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Everything posted by icegirl

  1. topo's are pretty, to hang on your wall, d00d... They are something you look at in the summer when you are sitting melting in 100degree heat, thinking... it'd be nice to be climbing some ice right now... Heck, for all we know, he's looking for the topo cause he wants to do the M7 variation (a nice bolted line), which happens to be one of two way to get through if the pencil is not in (not normally in). There is also a walk around route to the right. Gee, this is starting to sound like a topo _might_ be helpful... Your input albiet profoundly helpful, is uncessesary.
  2. icegirl

    Yo! Yo!

  3. EV, I'd love to see it as well... ljjames at mac.com
  4. i'm sorry, I didn't catch that Rudy, could you turn it up a bit? mythos so
  5. Oh, come on, they are SO NOT SUCK! (just cause they don't work for you Rudy...) Pretty? Light purple or Sea Foam Green (IF you can wear the girly one - I can't) being your only options... Dude, I don't think people are buying them for their looks...
  6. icegirl


    Can you say "HUMAN Q-TIP"!!!!!
  7. mythos mythos mythos!
  8. Too TRUE!
  9. Yup, that's right, unless it rains, we are gonna keep it going until lack of daylight makes it SUCK! Wednesday, Aug. 11, meeting at the trailhead sometime around 4pm, Exit 38, Deception crags area... Starting at Write Off Rock, moving on to We Did Rock... If you can't meet us at 4, feel free to catch up with us at the climbs, we pull the ropes around 8pm. http://www.northbendrock.com/Deception/index.htm All experience levels welcome! (newbies encouraged!!)
  10. Huh? never battle a one armed man???? Yeah, I guess that _would_ take some of the sport out of it...
  11. PranaTOP!
  12. Thanks for the laughs guys... B, no worries, I think NOLSe made this bed. He can take care of himself... We have breast, I mean chest-beating to do about our PranaTOP climbs I learned a while back, do not defend the undefendable
  13. More pictures!!! http://homepage.mac.com/ljjames/PhotoAlbum48.html
  14. what does a degree and cooking have to do with one another? Unless your degree is from Culinary arts school When I was in high school the forced us to take a class called "Home Ec" where boys and girls ALL learned to cook. Hmm... Of course to graduate we all had to take Business education as well, and learn how to type 70 wpm AND do our taxes Hmmm... Equality of the sexes
  15. uh oh, Greg has found yet another woman to call nasty names... Now now greg, I think she got you, HOOK, LINE and SINKER! FISH ONNNNNNN!
  16. And did a fabulous job, now ya'll know how to clean a route, making you that much more solid as a potential climbing parnter! Nice follow on that last climb Panhannah, you SO rock! Highlights, Brianna and the uber monkey moves (which worked well for me I might add) Nina following CBS and cleaning that fine route, Pandhanna with a couple of stellar leads, one of which "human foot", will make my list of nice (long) 5.8's! There were two good "quotes" of the day... as I was christening my new rack, Sno (on the way up trail) complements me on my nice "aluminum tutu" I tell ya, only at a girls climb! The other one I'll let Sno or Dryad relate The following after climbing munchies in North Bend, was a hoot, as usual (measuring out Ape Index amoung other things), and the evening was topped off by a fine piece of CHOCOLATE CAKE!!! Picture to follow!
  17. Dru is a cat person... that is too funny... a black cat even... I GOTTA hear the story behind that... Was it yours, of did a GF leave it with you???? nice carpet.
  18. lol, yeah, what's with the trou??!?
  19. dru, is that your gut hanging out over your cat-lap-top?
  20. cross post from events thread... Come on out ladies! Newbies welcome/encouraged!
  21. macintosh G4 powerbook (or a new G4 ibook)
  22. The classic "head jam", obviously
  23. I'd second Jim Nelson and Stim Bullitt (and most of the others, for that matter, but those two came to mind quite easily )... thanks for the input Lowell, FWIW, I'd have to agree.
  24. will strickland, you are a very very bad man
  25. Hmm... I have quite a few... from mad pumpking orange hair, Euro-fuckiing-eyesore ice climbing outfit, Marshmellow drysuit (gee, do I have some odd thing going on with red outfits? Not NEARLY as bad as my taste in HATS?!?! , then there is the one that ended up in the gay bar in downtown seattle... Where do I start...
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