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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. quote: Originally posted by iain: I am the latest lord now and every post has been a quality one who's iain?
  2. Recent Senate Votes Homeland Security Act of 2002 - Vote Passed (90-9, 1 Not Voting) Senate passage of this bill clears the path for the creation of the cabinet-level Homeland Security Department. Sen. Patty Murray voted YES Sen. Maria Cantwell voted YES Sen. Strom Thurmond’s (R-SC) final request as his 48-year career in the Senate came to a close, was for the chamber to confirm U.S. District Court Judge Dennis Shedd to the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Sen. Patty Murray voted NO Sen. Maria Cantwell voted NO Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002 - Vote Passed (86-11, 3 Not Voting) The Senate gave final approval to this bill that would help the insurance industry absorb the blow from a terrorist attack. Sen. Patty Murray voted YES Sen. Maria Cantwell voted YES
  3. quote: Originally posted by iain: why don't they just heat all the roads like they do with Safeco Field? take yur vitamins
  4. I'll pass, but thanks for the generous offer.
  5. Last Saturday's odds: Washington (+8.5) over WASHINGTON STATE: Who needs the points? The Fool risks 30 simoleons.
  6. Asian folks are better sewers than Americans. True story...whatcha gonna do??? [ 11-25-2002, 10:33 AM: Message edited by: trask ]
  7. Point taken Allison, but salting sounds like Locke's way of getting even with us poor taxpayers for shooting down his stupid ideas.
  8. quote: Originally posted by Jim: Call or write WSDOT to let them know how you feel I emailed the State the following: I'm writing to express my displeasure in your decision to salt some WA highways. You know that this method is very detrimental to taxpayer's autos. Is the State willing to replace our prematurely rusted out autos? Please reconsider this plan. Granted, it's not eloquent, but at least they know how I feel. [ 11-25-2002, 09:17 AM: Message edited by: trask ]
  9. Super Computer Spys on Americans I think I've come to terms with the idea that our open, anonymous society is one of the main weapons terrorists have. When our enemies are openly opposing us and "out there", we don't need this type of weapon. When they are among us and demonstrably so, then we do. I think something like this can work if we plan it out ahead of time, discuss the limitations on its operation, the uses to which data can be put that is not about terror, etc. Is it troubling? Sure. So is the idea of poisoning my water supply. When the enemy will stop at nothing, neither should we. In the past, I've been against measures targeted toward specific groups just because of their race or ethnic origin. I still am, if the targeting is solely on the basis of perceived ethnicity or race. But I've supported developing profiles of terrorists that have included these factors since so far, our enemies haven't been Norwegians, for example. Part of my opposition has to do with our history with targeted investigations and part of it has to do with my belief that Al Qaeda has support in non-Middle Eastern populations and we would end up missing a lot of terrorists by focusing only on one group. But this weapon seems to be designed to work sort of like a "super profiler", taking into account potentially many more factors in the effort. It stands to be a lot more effective but pretty much the same process as a policeman with a profile sheet, so I think I can support it. I am cautious, but erring on the side of security, when the price of erring on the other side is pretty high, is preferred. We'd need some pretty clear ground rules, but I think that this is something I could support, under the right conditions. trask [ 11-25-2002, 09:18 AM: Message edited by: trask ]
  10. Here's the state's solution: WSDOT reminds motorists to wash their cars thoroughly after traveling through mountain passes or other areas where snow and ice have been present, regardless of whether they have driven through a pilot area. All materials, whether salt or other alternative de-icing chemicals, are soluble in water, so the entire vehicle should be rinsed and then cleaned. This is supposedly another feasibility study, for which WA is so famous. I wonder if they will replace any cars adversely affected in this test. Thank Gawd it's not in my neighborhood...yet.
  11. I agree that it sucks to have a game decided on a call, but from replay it was obvious to anyone sober (and that lets out any WSU supporter) that it was the correct call. Face it, Huskys own Wazzu.
  12. allthumbs

    It's a miracle

    As Dwayner would say, I'm back
  13. quote: Originally posted by Fairweather: Matt, you still haven't addressed the fact that no Eyman initiative has yet been implemented. Vehicle license reduction was enacted by the representative/executive process. Why can't you just accept it? What difference does it make anyway? City, County and State governments are electing to ignore it anyway. Eyman will not contest this in court. Fucking government
  14. I suited up as a cheerleader once. It was very kinky.
  15. allthumbs

    OU sucks

    We'll just see about that Mr. Smartypants
  16. Hell, doesn't the 3 word sentence tip you off?
  17. quote: Originally posted by jkassidy: quote:Originally posted by To The Top: Hey JKassidy, I probably have played more football than most. All I am saying is Government should stick to the doing what government is supposed to do, like build roads, work on the justice system, manage sewer, and work on the unprofitable infrastructure, not building state of the art stadiums for anyone, especially over paid steriod poppers and owners. I gave up caring about big business sports after I saw the spirit of the game is lost in a boardroom. I say play on but not at the expense of taxpayers, thats all. TTT Government is supposed to.....how about provide a facility where a working class man can enjoy a bunch of beer and spend a good fraction of his paycheck on a Sunday afternoon? There's something to be said for the way watching football provides an escape from the oppession of an industrialized, assembly-line workweek. A guy can punch in at Boeing all week and tolerate how fucked up his life really is, just knowing that he's got Sunday's big game and ESPN to look forward to....ain't that America? Doesn't that little dream (reliving your high school football glory days every Sunday while watching the Hawks) help keep the working man satisfied? Ain't that good for the economy? Ain't that worth funding with tax dollars? I rest my case. The previous message was accompanied by the sweet vibes of Bruce Springstein's "Born In The USA". [ 11-17-2002, 10:20 PM: Message edited by: trask ]
  18. Mike's a fucking wanker. He had Favre at Green Bay and inherited Wolf's team. It didn't take a great coach to extract greatness for a couple of seasons. Actually, Mike was often criticized at GB for his conservative play calling. The real reason the team won was because Favre would improvise and shine. It would piss off Mike to no end. At San Francisco, he had Montana...what can I say? Bottom line, Holmgren is a sub-par coach with a head splitting ego. He bilked the Seahawks out of a shitload of money, and is laughing all the way to the bank. When he resigns or is fired here at Seattle, he will never be a head coach again. Run the fucker out of town on a rail for all I care. Go Dawgs!!!
  19. #1 I ain't rich. #2 I gave up on the government doing the right thing around the time I reached puberty. #3 Now I vote so I can bitch. #4 Ain't life grand.
  20. Eat shit Kassidy. I played ball from little league all the way through school. What's lucky about having a losing embarrassment of a football team? It's pathetic. If Paul Allen doesn't care enough to field quality personal and coaches, then I say good riddance. Go Dawgs!!!
  21. Do you really think the government gives a shit what your problems are little girl? Bwahahaha I'm sorry to say you're just pissing in the wind.
  22. I've never embraced this team, even from day one. This year totally blows for this inept bunch of bumblers. Sell the damn team and use the proceeds to open up parks and recreation areas. Fuck you all to hell Holmgren, you piece of worthless whale dreck.
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