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Everything posted by Szyjakowski

  1. there is prolly a glacier still hanging out there!
  2. sure is... I hate that BC hay imean hydro.
  3. wow iain, it sounds if you know about everything a mountie must have.... hey, that means YOU are the biggest mountie IAin for grand mountie chimp.
  4. ahh the wapass hooker is at it again. hopefully see ya this week....
  5. so does erik
  6. all radiohead kicks ass! Pablo honey is definitely worth the purchase too.
  7. Szyjakowski


    i totally agree.... at least when your done scrub that unsightly mess off with the brushes you probably carry.
  8. Forgive my ignorance... Where is this? this climb is in the okanagan region of washington... currently, access to these crags is (i believe) closed or seriously threatened... worthyhands= BOBs 6th crack 5.8+ short but sweet (icicle) george&martha 10a (disVantage)
  9. you You exiled piece of fukin shit.
  10. fun climb...dodging cars and all. was it really that dirty to spend two hours.... but then i guess that is why i thought it was 5.8
  11. in a bigOjetairliner 37,000ft up left the muggy midwest back in the goodolenorthwest thankgawd
  12. what does it burn muthafuker???!!! then bobbyperu needs to be the bartender.... Cappellini you are one funny freak of nature. ropeupsmokeup
  13. do your sixty meters and stfu...
  14. next time reply "happy Cannabis day!" especially since it wasn't the fourth of july.... leaving paris now....off to Fontainebleau i go...then L'Alpe d'Huez, Chamonix and Austria... This place is soo much fun and the scenery is very very nice....
  15. Das Rad Haus in Leavenworth has many to choose from...although they probably dont have pics available on their webpage...very helpful for all bike needs.
  16. holy shitoli that means there is a v14 three mantle moves in arow!!!!!!! that will probably never be repeated.
  17. why do ya need rocks in socks when most climbers have a rack of cams... don't really think a little number four attached to a shoulder sling would feel that great whippin onto the cranium.....ouch
  18. yup.. that is pretty fricken stooopid. those americans should sue the canadian government for these bullshit actions and lack there of...
  19. that is totally fuked up! why are people so fricken ignorant... like its their/our fault bushie is insane!
  20. ahh, timm i just gettin the spray outa the way before i drive over to seatown to fly out tomorrow for good ole europe... gota get my american blinders all shined up...no hard feelings chache...
  21. and gappertimmay is a very close second.. ahchacha chaaaaaa....
  22. "The most important muscle for climbing is your brain. " Reinhard Karl and as my good friend rat likes to say do yer sixty meters and stfu! so meaningful and so true. keep the brains bullsheit acitvity to a nil and climbin becomes easier......
  23. your feared nemesis?
  24. attach no workie for me. please post image for my enjoyment. thank you.
  25. Szyjakowski

    The Mall

    the mall is good for people watchn! and that is about it... unelss ya need frangos!
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