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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. hillary nude XXX caution, don't open at work The other nite I caught my dog humping the neighbor dog while looking at a picture of Hillary
  2. veggi, you and I both know that liberals are all premature ejaculators.
  3. Erikass, I don't do animals, but FDA is taking on all comers.
  4. I ain't skeart mofo. I'm pro Bush all the way, and have been since day one. You fukas on the other hand are all goin' to jail. I'll fuck your wives and girlfiends while you're gone.
  5. Hell no. I was proud of the fucker for getting his knob cleaned. I thought he should quit for being such a TOOL in general. The fucker has absolutely NO morals. Either does his lesbian wife.
  6. allthumbs


    I've got 4 tv's, 3 dvd's, a vcr, play station 2, x-box, killer sterio, kid sterio, 3 walkmen, and 2 computers.....but I don't watch tv anymore. The other shit's for the kids and their pals.
  7. Well FDA, it's a possibility, goddamnit. I'm still willing to give old George the bennefit of the doubt for awhile longer. Fuck man, the buildup to war went on for months, giving shit-stick Saddam plenty of time to pave over the WMD (ya think?).
  8. Real funny eriC, bwahahahaha. I didn't want to call you a Tool for your insensitive and hurtful comment, because as a mod., I knew you'd twist it or delete it, or put up an avatar of some poor slob screwing a goat.
  9. Hey FDA shit-for-brains, ever consider the fact that they've found boo-coo WMD already, but for whatever reason, are not ready, willing or able to release the info. to the fucked up media and general public? You suck
  10. allthumbs


    That's gross FDA. You're sick and perverted. Clean up your mess.
  11. And you're basing your opinion on lies from the media and the NYT, correct? That yoga really paid off didn't it, nothing like sucking your own dick.
  12. allthumbs


    I'll take that as a - "yes".
  13. And your point is? And your solution is? I'm all ears.
  14. allthumbs


    Boy Howdy, do I ever agree with that statement. The VAST wasteland. I'll never buy another tv...when they go, that's it.
  15. American schools will be fine as soon as we shitcan about 1/3 of the overpaid, underachievers that refer to themselves as "school teachers". Fucking baggage is what I call 'em. Personally, I think we need about 60 more goddamn teacher's work days, don't you? It's always a joy for parents to scramble for daycare so the fucking loser cocksucking teachers can fuckoff in the teacher lounge and bitch about their sorry plight. Fuck 'em all btw, for any of you teachers out there or husbands and wives of teachers, you can call me an asshole all you want. I don't care...I'm really disgusted with the goddamn school system and the teachers. It's not ALL the government's fault.
  16. hey dork, I have shit to say now and then after all, I am a Wenatchee Valley College grad. bwahahaha
  17. Here's an idea - why don't you fucking geniuses run for President. You seem to have all the answers. Shit, give me a fucking break.
  18. I find all this horseshit about a bowline being a bad knot to be crap. Give me a fucking break, the bowline properly tied and backed up is a killer knot. The sailor's got it goin' on. Nitwits.
  19. allthumbs


    Hey DFA, I was banging your wife the other night and she told me you had lost a testicle in a sledding accident when you were a kid. Is that true?
  20. Or Trask's ass. nice talk from an ex-Walla Walla prison bitch smell it, ho
  21. weeeeee
  22. < lick my turd hole bitch...see that brown stain? lick it clean - you know you want to.
  23. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=578&ncid=578&e=5&u=/nm/20030514/ts_nm/belgium_franks_dc You know - I like Belgiques, especially the ones that live out in the country - mostly in the Ardennes. However the ones I met while traveling around Liege and Brussels were as full of themselves as the fucking French. I say nuke Liege and Brussels and let the country folk take over. Hell - we ought to do that in France as well. Bomb Paris, Nancy, Rouen, and Marseilles, and let the French country folks take over. We can leave Strasbourg alone - those folks in Alsace-Lorraine are too confused to bother anyone. trask
  24. masturbation works for me
  25. at any fag bar
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