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Everything posted by klenke

  1. That's nothing. Saw in the paper today that a guy flung himself off the Canadian side of Niagara Falls (170-ft drop) and lived. He scoped it out for weeks before doing so. He is apparently the first guy to have gone over the falls without the aid of barrel, etc. and live to tell about it (at least first one that the media knows about). Now that's hardcore, man! I guess he only suffered a broken rib. I guess it was brought up in this thread.
  2. klenke

    am i an asshole

    Why thank you. Thank you very much, you traskhole you. BTW, did you mean choad instead of goiter? A goiter sounds like an odd thing to be licking (if you could even find one easily). Not that I'd ever be caught dead licking choad either.
  3. klenke

    am i an asshole

    It is better to be an asshole than a traskhole.
  4. Yeah baby! "Foudroyant" all the way! You won't find that word in a normal dictionary so don't even bother. It has its origins in the French. My Schmeckey book says the rocks of the Methow uplift "consist of ancient schists together with intruded granitics...other plutonic rocks include the Oval Peak...stocks [Oval is right next to Star]." So the rock is probably granite, though I can't say for sure. He doesn't go into any detail whatsoever for Star in my older edition of his red CAG.
  5. Don't you wish we could all be as cool as Erik.
  6. You can go here for a chimney (see attached)...
  7. Hey, Forrest, that's some good stuff. Thanks for the info. This picture kind of shows what Forrest is talking about in terms of banding of the sky. You have to look closely. The banding (gradation) was due to the poster of the picture not uploading a large-size jpeg file. The one he/she uploaded was one they saved at lower jpeg resolution. Makes for quick uploading times but the resultant summitpost picture quality suffers. Note that summitpost only accepts jpeg files.
  8. ...pronounced with a hard G as in "girlfriend", "gollygadzooks", "gonorrhea","gobbledygook" and, most importantly, "graphical." A soft g is used in words like "giraffe", "genie", and "georgic." Got it, you Canuck?
  9. it's a strong bad quote... you fail the homestarrunner knowledge quiz! better go back to Prance. Huh?
  10. I would be interested to know about this too. I have only done the normal punter route (west side by way of Fish Creek Pass) but noted many good rock climbing lines on the north faces. If you'd like to see what Blake and I are talking about, there are lots of good pictures of the cliffy north faces on my Star Peak page on summitpost.com. Note that any "technical" route done on the north faces or north ridge does not lead you to the true summit but instead to the distant North Summit. Because of this, north side routes would lack that classical feel of climbing a hard route to the top. Still looks like some good rock though.
  11. Dru, Fox: GIF stands for Graphical Interchange Format and, as such, "gif" should be pronounced with a hard G. BMP stands for "Bit Map". JPEG stands for "Joint Photographic Experts Group." JPG is just a shortened extension (three letters are more compact than four). Both are JPEGs. I've sometimes seen .jpe files and I believe these are also just a variant of .jpg files in terms of extension letters only. However, on my old unix workstation I used to have trouble reading in some .jpe files. While we're at it: TIFF stands for "Tagged Information File Format". Typical extensions usually only use .tif though. All these are different formats for storing an image file. They are created different ways and thus use/require a different subroutine within the Graphics software to open/close/save. Beyond these simple definitions I know nothing more. I'm a mechanical engineer, not a computer geek.
  12. Michelle, you might try manually typing in the suffix .gif after the filename. This sometimes clues the computer into saving it as that type you specify. Works with .jpg suffix going to jpeg, so might work with gif files too.
  13. How many times do they need to extend the program before making a final decision? This is just ridiculous. I suppose an extension of a possibility is better than the adhesion of a certainty (that the fee will be here forever and ever). But, again, why do they need to keep extending it? Recent evidence has shown that the Fee collection program does not work, that it costs almost as much as the total fee money collected to collect and administer those fees. It's like acne on a fifteen year old's face. They figure if they give it enough time, this budgetary inadequacy will clear itself up and the fee demo can become a "profitable" venture. Rather, what will really happen is the program will become even more of a dogged boondoggle. And that's just ONE reason why I dislike the fee demo extortion program. There, there's my rant for the week...and it's only Monday.
  14. Oh, so that's the solution!!! Nope, sorry, can't stop doing that. Mozilla it is.
  15. Doh! I missed that one. Hey, cut me some slack (and don't call me a hmmdffffesdafd), it was nigh bed time when I made that last post. If it was Twain in which you spoke, then he probably used the N-word there. My gaffe sort of reminds me of another Twain quote: "The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug."
  16. klenke

    Baghdad Jim

    Matt: Jim McDermott is no more an expert as to the existence of WMDs than Bush. Only Saddam (if he's still alive) and those of his cronies in the know are certain as to the existence of WMDs. Everyone else just speculates. McDoormat went over to Iraq, got toured around sites chosen for him by the Iraq government (Baath Party goons), and saw only what they wanted him to see. And what they showed him would only be things that spun Iraq and, in particular, the ruling Baath Party in the positive light. Do you really think that, if Jim asked them if they had WMDs or not and if so could he see them, they would say they did and possibly show him the WMDs? Simple human nature logic. The Baath Party was stupid but not that stupid. Unless, of course, McDoormat was shown the WMDs but suppressed the info out of spite for Bush. Even I have more respect for Jim than that, and I have not much respect for him as it is. McDoormat's trip over there solved nothing, proved nothing, and really posed no new questions. It was a political stunt. That was it.
  17. CBS said Twight said, "When I was seventeen, I couldn't believe what a stupid son of a gun my old man was. When I was twenty, I couldn't believe how much he had learned in only three years." ...except I doubt good 'ol foulmouthed Twight used the words "son of a gun." Probably used the f-word there.
  18. A friend of mine told me about Mozilla and I did check out their website. That may be the browser of choice. Q: does Mozilla run interference with IE or does Windows complain about Mozilla?
  19. Okay, so I'm thinking I'll reload Windows on my computer to clean up a lot of mess that's going on. I think I'll acquire some anti-pop up software while doing this. So my question is which anti-pop up softwares are best? I'd like to download a free version if possible but am not against shelling out a bit of money if need be. These damn pop ups are really starting to get intrusive. I mean, they were always intrusive, but now they're really getting bad. Ugh! Thanks - Paul
  20. Haikus are stupid Writers of them stupider Get lost you losers.
  21. "...he said that it was part of the contract that they not allow it. He said that the contractors do not want the liability for possibly having the public around the construction activity, and this is a standard contract provision." This is what I was thinking may be the case: that, if the road wasn't entirely closed, they'd have way too many people traipsing past the construction site(s). A road closure would deter such abundance of hikers. They could have built a temporary trail around the construction sites but this would have damaged the environment. Or, if they would be driving equipment trucks and the like up and down the road at regular intervals, then they wouldn't want to have to worry about pedestrians on the road that might get run over, etc. Maybe that's why the contract was written like it was. Either way, sucks to be someone trying to access Colchuck Lake, Stuart Lake, etc.
  22. Yes, Blake, I think that's Agnes in front. The terrain in the pic jives with my mapbook.
  23. Tupshin on the right then?
  24. Don't know. Something looking into the sun (or southward). From Stiletto too?
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