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Everything posted by Dave_Schuldt

  1. G & D sounds good to me, as it is close to my place. Cavie and all his avatars may think otherwise. It's time for the Eastsiders to speek up if they want it.
  2. Bullshit my good friend.
  3. Jeff Hansel and I went to 3:00 rock on Saterday. We climbed Silent Running, the first pitch of the Kone and the first pitch of Tidbits. First pitch of Tidbits needs cleaning at the top and a new bolt or 2. At top of first pitch there is 2 lines of bolts, the ones on the riight are new. With a little scrubbing and a bolt or 2 below the first belay station this would be a great route. It would be nice not to have to trash the aproach gully to get to the first belay. I was not feeling to good so I had some trouble with my head, but managed to have a good time anyway. Saw Dave W. and sisushumi (sp?) A little bit of snow at the bottom of the rock. Bugs are just startinng to come out and feed. Some hikers reported that the trail was passable up to the ridge top.
  4. The Ballroom sounds good to me, where exactly is it? Parking in fremont sucks so ride your bike or parking can be found up the hill on Fremont Avel Pay parkiing is avalable at the new buildings by the Ship Cannal
  5. Hey you guys down there are organized. You set a good example for us up here in Seattle.
  6. The George and Dragon has outside seating. We can add that one to our outside list.
  7. So, did any one show up????
  8. If we stick to the rotation, it's the Eastsides' turn. I think a good compromise between east and west would be the Roanoke (sp?) on Mercer Island. Also we need to come up with a list of places with outside seating. Dad Watsons- Fremont Fiddlers Inn- Wedgewood. Triangle Tavern (limited)- Fremont Will check out some more places. Any places on the Seattle waterfront?
  9. I was there 5/21, a car with high clearence is required to get closer than 3 miles from 3:00 rock. A Subaru should be OK. It may be better now. High clearence is needed to get to Exfaliation Dome, otherwise you will have to walkk about a mile to the start of the gully.
  10. Yo Anna, don't let the shit about cheap beer get you down, you are saving your money for more important things. I am not impressed by people who spend lots of $ on beer, but if they offer it, my cheap ass will drink it. I like Viitaman R Ice- more drug per dollar.
  11. To do such a thing with the weather forcast we had? I wonder......
  12. Wake up posers, gapers and sprayers 6:30 AM is not to early to think about wher we are going to drink beer. So lets get our shit to gether!!!
  13. Good to see you back, how is the dog? Don't worry about posting gross stuff on this sight, it would just blend in with all the other bullshiit.
  14. Mark Landreville was there also, but he dosen't post, so he may not count.
  16. Good plan!!!
  17. I thought you didn't read any thing to do with trask.
  18. Al, was it crowded at Mt Erie? I have been there before and there was lots of gapers walking on my rope.
  19. Some dogs just lay down near there owners stuff, that's cool. Some dogs just can't handle climbing and whine while their owners are up on the rock. While at Moon Rocks we had to wait on the decent trail for the fucking owners of a German Sheperd to come down and keep the dog from theatening us, it would not let us pass. I love dogs. Note to dog owners; you need to spend time with your dog, If it can't handle climbeng then don't take it. I am shure youu feel guilty leaving it at home while you are out having fun. Tough shit, you got the dog, now you have to take care of it eaven if that care interfears with your climbing. Before youu pick up that cute puppy think carefuly about how it will efect you lifestyle. I would love to have one, however, it would not work with my curent situation.
  20. ] Though I see the utility of fenders, I've been hesitant to put any on because I was under the impression they were considered aid?[/QB] ONLY IF YOU LIKE A WET ASS!!!!
  21. I know there is another thread for this, but the seach thing didn't work. High clearence is required about 2 miles from pavement. If you can't make it you will have to walk 3 miles to get to the 3:00 rock parkiing. We got rained off Silent Running so we cleaned up the trail and went over to Exfoliation Dome. We claned up the avy junk from both gullies under the dome, again you need high clearence. The first pithc of silent running was under snow, looked like less snow under the Quin Conehead route. Lots of snow at the start of some of the Exfoliation Dome climbs, however, the slime has not grown yet in the aproach gully. Eaven though the Granite Sidewalk was wet, we had great traction. Oh yeah, I went with chucK, we had a good time.
  22. I ride every day, all 1.5 miles each way.
  23. Do you need 4 wheel drive to get over the junk?
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