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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. yep, he's a turd eater for sure leg humper too
  3. someone's in charge??? i thought we were all fascist anarachists (insert greamlin of swaztika wearing, eugene-cop beating smiley face) here's to the brave policmen for doing their job. What's that whore doing? A strip dance with the pole? She definitely got what she deserved.
  4. more like doofus cum guzzlers
  5. allthumbs


    allison, anything good ever happen to you? seems like your life is just one big pain in the ass....a comedy of errors you might say.
  6. Are you losers still beating off this dead horse? Shit!!!!!!!!! I'm drunk on Dwayner Mickeys and say, "Politics fucking sucks ass - both parties and those faggot kanadian parlimentarians too".
  7. You're right, Bill, I guess I shouldn't bash it outright. I do know others who have had good successes. I believe, however, it's only one way to get the job done and for longterm health, concentrating your diet entirely on fat/protein is not the best idea. I'm curious, now that they have lost the weight have they returned to a more well rounded yet lower calorie diet? I think the Atkins diet is also good for the long term. It's the carbs (i.e. donuts, bread, french fries, most processed foods, etc.) that are making people fat. Some gov't folks are even saying the food pyramid ought to be inverted because it's basically telling Americans exactly how to get fat. My 2 cents. Judging by the large herd of heifers in Sno. County, it's working
  8. matt, are you drunk?
  9. BUT I was the first to patent it, so there canadians are always trying to take the credit
  10. now this is a damned serious topic let's not be treating the pointy issue lightly
  11. STFU you hippie hairpie moron
  12. allthumbs


    who are such good friends you can't be bothered to list them by name like the others? yer a dork and quite deluded Buffy Season 3 was the best fern, you're just upset 'cause you can't have a piece of me...get over it also, why are you reading MY posts? You think I'm a nasty shithead. send your nekid photos to my website at www.clownpenis.fart
  13. as I've said before, PROVE IT As I've said before, they've proven it by not providing the evidence they based their justification for war on. as i've said before, and this is the last time i'm saying it...we may have the evidence right now and are not releasing it to the press for whatever reason. hold your fucking horses and get it a little time. shit, we're still pulling out of the country for chrissakes.
  14. true dat. pack sucks donkey dicks
  15. as I've said before, PROVE IT
  16. Veggi- we can't win. the libs are struggling so mightily to discredit Bush that they'll never wait to see this mess thru to fruition. you're beating a dead horse with these fuckers. let's talk about guns and pussy instead.
  17. allthumbs


    really? and you would know this how? because I don't hang out with you liberal turds? here's the short list of my friends: mike adamson cavey sisu veggi gregW erik rob bob all the wimmin dwayner dru timmy others not to mention my private life how bout you mr. social?
  18. Where is the evidence that he *didn't* lie? If they had enough evidence to go to war about it, why haven't they found it yet? Fine then .... an impasse. Let's go drink and admire each other's anatomy.
  19. who gives a shit if it was? that's not the point
  20. Matt, show me the proof that they lied. You're as narrow minded as the NYT. You Dems. are all for the proof...so show me the proof that Bush lied.
  21. You are saying the Clinton lied about Kosovo? What lie? America went into that with open eyes. Clinton and his war plans were both a joke. He fucked up every turn he took.
  22. That's what I like aboot Cavey... He and I are one-dimensional and a lot alike. Cavey reads Becky - trask reads Hustler - Cavey has big balls - trask has big balls - what's not to like?
  23. yeah right, and I'm reading the complete encyclopedia britanica series A - Z
  24. no shit...I'd rather use the time to stroke it
  25. It sounds more like he likes the way Jimmy Carter strokes his chicken. yeah, that little wanker jimmy carter is always playing with his nuts.
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