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Everything posted by telemarker

  1. Selling a beefy telemark set-up. The skis have seen some good use but still have life. The bindings are top-notch, easy on the uphills with a free hinge, and positively crank on the descent. They are equipped with the mid-stiff cartridges. Asking $300 $225 $200 for the lot. I'm in wenatchee and would prefer not to ship. Maybe we could meet 1/2 way, or if you're coming over to crag at Vantage, I could also meet you there. I can send photos if you are interested. I'll try to get some pics up tonight! Call or PM: 509-699-9810
  2. Well done and written! I'm sure that Vodka will put hair on your chest.
  3. Interesting idea Val! Cool photos too. I wonder what Lord Albert Winchester would say about such unlikely accommodations?
  4. Like you say, this is nature's way of telling you to finish grad school! Hoping for a expedient and complete recovery for you!
  5. why would anyone climb a traverse that was deemed improbable? That's just nutty.
  6. I'll be at Castle Rock today after work if anyone wants to get in a quick lap before darkness.
  7. Are you thinking the RPM, 5.10b start? That pretty much goes straight up to 2-tree ledge, through a small roof. Probably the best start to O/S.
  8. Very compelling narrative Dan! I really like a TR that begins near the end. Give me a shout if you guys plan another endurance outing. I get nostalgic for that autopilot, 'state of mind'...
  9. For the record, we climbed clean love on lower castle, which someone cleaned up nicely thank you! It's a very fun pitch of climbing, and would make a great approach pitch to Idiot's Delight.
  10. Well let me know if you're around after work one of these days and we'll get some pitches in!
  11. Anyone going to be around tomorrow for a half day of climbing? I can be in 11-worth by 1pm for some cragging: Pearly Gates, Castle Rock, 8-Mile buttress. I'm open to any area. Call or PM: 509-699-9810 John
  12. Sobo has a great looking man-ass, that deserves to be shared with the rest of us. Now just do the rap on sno creek wall naked and it just may be relevant to this thread.
  13. I will be rapping, twice, laughing at the clueless choads following errant cairns down the trundly descent! Weather looks perfect!
  14. Anyone interested in doing these two routes tomorrow, 8/21? Meet at sno crik trailhead @ 6am or so.pM or call:509-699-9810. John
  15. Did someone say exhibitionist? (this is not me, btw!!)
  16. Dynafit Aero Boots for sale, AT boots that is. Size 12. Lots of use on these bad boys. They're on the heavier side. $70, and you pay shiping. I'm in Wenatchee, so if you want 'em and are planning a climbing weekend over here, I could meet you in Leavenworth so you could try them on. I can be reached pm'd, or phone: 509-699-9810
  17. Rapping definitely has its risks, but so does that walkoff, especially if you have a couple numbnuts above you kicking rocks as they descend. The walkoff too has sections of 4th downclimbing albeit shorter. I'll admit rapping scw isn't a huge time-saver, but it is a big energy saver, especially fir multi-route days. I'm just lazier these days I guess, and would rather avoid walking down that p.o.s. descent!
  18. Ibeleve his original question wasn't 'how easy is the walkoff on scw.' He just wants to know where the rap stations are. And how do you know rapping is not infinitely a better plan on scw? Have you done it?
  19. I guess I should add that by "a single to the ground", I meant scrambling over from 2 tree ledge to the slings at the top of the first pitch of O/S. Or, you can do one more double rope rap from the slings encountered on 2 tree ledge. This still leaves you with a 50' 4th/low-5th class downclimb, so keep that in mind.
  20. Bonus stoke points for turns in August! Nice going you two!
  21. Nice going Dan! After my broken ski, sun cups of death experience on the Wilson Headwall, I totally regret not joining you for the N-4!!
  22. Impressive send you guys. Next up is a Hannold free solo of TRL?
  23. Nice chatting with you guys. If you had just waited for another 3 hours, you would have had a clear run!
  24. Thanks Veronika and Jimbo! A few shots from Dan: Crossing the Rubicon. Me, totally oblivious to our snowboarding Redwing shredding. Scott shooting over the crux ice constriction with big-time exposure below us. Final schrund crossing. Dan aired this, spun a 540 and landed switch.
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