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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. Best thing to do with a new rig is pull out a baseball bat and smack the shit outta it in a few places. Then you're over the "don't scratch it shit" and can get on with some off-roadin'
  2. allthumbs


    What makes guys like Becky, or Twite, or even Colin for that matter the hardassed sumbitch climbers they are? Know what I mean? Why are a few so f'in talented, and what does it take?
  3. Fuck if I know Cptn., ask Mike. That is one nasty lookin' sumbeotch though ain't it?
  4. Dwayner, I heard you gave the monkey a pretty hard spankin'
  5. Mt Index They say this is where the hard Cascade mountaineers gather. Names like Callis, Schoening, Klewin, Bebie, Gordon, Beckey, Nelson and a host of other Cascade legends abound on this peak. Occasionally you actually meet someone mortal that's climbed something-ANYTHING here, but it's pretty rare. I think that gash down the middle of the mountain has a name. It's probably been climbed too. Probably by Jim Nelson in his Levi's or Fred Beckey in World War 2 era GI surplus combat boots. I, on the other hand can't buy enough high tech gear to convince myself that I am worthy. Sigh.... When I drive past I tend to stare straight ahead preferring to pretend it's not there. I mean if it doesn't exist then I don't have to worry about it right? But, I know it's there anyway...I'm just too stubbornly scared to admit it. Mike Adamson
  6. Doesn't hurt the liver at all to have a daily beer. Or so I'd like to think. Any scientists in the house to refute this statement?
  7. They said it didn't apply to women. Here's the scoop.
  8. Don't wait for me to post. If you have something to say or post, do it. I'm popping a cap right now.
  9. Wed Jan 8, 5:55 PM ET Add Science - Reuters By Gene Emery BOSTON (Reuters) - More good news for drinkers -- frequent tippling of beer, wine or even spirits lowers a man's risk of heart attack, and it appears to be how often, not how much, that is important. Regular male drinkers cut their risk of heart attack by about one third compared to nondrinkers, and one beer every other day may do the trick, according to the results of a large, long-term study released on Wednesday.
  10. Perhaps I should hunt you down and gut you like a fish.
  11. allthumbs

    Free Press

    Are you just now figuring this out. MtnGoat is not human. He's a computer program written by Jon and Timmy to piss us off.
  12. Now's your chance to exact some sweet revenge.
  13. Don't answer that Goat, it's the stupidest thing I've heard today.
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