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Everything posted by Fairweather

  1. That's about the 10th time you've asked that question of me and others. You seem hung up on this issue. I'm supposed to reply, "what branch did you serve in?" to which you will no doubt chestbeat your 3 years of non-combat service in the Army or Navy. It's all irrelevant to the topics we discuss. (see my reply to foraker regarding reading comprehension on this thread) BTW: How's that nasty bruise doing. No doubt a guy like you has had his share of blackened orbits. As Clint Eastwood once said; "A man otta' know his limits."
  2. That's my point, numbnuts. Luna is the one making this assertion - I am the one being facitious. Reading comprehension, Foraker.
  3. No. You're not answering my premise and trying to obfuscate, you arrogant little punk. Based on your own assinine statement, Quote: I think the point was that folks with degrees in what -business administration - speculate on the flaws of models put together by experts with decades of experience in the field. It would be just as odd for me to question the engineering on the space shuttle... are you qualified to comment on matters of political and economic import? For that matter, are you even qualified to wipe your own ass?
  4. My boss loves the "F" bomb. Once, during a meeting, I made a hash mark on my legal pad every time fuck, or a variant thereof was uttered forth from his vile hole. After one hour, the count topped out at twenty-two. He loves throwing papers, folders, journals as well. A real class act, he. One of our female reps took exception to his methods and contacted personnel about a year ago. After a very short meeting she was told, "unfortunately, there's no rule against being an asshole." Strangely enough, she soon developed performance issues and was encouraged to seek other employment.
  5. Does it work with a Nalgene bottle too?
  6. Sorry, JayB. I just can't get past those audio tapes of Enron exec's ordering power stations to go off-line while brown-outs were wreaking havoc on California. Right here in Tacoma, Kaiser Aluminum's state-of-the-art smelter decided it was cheaper to take $$$ incentives and shut down than it was to pay soaring electric rates. Hundreds lost their jobs and the work went to Thailand. It will never come back.
  7. ....or just as odd for you to question the model of capitalism? Or political science? What are your qualifications that allow you to 'speculate' therein? Are you actually suggesting that unless one has a degree in a given discipline they should refrain from opining? Or perhaps you are simply casting aspersions on MBA's who are so obviously unqualified to comment on the world around them? I smell arrogance.
  8. The SUV argument is a red herring, in any event. We're talking fuel consumed during the vacation time window, versus fuel normally consumed during the same time period while at home. I maintain this difference in increased consumption is so large, it renders the vacationeer a hypocrite.
  9. No shit - where did I say otherwise? And the average SUV's mileage is also "per passenger", in case you've never noticed. So we're still comparing apples to apples. A fully loaded 747 gets better mileage per passenger and does a Hell of a lot more work, a Hell of a lot faster than your average SUV. Dumbass. QUOTE:"1L per 19km works out to a little over 45 miles per US gallon for a vehicle that travels at hundreds of miles per hour. That's a Hell of a lot less "excessive" than your average SUV at 55 mph." Maybe I'm not translating your 'Canadian' properly? Also, assuming the SUV always carries a single occupant is not 'apples-to-apples'.
  10. The 3000 mile figure was for the model, not the actual distance to europe and back. And Murray, you dumbass, that figure is PER PASSENGER. The fact remains, Jim; your trip is not one of necessity and a huge amount of fuel will be consumed to satisfy the demands of your 'hobby'. In fact, the exhaust will be pumped directly into the atmosphere at around 35,000 feet w/o the benefit of a catalytic converter, smog pump, charcoal filter, etc. (No difference in CO2 emission, I realize.) Don't let this rain on your little parade, though. All those other Americans don't really need their SUV's to the same degree that you do your trip.
  11. Hey Jim! You still gonna hop on that big 747 and fly off to climb in Spain this summer? I believe the fuel consumption profile of a fully loaded 747-400 (3000mi flight w/ 1 T/O and 1 landing) is one liter per person - per 19km. I'll leave the math up to you, but suffice it to say; that's a whole shit-load of kerosene! How dare you lecture here about excess.
  12. "Don't cry for me, Argentina!" Ok....I've gotta side with the paranoid libs on this one. I ate some serious crow back when I actually believed that a western US generating capacity shortage was underway....when in fact Enron was manipulating the market. The same is obviously now going on with oil companies and I call bullshit on this whole China/supply/demand scenario. At the same time, I think those who want to blame those 'evil Republicans/BushCo' assign too much power to one man. Most big oil companies are multi-national, but I certainly think Bush should be using the bully-pulpit to beat these guys down...and so far, he's not. I think it's just a major case of price-fixing. Possibly one of the biggest $$$ anti trust fiascos of all time.
  14. No CO2 Emissions
  15. Clearly you don't understand the theory of the feeding frenzy. The sharks smell Delay's blood in the water. Maybe Nancy P will be next; I don't know. ...and exactly who are these sharks you're talking about? The Liberal Media perhaps? If it were not for FOX and other non-mainstream outlets, few would know how common these ethical lapses are...on BOTH sides. But I suppose you're only interested in drinking the media shark-fed KoolAid tonight.
  16. http://www.nlpc.org/pelosi.asp
  17. Thanks! That's what I wanted to know. I'm thinking that it might be melted out by Memorial Day since the road end is at 4500 feet. I'm wanting to take my son up White Salmon Glacier as a two day...hopefully we can avoid those nasty lahars!
  18. He won't. Especially now that the ethics commission is back in business and as many as sixty Democrats (including Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid) and fellow Republicans are guilty of exactly the same thing. One more thing: The only reason that your buddy, Jim McDermott, hasn't been exiled from the House for his ethical/legal lapses re that famous illegal taping incident, is precisely because the ethics commission has been inactive. Note to Democrats: Be careful what you wish for!
  19. Foraker, Sounds to me like you're a big fan of Mr V.I. Lenin? Or are you just being your usual antagonist self? http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/0226320618/ref=sib_dp_pt/102-1569030-4935358#reader-page http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/0674076087/ref=sib_dp_pt/102-1569030-4935358#reader-link
  20. Fairweather

    i saw

    You must live near the Canada border. Down where I live, the 's only come in gray.
  21. Has anyone used this approach for White Salmon Glacier? More specifically, is the road normally suitable for a 2wd car?
  22. Fairweather

    Bear v Shark

    Save the bears!! Let's all go shark fishin' with Rachael!
  23. Fairweather

    Bear v Shark

    That this question emerged from the dark recesses of your mind represents absolute proof that you do not surf porn when you are bored.
  25. This is not a concern for Dru. The Canadian government does not allow males to possess testicles.
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