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Everything posted by Fairweather

  1. How about this one?
  2. Good post. Not sure we'd want to raise the CGT too much higher than its present level. Punishing investment seems like bad mojo, but the 15% that risk-takers pony up now could probably go to 20 or 25%. Letting the Bush cuts expire is a good idea too--as we've agreed in the past--and ditto the Social Security cap. Hell, I'd even support a temporary VAT--if it were constitutionally assigned to debt reduction and had an expiration mechanism. 28th Amendment, anyone?
  3. She's still pretty hot--even in Avatar. Of course, I was wearing 3-D glasses. Temporal paradoxes: You must have liked "12 Monkeys"?
  4. But I thought the original was better. Do not concur. Much more shooting and killing of aliens in the second incarnation. Especially if you watch the Director's Cut... The guns and effects were cool in II--and who can forget Bill Paxton's famous "game over" speech. But the Gothic scenes and pure suspense in the original is tops, IMO.
  5. One of the best, for sure. But I thought the original was better. Killing off little Newt in part III though was just unforgivable.
  6. Newt is a nickname for "Newton". Geez, man. ....or the first president named after a cookie!
  7. I hear they're going to be giving away free silver on the internet soon. Can anyone here confirm this rumor?
  8. I'm confused about the latest news: Did searchers actually make it to the Muir shelter and find it empty? (The Thursday Seattle Times story says rescuers reached Muir, but other sources say they did not.) Also, isn't there a radio that is accessible and works year-round there? I guess I pictured these folks toughing it out at Muir these past few days, but if they never made it to the safety of the hut then it doesn't sound too good.
  9. You, sir, are a liar, a shill, and a neanderthal. quite meaningless when used out of all context and despite any logic, which, as you know very well, wasn't the case when I have addressed these adjectives at you (I bet it'll happen again). Do you need a reminder of how these epithets applied to what your wrote here? (by opposition to your baseless hateful rhetoric?) I feel like I am talking to a child. Is that why you're writing like one? Reading your tortured sentences is utterly agonizing. Please, take a class--or something.
  10. The TRs to which I'm referring aren't climbing trips in any sense of the word. Disneyworld TRs anyone?
  11. You, sir, are a liar, a shill, and a neanderthal.
  12. Walking 4 blocks in the snow would be TR-worthy for a certain poster here. Macros of an ice-encrusted bus fender and a frozen pothole would follow his gripping account. On the other hand, j_b's shame of such elitist pursuits would prevent him from sharing his tale.
  13. Skis: 167cm, excellent condition w/no scratches on bases or tops. Bindings: excellent condition, mediums. Skins: BD Ascensionists, 70mm, uncut, excellent condition. (old, fold-over tip style) $300/offer PM me if interested.
  14. Your darkness is a more benign, albeit still pathetic variety. I suspect TTK will eventually get himself banned--without too much help from others here.
  15. By several accounts now, he's a miserable human being--not only here, but in person as well. How does someone become so obnoxious that they even manage to get their own trip report pulled? What's more, why would he refuse to apologize for recently threatening to "fuck my wife in the mouth"? Talented? Maybe, but not very smart at all. His pedantic style notwithstanding, his word structure, and even his spelling, indicate someone with some serious gaps in their education. An engineer? Maybe, but not a good one, I suspect. I do not like him, nor do I have any desire to meet him. He and I have nothing in common--other than the sickness that this website feeds. Don't feel guilty about the disgust that this poor excuse for a human being evokes. You're not alone.
  16. Fat peeple r slo lerners, I guess.
  17. Does anyone who is too dumb to spell a word in the title of their own thread still have a right to use it?
  18. I'd say that cc.com has some issues to work out--with a certain friend of yours.
  19. When is cc.com gonna reign this guy in?
  20. Misogyny and racism all wrapped into a single premise. How nice.
  21. Apparently j_b is the only one who hasn't noticed.
  22. This is a "mechanized form of transportation." How far should Wilderness Watch take their literal (and silly) interpretations of The Wilderness Act?
  23. Really? Please, do share.
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