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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. Who gives a shit, live for the moment. The world is my garbage can.
  2. You're a troublemaking sack o' shit. Just admit it and set yourself free.
  3. allthumbs


    Oops! I forgot Allison. Anybody wanna have Allison send a snapshot of her tits too? Come on gurl, you better get with this action.
  4. allthumbs


    Indeed I will. Barkeep! Beers all around!
  5. allthumbs


    I say we have a contest to determine the biggest tits. SK, you, Anna and the Lawgoddess post some images of your tits and Erik and I will judge them against Mr. Natural's.
  6. allthumbs


    quote: Originally posted by Mr. Natural: quote: bet I climb harder than Mr. natral I bet I spell better than SK I'll bet SK has bigger tits than you.
  7. Is it lunchtime already?
  8. Moss sux
  9. Heinous, Well worn argument. I'm not going there, but thank you for your opinion. Have a good day [ 09-25-2002, 11:26 AM: Message edited by: trask ]
  10. quote: Originally posted by Anna: I love you Trask You see, I knew I'd win your heart sooner or later, dahlin' Once you've had the Trask, you've had Nirvana.
  11. Flash, you take your ritalin.
  12. allthumbs

    good joke

    Hahaha, Ray, I see you two were looting the phone booths eh?
  13. This is the only business I have with sheep Flash.
  14. Now you're talkin! None of this roughing it shit. Motels and hookers all the way.
  15. STFU Anna! Go polish your nails or wax something beotch!
  16. Biggest problem with Chinook is he's a notorious trail leghumper.
  17. Figures that'd be your answer you unimaginative fudgepacker. Any other "good buddy" names you'd like to drop?
  18. Fuck you Flash. You're so full of shit. What hole did you crawl out of anyway. Go away maggot, go back to summitpost where you and your pussy techies came from. Fuckin' Mountie wannabe.
  19. Shut the fuck up Timmy, you pussy-whipped shitbag, and go do some work or something. I don't want to see you back until you have something constructive to say. Prick!
  20. This site sux. The pussies on this site suck. Is this a rough, tough mountain community or just a bunch of kiss ass church going pussy, mountie wanns-bes. I think you're all dirt bags and can kiss my sweet ass. Eat shit and die and shove your bolts up your ass. Sport climbers have taken over and they should be shot, skinned and neutered. I hate you all, trask
  21. I recommend the neighbor's wife.
  22. I never could understand the reasoning behind these verbal autopsies. Again, for the umpteenth time this year, condolences to family and friends.
  23. Bwahaha! Now that's some funny shit Flash. You a poet and didn't know it.
  24. brown snow is tool
  25. Nice doo, who's the skinhead?
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