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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. all jokes aside minx, I ain't shitting ya. I'm getting my balls screwed off by my two lezzie fiends. Not to mention the pleasure it gives me to watch two twats do each other.
  2. kitten and minx - I'll have you two twats know that I get more action in one week than you two get in a year. take notes.
  3. kitten, she got into blue movies and they found out she was under age. bad juju.
  4. oh shut up, girlfriend
  5. having a credit agency on your ass is not fun. suit yourselves.
  6. I protest. Moderators!!! Look at the shitty post DRU just put up. He's a sicko and is besmirching my good name. Whatcha gonna do?
  7. yeah, where is that quitter anyway?
  8. wouldn't know - don't eat sugar drug addict
  9. you try keepin this pace all day fuck off
  10. almost 10,000...bwahahaha see that Dru? you loser!!!!
  11. Crackwhore, stay the fuck outta my threads you piece of whale dreck shitstain bitch. You got nuthin to bring to the table so why doncha crawl back into that cube and jerk off to Playgirl.
  12. you're cracked. punk is for geeks and losers. get on board numbnuts.
  13. another news flash for Flash. punk sucks as bad as maryloser. rock till ya drop!
  14. RumR sucks donkey dicks climbs like a girl too
  15. DFA, this avatar would really capture the essence of what you're all about.
  16. bullshit. that's a turd or something similar if I've ever seen one. You're on crack.
  17. why doncha get a new one?
  18. The real crazy sumbitch to watch out for is CrazyPolishSlob. That fukka ain't playin with a full deck. He scares me.
  19. Redmond is full of suv soccer moms and geeks
  20. sure, that's what they all say thank god for panty liners, eh?
  21. made ya horny, didn't it?
  22. I want to see pictures of dead, bloody, shot up terrorist fukkas.
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