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Everything posted by chelle

  1. You could sit outside at the Alki but you gotta leave the beer inside.
  2. Good Food in Marblemount rocks for burgers and fries. But they don't have beer. If you need that hit the Buffalo Run.
  3. Well with $9 pitchers...I'll go to the Alki, but I'd rather go somewhere we can sit outdoors. It's amazing weather outside.
  4. I met him and some of his friends out at Index last fall. My condolences to his loved ones.
  5. Oh yeah. I forgot about that Jon. I guess it would be a challenge to get this group to drink more than once in a week. See ya'll on Thursday unless people want to go drinking tomorrow. I might go climbing tomorrow anyways... Is the location of pub club set for Thursday? Madame K's has a nice outdoor deck in back that might be nice to check out after the show, I think even the under 21's can go there since it is a pizza joint. Also, we've never had a PC at the People's Pub because it is closed on Tuedays. Just a couple ideas.
  6. Just got off the phone with Chris_w. Everyone is back safe in Talkeetna -- with all their digits and body parts in tact. They had a great time and a lot of adventure. Weather was suspect on most of the days and it sounded like they are all psyched to have been part of the trip. The hike in was a huge adventure and they were the only one of three teams to make it in via the hike route this year. Even the rangers who usually descend that way turned back and flew out last week. The bears weren't the crux, the crevasses and icefalls were. But they had a blast and definately achomplished what they set out to do. Cheers to all of you!!! Iain - they did run into Ryland. I think they were all doing an all night tour of the bar scene in Talkeetna last night. About 9 cc.comers in total.
  7. Only advantage I can see to only having sticky hands is if you don't use your feet when you climb. I don't really care about the issue ChucK. I was just spraying about it being aid. Maybe it will really turn out to be the next revolution, just like 3M's post-it-note adhesive in the corporate world...
  8. Are you working in the Valley or somewhere nearby and plan to go on your days off and climb? There will be a lot of climbers in Camp4 and they have a message board where you can post what you're interested in doing. Keep in mind that you can only "legally" camp for 7 days total between May 1 and Sep 30 inside the park so either change your name often or meet some locals to find out the current environment on poaching. The tool was out in force earlier this season and cracking down hard with all their new homeland security gizzmos. have fun.
  9. Hadn't thought about it that in depth, ChucK. Perhaps it will replace the traditional use of climbing tape by many people when they climb cracks. But I also consider that aid and have only used it twice to cover up some pretty nasty gobees, so I could still jam my hands in the cracks.
  10. I was wondering the same thing. I use that tree at the base everytime I do that climb. It's great to stem off of until I can get my feet high enough on the rock.
  11. Interesting, but spiderman gloves are aid.
  12. I think the weather calls for an outdoor pub club. Potential Seattle locations: Ballroom or Fiddler's Inn. Any outdoor places in Tacoma? It's time to head that way if you guys down there are going to be in town. Make some suggestions.
  13. Anybody have the name of the climber yet?
  14. It's never to late to start drinking early.
  15. Spending time with the family by the pool sipping cold scotch in the 90+ degree heat of central CA. That'll let me spend my entire 10 days of summer school break climbing in the Valley.
  16. Agreed. The ones at SG are better than any other gym I've been to. But I can't see paying $40 to learn on plastic. They are not a good simulation of the real thing. Maybe there's a new dimension to gym climbing being born. Plastic cracks!
  17. She behaved like a little girl who decided that no one was going to have any fun while she was around, but don't you think having her get eaten by a bear is a bit harsh? Dryad - can't remember from your story whether anyone asked her what her f'ing problem was...
  18. Thank's for the fix Ursa! 20 days and counting....
  19. Agreed. Dish some dirt people!
  20. So RocDoc - where are you from? What are you thinking of climbing? I'll be down there during that time. My priority is to climb a wall with another cc.comer, but hope to get some free climbing in. You shouldn't have trouble finding people to climb with at that time of year. The place is packed with rock rats and dirt bags.
  21. So Dru, do you keep the crystals you find or leave them there?
  22. I'll go to the Latona. Jules? you gonna join us since that's one of your favorite joints? Hey what time are ya'll gonna show up? (Except ChucK since I know that's 10ish) I've waited 'till after 7:30 the last couple times I figured 7ish was it. The locals at Latona are probably cooler than the creepy drunk ones at the Sloop though...
  23. Pro Mountain Sports in Seattle.
  24. That's why you place Aliens just like any other cam (if the crack isn't too shallow) and align the direction of force with the placement. I've never had an Alien walk or pull and I've taken falls on them. Including my blue one. If it is too shallow look for a nut placement if you think it isn't secure. Badly placed pro will fail. I also agree with Lambone's earlier statement that you can't beat offset aliens in flared pin scars/cracks. They !!!
  25. Women's feet are a bit different (I have little wide feet), but I've had luck with Solomon, Lowa's and Zamberland (for midweight hiking). I cannot wear any La Sportiva shoe because the last is way too narrow in the toebox. I never found my Makalu's to be comfortable and sold them as soon as I bought my Solomon SM8s. Go talk to Jim at PMS. He'll set you up. Matt - My advice, since boots aren't cheap, is to wear them in the store with a pack similar in weight you'll be carrying. Walk around a bit and see if they're comfy. If you buy them at REI though you can take them back and exchange them if they don't work out. Did that with a pair of Asolos that gave me blisters every time I wore them. If she's taking a light pack, a lightweight hiker will be good because they're more comfy. If she's carrying more than 30#s I'd suggest a mid-weight boot. It'll save her feet from bruising on the bottom due to the weight.
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