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Everything posted by chelle

  1. Wow, Dru. So hard to narrow it down to 5 highlights and just one failure... Highlights 1) Summiting Cayambe in Ecuador (bummer that it was 7 feet shy of my 19,000' altitude barrier) an absolutely awesome view that morning and a great rope team 2) Making it to ~18,200' on Chimborazo three days after discovering I have asthma 3) Getting up Braile Book in Yosemite - that's one wide climb 4) Damnation at Castle Rock at the RopeUp 5) Climbing my first 5.10 trad lead, even though I repeatedly fell at the crux failure - backing off the NW Corner of NEWS because I was too scared to lead the offwidth when my partner backed off. Personal disappointment - letting someone else's comments/ego get the best of me and psych me out of a lead I was really excited to try... MEN!!!
  2. Anybody have an address for the D&H?
  3. We haven't been to the Blue Star in awhile. Any takers? 74th Street Alehouse seemed bigger when I was there last night too.
  4. I've heard of other long falls while using a gri-gri to aid solo. The device failed to lock off properly. Wouldn't it be better to just use a clove hitch on a locking biner for the belay? [ 11-15-2002, 10:00 AM: Message edited by: ehmmic ]
  5. Dropped Erik off at the airport to start his desert adventure. He asked me to post that the people who decided to stay home didn't miss a thing. It sucked... Actually it really We all had a lot of fun. So the truth is you missed out.
  6. quote: Originally posted by trask: Ehmmic, nice troll. You're discounting your tent 14% after a season's use. Good luck. Your asking price is seriously out of line. Try $300 for a nibble or two. Whatever. If it sells great, if not I'll keep using it. Just trying to raise some cash for school... If someone wants to make a fair offer I'll consider it.
  7. Thanks for spraying on my sale Cavey. It's still a great tent especially for an expedition. It's also more spacious than the Hercules model, which can make a big difference when holed up in bad weather. The tent and the footprint are $465 retail. So it's not a deep discount price, but the tent is in excellent condition and it's a fair price.
  8. Selling my 4 season Sierra Designs Tiros tent. Used one season. Includes the footprint. Awesome stability in high winds. $400 Also selling some shoes/boots that are too small. La Sportiva Focus size 37, practically new. $35 La Sportiva Makalu size 6, very good condition (can't find the Euro size tag), $75
  9. Parking at the Zoo sucks. Let's check out a new location. Bad Alberts is probably too small, but the Pig & Whistle sounds promising. [ 11-05-2002, 10:35 AM: Message edited by: ehmmic ]
  10. quote: Originally posted by thelawgoddess: quote:Originally posted by COL. Von Spanker: good times folks, but why can't every night be pub club? Oh yeah, going to work hung over sux. so does trying to pull on plastic! Solution: avoid pulling on plastic at all costs.
  11. I like cracks. Especially .75 to #1 camelot size. My favorite!
  12. quote: Originally posted by David Parker: Michelle, until you have a child of your own, you'll never know. Easy to sympathize, impossible to empathize. We've been down this road before... Maybe that's true, but I don't think it's up to any of us to judge other people's comfort with risk. He's living his life the way he wants to and I admire people who do that whether or not I personally agree with or aspire to their style. [ 10-28-2002, 02:24 PM: Message edited by: ehmmic ]
  13. Ballard Alehouse.
  14. Jim's a really cool guy. I climbed with him when I was down there this fall. He's solid. You wouldn't know who he was if you didn't already know his rep. Unlike a lot of valley climbers, he doesn't feel the need to be a spraylord. Crazyjz -Just because he likes to push the limit, why does that make him crazy or irresponsible? Climbing is dangerous. Particularly the stuff he does. If he accepts the risks, what's wrong with it. Will - once he went up the wall he was on his new route for 23 days, solo. Hauled over 400 lbs of gear with him.
  15. Thanks everyone. I'm not going to worry so much about the rope and just focus on gear placements so that the pieces are bomber. I've been pushing myself more lately and am taking more falls. This was my first fall where a piece blew and I didn't think twice about it until I read the discussion on the gear blowing out at the coulee. Maybe I'll just use my double ropes for awhile... Michelle
  16. I've been thinking about my rope since reading the thread on G. Kropp's accident and the discussion on how dynamic ropes react to a fall. And got to thinking about a fall I took last weekend (although not on my rope). I have a Sterling 60m 9.6mm dynamic rope. I bought it because I wanted something lightweight and figure it is safe since I don't weigh that much. I weigh about 130 lbs. If I fall on my rope and a piece pulls and I fall another 10 feet to the next piece of gear, will I generate the static load forces people are talking about? Is this a "safe" rope to use cragging or should I get a 10mm rope for cragging? The fall I took last weekend was on Classic Crack in Leavenworth just below the second buldge where the climb eases. Leading in the dark with shitty Tikka and didn't judge the size of the crack right. Put in a #1 cam, where I should have used a #2. The piece popped a second or two after I slipped out and weighted it (piece was at my waist). I then fell on a #3 cam which was maybe 5-6 feet below the 1st piece. Thankfully noone got hurt, we all just laughed I swapped headlights so I could see better and finished off the climb. Can any of you tech heads who like to (and can) calculate this stuff help me figure this out?
  17. Chris -is that Spiderman doing an impersonation of Michael Jackson?
  18. We haven't been to the Ballard Grill & Alehouse (the place across from Hale's) in awhile. Good parking situation there.
  19. I can't vote against the Ballroom since it's just around the corner. All too convenient for drinking and walking home.
  20. How about the Owl & Thistle?
  21. Mattp, thanks for the great pics. TG, that beer was awesome. It was a great party and some really good climbing. Glad I made it home in time to join in the fun!
  22. This is the second year in a row that they are late in publishing and sending the books. Last year they sent a letter and emails out to members. I agree they could have notified the members. All they had to do was dust off last year's letters and change the dates... [ 10-18-2002, 12:43 PM: Message edited by: ehmmic ]
  23. Faust - what's the date on the pic? Looks like an incredible meadowed valley prior to the dam. There are also some good looking granite walls up the Toloumne River valley in the Grand Canyon of the Toloumne. Hiked it about two weeks ago. A really beautiful place.
  24. My understanding is that Ken is setting up a non-profit who will own the gear he has collected. He told me he was concerned that ist would end up in some warehouse if given to the park service. I think this is a good idea and will give the rock monkeys a place to see cool pieces of history and also restore a place to hang out. There is some gear and photos at the Ahwahnee hotel but not very much compared to what I understand Ken has in the collection. The museum idea needs support. If you climb in Yosemite or like climbing history, send an email to help out.
  25. what will they think of next...
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