty with lies about Christian values and Democracy when they support neither.
  12. I'm looking for some light weight Mixed climbing boots size 11 but I cannot find any info on Asolo Guides. Any link's or picks?
  13. meddling socialist engineers always trying to "solve" some problem with big gov't and only creating more problems... which of course they will "solve" with big gov't. repeat. meanwhile Archie pays more taxes So you are calling Reagan, Bush, and Bush Socialists? They expanded govt at record levels. That is if you consider govt spending.
  14. Be patient. It will all be under water soon.
  15. I always carry a paintball gun for occasions like this. PTUEE - SPLAT, PTUE - SPLAT. JUMP you slimy bilge rat or I'll load with marbles!
  16. Bug

    Skull Hollow

    As a parent I can tell you, having kids does not cure you of your faults. You just pass them along.
  17. Yeah. Especially kevbone's responses.
  18. Bug

    The cc.com of....

    No. Jesus loves you. It's the rest of us that think you're an asshole.
  19. Google is even better for many internal msft searches. Icredible search algorythm.
  20. Bug


    Read, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich". All the answers are there.
  21. I the tool bar, third from the right is the search function. When you get into that, Select the forum in the combo box o the left, type the topic/words you want to search on and select "in Subject" if you want to search titles only and "in subject and body" to search in the body of the posts too. Make sure you specify a pertinent date range
  22. Pussy! sorry, Keith, but you set yerself up like a bowling pin on that one... yur right. But you are a uterus.
  23. Bug


    You are a polyp on the asshole of the universe.
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