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Everything posted by Dave_Schuldt

  1. Since Mattp deserves his 15 minutes of fame as the returning hero I think he should pick the location.
  2. You'll love it, it's a way of life. [ 08-05-2002, 06:40 AM: Message edited by: Dave Schuldt ]
  3. Where is Denis Harmon when we need him? Posible catigories Strangest- Dennis Harmon Sexiest- sk Most Obnoxious- trask Lamest Funniest Post with the most responses.- Scott Ter'ex Help me out with the ones I left blank.
  4. Lambone has some serious balls to post his story here knowing that he would get second guessed and roasted. In case no one has mensioned it already, hind sight is 20/20. The most important thing to remember is that WE WERE NOT THERE!!! Lambone, don't let the bastards wear you down.
  5. There is a bridge at the quanset hut at the Bend a mile or 2 upstream. Someone a few months ago posted something about being able to ford the river near the old bridge.
  6. More usless spray. Minivans are better than SUVs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spray on this
  7. Hey Lizard that's reaky gross. I don't know what's wose, that freak or trasks' turd pictures.
  8. Not that Beck!!! This guy is the one who started Pub Club. DFA, your posts are great.
  9. Erick, you shouldn't wank in advance and build up our expectations, it will make failure much worse. Save the wanking for later when you have something to brag about. Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I rode my bicycle over Tioga pass years ago, it's realy cool up there.
  10. I SAW HIM AT THE MARKET YESTERDAY!!!!! He has been working alot at the corner produce stand and editing the Market News. Forgot to ask how Teddy was. He hasn't gotten out much lately. He promises to make it to the next Pub Club. He has no internet access now, so no storries. I have a working phone # for him. I also forgot to get his email adress. If you want it let me know and I will give him a call.
  11. Thanks dude.
  12. Lets not forget about Cannonball- Kent to Spokane in 1 day 284 miles, most of it on I90. RAAM race across America. Totaly sick first one there wins. No stages, one big push. All day and all night. I will check ther website later to see how this years went [ 08-02-2002, 06:35 AM: Message edited by: Dave Schuldt ]
  13. For those who don't live in Seattle check out thestranger.com for the best personals I have ever seen. If you can't find someone to suit your fancy (fetish) there you are realy strange.
  14. quote: Originally posted by jules: quote:Originally posted by sk: who's next jules Hmmm... this is fun, sk...... how about Dave Schuldt?! No, wait, you haven't met him in person yet. We may have to do this offline first, consult, then post online. Oh, yeah, this could get really fun! Jules- I saw your ad in The Stranger, I won't say what section.
  15. Carefull Jules - tthis guy is crazzy. Funny shit guys.
  16. Dave_Schuldt


    Let's not take ourselvs too seriously.
  17. How about a report?
  18. Dave_Schuldt


    v, To The Top, Jules, AlpineK, Jeff, Hikerwa, David W, Chris_W, alison, Tread Tramp, Dave Schuldt, Sayjay.
  19. Maybe he got a life, he shure needs one.
  20. Beck is working at the produce stand across the street from the pig at the market. He wasn't there today so I left a mesage with someone there. I will stop by later in the week and give him shit!!!
  21. I have 3 numbers for Beck, 2 are disconected so I left a mesage at the third and have not heard back, that was over a week ago. I am going to REI this afternoon, I will stop by the market and ask around.
  22. Both of you have cool auto sigs!
  23. Just bringing this to the top.
  24. Dave_Schuldt


    DON'T FORGET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.seattlehempfest.com/ I HAVE GONE TWICE, THE MUSIC HAS BEEN GREAT. THE COPS LOOK THE OTHER WAY!!!
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