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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. Jesus j_b, what a crock of shit. Next time, only take 1/2 of that windowpane.
  2. Tue Dec 3, 7:39 PM ET Add White House - AP Cabinet & State to My Yahoo! By JACK SULLIVAN, Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON (AP) - Four environmental groups sued the Bush administration Tuesday to block changes that would allow more people to ride snowmobiles in Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks. here we go, bring on the lawsuits
  3. You're a hotheaded prick - admit it. A shameless hewhore too.
  4. You're lovin' this aren't you Goat. You're givin me the stink eye and rambling just to drive me crazy. You bastard.
  5. Greg, my point is that these arguments go on, and on, and on, and get nowhere. Especially goats...they're like he's pissing into the wind and he hears nothing. Left or right has nothing to do with narrowmindedness. I realize that I don't have to read this shit if it bothers me. But it facinates me that some folks are so fuking anal. I read in amazement.
  6. The goat is not sparing with anyone. His mouth is on 'autopilot' and like his asshole, is spewing shit. Earth to Goat, come home and shut down the program.
  7. takes one to give one
  8. so caveman is 'super snowman'?
  9. who the fuk cares who the fuk cares who the fuk cares ditto.....ad nauseum
  10. Jesus Christ Mtn. Goat, were you the alpha dawg debate nerd in school? I'll bet you really had the hotties chasing your Einstein ass. hahaha lick it, it's good
  11. btw, wtf does uber plab stand for?
  12. Cool avatar, btw
  13. mine was, "your breath smells like the gurl you just ate"
  14. first intelligent thing you've said all year
  15. I like the format too. Nice and professional looking. Veggie, you need a break from Spray; you're a troublemaker.
  16. Iain, you ignorant SLUT never bash an american's god given right to drive the real deal. anyone driving an electric pussy wagon has a tiny dick.
  17. Bwahahaha Very agile and astute observation Ray!
  18. Iain, that tired old argument doesn't wash anymore. What if's are lame.
  19. The Saudi royal family needs to go next. They're shitballs.
  20. They knew they'd be excommunicated by the USA if they didn't.
  21. Fuck em' all - nuke the pissants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. You don't scare me with all that hollerin' and chest thumpin' - Deep down I know you're just trying to get in touch with your feminine side... hahahaha
  23. Hey Cavebum, if I ever meet you on the trail and you give me the stink eye, I'm grabbing the nearest stick and beating you senseless. I'm not going to wait around for your spray, or your Rambo tactics...no, I'm going on the offensive immediately and swiftly...I will dance like a butterfly and sting like a bee. So whatcha got to say about that shit Mr. Smartypants?
  24. That's totally true. There isn't a single hair on my palms, and silence is golden.
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