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Everything posted by Richard_Pumpington

  1. Dick is out at the moment, but if you care to leave a message, put your mouth close to the mic and begin suckin'.
  2. No Billy, we didn't climb Leuthold Couloir, but that is because we didn't know how many pickets that we would need to leave behind, as to rappel the route.
  3. I climbed JPG on July 4th and saw your guys boot track. Did you know that where you were walking on the north ridge over to the summit pinnacle, was a gigantic cornice (that whole ridge-line is corniced) that is getting ready to peel off any day now? Anyway, we stayed on the crest of the knife-edge ridge(more fun climbing and more safe than traversing under all those loose blocks) and then climbed a ramp system to an ice arete, to the summit. We were the only people climbing on the 4th and the climbing conditions were perfect. Lots of fun! [ 07-06-2002, 02:50 PM: Message edited by: Richard Pumpington ]
  4. Yeah, but I thought Scot'teryx wore one of those neoprene facemasks, like in his other impressive summit photo.
  5. The road opened to Inspiration Point on June 25th and all the way to Cloud Cap on June 26th; climbed Sunshine on the 27th.
  6. You can't compare a Bibler tent to a Kelty tent; it's like comparing a Porsche to a Yugo. If your going to buy a double wall tent, go with a company that has proven themselves in the mountains (ie. North Face,Bibler,Mountain Hardware). One company that makes a great proven tent, is Wild Country. The "Mountain" tent is a 2 person tent,has a large vestibule on both ends and has similar weights to most other 2 person double wall tents. Think about weather or not you want to potentially hang your ass out on the line, with a Kelty.
  7. Touche'! But what about when you were having sex with your sister and she said "your better than dad is" and you said "yeah, that's what mom said". You ever get cleared of those sodomy charges?
  8. Mr.Radon, great job on Denali! It took me 4 trips there, to get to the summit. And you guys are just tearin' me with the "Scot'cock model", as is Mr. Muir on Saturday! [ 06-22-2002, 06:45 PM: Message edited by: Richard Pumpington ]
  9. Yo Trask, Long time, no shit flip, so here we go with the only "your mama" joke I know that hasn't already been posted. Trask, your mama is so fat, that when she wears a Malcom X t-shirt, helicopters land on her back.
  10. Right on! Great climbing on a great route. Climbed the left variation some years back; fun,exposed climbing, in an amazing setting. Good climbing! Cheers.
  11. No Tim, I don't want you to remove the freshiez counter, just a little spray your way. Just do whatever you can to keep CC.com from becoming any- thing like SummitPost.com; DO NOT make Scot'teryx a moderator!
  12. As spraymeister of this site, I am really pissed off! What the hell just went on here? I was gone for 8 hours and all hell broke loose. Now Scot'teryx is shoving Wheat Grass up his ass and calling it "sweet". This is not freakin elementary school here kiddies, just a plain freak show! If you want to shove Wheat Grass up your ass, go to SummitPost.com, not here. If Scot'teryx wants to leave with his Wheat Grass inserted in his ass, that is fine - sick but fine.
  13. I think you know that this was a jab at Scot'teryx and all the losers over at SummitPuss.cum and not directed at Tim (directly).
  14. What a witty response! Are you 13?
  15. Then why doesn't he call it the "freshiez hits counter", so we would know it was him?
  16. Who the hell suggested this? Scot'teryx? Or maybe one of the other SummitPost.com faggots who like this feature? What's next, a personal power rating just like on SummitPoseur.com; they need a power rating to make what they are doing seem worthwhile!
  17. Let's all give a vote for Scott'teryx! Come on AlpineK,Trask,Will Strickland, et al; I know you guys would second this vote!
  18. Want to have some fun? Go over to SummitPoser.com and post a bunch of spray questioning why they add every little insignifigant foothill to their ever impressive list of mighty summits. AlpineK's quote of "this site(SummitPost.com) is for wimps anyway" hits the nail squarely on the head. And yeah, he needs to stop his whining about the dope smoking! I'm not that fond of faggots, but I put up with Scott'teryx!
  19. You guys are freakin hilarious! That's not my site, that's scott'teryx's site! He's the bad ass moderator over there and the bad ass sub-moderate climber everywhere!
  20. One more point to add: when every other store in town will give you a 10% discount UPFRONT, to match REI's, what good does it do to be a "member"; so you can vote on the next director who doesn't climb, or even backpack? REI hasn't been a true co-op for 10 years or more.
  21. I'm a fan of some of his ideals, but not his gigantic ego and attitude. You don't see Steve House acting the way Twight does, or saying the demeaning and self-serving things he does either. House is a far superior climber IMHO.
  22. Yo, Country Jake, We might not have the Mountaineers here in Oregon,but we do have the bastard,red headed stepchildrelative of them: The Mazamas.
  23. "If you don't like it, then turn your back, butkeep your mother f*@#ing nose outta my sack"-Tone Loc I think ol Scotty needs to puff one down and mellowout a little bit.
  24. Can't you guys go outside CascadeClimbers.com to talk about this!
  25. I hadn't read that one! I haven't been back to thatsite since I terminated my involvement. I did givescot'teryx some beta, with no "tension". If he wantstension he's got it! Your damn right he can just stayover on Pussypost.com and I gather from his everpopular post "Muir on Saturday" that he doesn'tsmoke weed, but he'd be happy to smoke a little pole! If you want to make impressive ascents of thelikes of Mt.Bachelor,Tumalo Mountain,Black Butte,Rooster Rock and every other insignifigant featurethat has any relief to it, go check out that pithylittle site and have many little dildos like scottyblowing sunshine up your ass! [ 04-03-2002: Message edited by: Richard Pumpington ]
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