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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. upload to cc.com photo section first. then insert from there into post
  2. Not true. I've been fair about the war. And I've been nice to you libs. After all, if it weren't for Al Gore I wouldn't be here typing this post now would I?
  3. I'm not wasting my time doing a search for necro's posts. You know where I'm coming from man. It's one thing to dislike or disagree, but you take it all to a new level. Maybe someone more articulate than me (after all I only scored 131 on the IQ test) like RobBob could explain it to you better. As I recall, didn't you start out here talking about killing babies or some shit like that? Nice
  4. Maybe you should put me under surveilance, or herd me into a concentration camp, based on your assumptions. Clearly, though, I have no right to express any opinions around here, this dumbfuck spray wasteland hell hole of ignorance and righteousness. I agree with RobBob dude, you really do sound like you hate the U.S., which is your right to do, but expect to be hated back. Is that what you want? For everybody to despise you and avoid you like the plague (except for sex. choc. and FDA - the two communists, and even Layton who moved out of the crawl space). Your assumption is that I actually express my opinions around here, rather than get almost everyone's panties into a bunch. trolling is cool, but I think we are how we troll I post filth and sexy innuendos - that's who I am you post hate and devil shit - hmmmm? btw, I really don't give a shit about you one way or the other. But because of your hate posts I never want to meet you, and I can't say that about anybody else except sex. choc. I know you could care less.
  5. Maybe you should put me under surveilance, or herd me into a concentration camp, based on your assumptions. Clearly, though, I have no right to express any opinions around here, this dumbfuck spray wasteland hell hole of ignorance and righteousness. I agree with RobBob dude, you really do sound like you hate the U.S., which is your right to do, but expect to be hated back. Is that what you want? For everybody to despise you and avoid you like the plague (except for sex. choc. and FDA - the two communists, and even Layton who moved out of the crawl space).
  6. Well, at least there's ONE thing we all agree on. Ummm, beer good Ever notice how the chicks dig us more the drunker we get? Wonder what makes us so attractive when we're drunk?
  7. allthumbs

    Free music

    Dude, that picture freaks me out every time I see it. Seriously, it gives me the heebe-jeebe's.
  8. Dru, you're lagging behind in the aeronautical discussion. Get with it kid.
  9. Cooter say, "Honey if we get a divorce will you still be my sister?"
  10. Yo bitch who you callin a worthless sack of shit. You fuckin washed up wanabee secretery... There is no difference between the 3 places mentioned....Everyplace has hard 5.9 and 5.10 and easy 5.11 I can't really tell any difference between these places. Thats my month late opinion No shit. I heard Erik was in sales now or something. I'm here to tell ya, he couldn't sell pussy on a troop train.
  11. hahaha, when those choad byotches come around my place Mr. Happy greets them at the door.
  12. No way Boo, drinkin' the Scuttlebutt and jammin' w/ Go Down Gamblin', BS&T
  13. I'm working on a Scuttlebutt Amber Ale right now.
  14. Yeah, and comfortable too! ... err, umm ... yeah. So, uh, how 'bout that March Madness, huh? Rah, rah, rah, go basketball guys, eh? Wooooo! Hey FDA, your old lady tells me you wear her panties on your head when you vacuum and dust.
  15. me, bubba and cooter took yur test and have a combined score of 63
  16. troll the gumbies, I react outta spite
  17. Don't let us stop ya Flush. AdiĆ³s chickenshit.
  18. my iq's at least 255 asshole
  19. burn dem bellies with napalm jelly ditty-wop strafe dem ____ in the rice paddy daddy ditty-wop
  20. I was talking about the Yugo, numbnutZ. Go back to sleep. In that case, you're doubly stupid, as the Yugo was from Yugoslavia. Stupid-head! Who fucking cares? Kia then - I don't buy that foreign shit anyway cept' for my Porsche, and that's Kraut not Korean. stfu everybody, I hate you all cept' Necro (my new mentor and best buddy).
  21. Saddam sucks donkey dicks
  22. I was talking about the Yugo, numbnutZ. Go back to sleep.
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