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Everything posted by Fairweather

  1. No big. It's just that, like, I hear claiming military service that never happened is the lowest. And padding an academic resume, well, than can get you fired I suppose. Better to just be who you are. Now, as you were, "sailor!"
  2. No stalking required when the fantasy starts bending in on itself. Your four-star ego is still working on its second stripe. Someone's gotta say it.
  3. Hmmm, this is ironic coming from you. UW MBA? Musta been, like, very recently. Yer not on the list. Naval Academy grad? Not. Service in the US Armed Forces? Hard to say. You claim yes. And no. Depending on the argument--and the meds, I suppose. Ivan says no. Good enough. Wealthy, retired tech CEO? Again, hard to say. Since we're on the topic, I'd love to hear more about your legal background. Theories spoon fed. I guess every board needs a lay project kid. Jim. Now i don't agree with his meta outlook, but he strikes me as legit. Both here and in the real world you seem to know so little about.
  4. Well said. The fact that certain individuals and orgs continue to invest in the Brown case despite other, more worthy outrages--not to mention the facts--probably boils down to ego. Or arrogance. Or unrelated complaints.
  5. Fairweather


    Like, if it's real at all: http://www.cnet.com/news/is-the-universe-a-2d-hologram-fermilab-intends-to-find-out/
  6. Fairweather


    It's a conflict, for sure. Probes are much more bang for the buck. Then there's always that whole absurd distances speed of light limit thing. So, we get to Mars. Then what? We're still no closer to the nearest habitable world--wherever it is. The robots will have to suck out the code of our souls and carry us across the void in mechanized form. It's a long fucking trip. ::
  7. Fairweather


    Not sure this is entirely true. I think human nature and the desire to find out what's over the next hill had more to do with it than being pissed off at the patriarch. In fact, human culture typically became more stratified as humans began living in more hostile climes. At least until the Enlightenment and Protestant work ethic partially freed us from the tyranny of the preacher--and our own fucking families.
  8. Fairweather


    Well now, Mars ain't exactly the Hoh fucking Rainforest.
  9. Side topic, but CNN is running a pretty good special right now questioning the sustainability and value of the American university model itself.
  10. Fairweather


  11. Fairweather


    The race is on! (That is, will we middle-aged folks live to see humans set foot on Mars.)
  12. Now, that's a really good question, G...
  13. The notion that "well, it fits my worldview therefore it must have really happened that way" works for certain things, I suppose. Still, the narrative can't be held higher than facts when it comes to things like this. Ferguson is another case in point. Duke lacrosse, ditto. Lefties seem particularly fond of the media trial these days. Probably part of the reason no one's gonna trust em to run the whole show. Like, ever.
  14. Looks like Rolling Stone has retracted the story. Too bad you guys already had the trial. Again.
  15. Perfect.
  16. You mean Landrieu? I guess it doesn't really matter--as long as there's a D next to the name.
  17. As long as you balanced out your course with a raging Democratic asshole, no problem. Of course, there's a difference between an elected official--and a partisan activist like TTK. The latter has no business presenting in a public school. If he is bent on indoctrinating kids, he should stick to whatever progeny his dust-filled sack is capable of producing.
  18. Well, you certainly make a case for private & home school. That a tool like you was invited to indoctrinate other people's k-12 kids in a compulsory setting is truly stunning.
  19. Good post. We could have an interesting conversation about your first point as it relates to Karl Popper, CO2, etc. But that's another day. As for your second point, well, the site pontificator seems to think nonsense morphs into statistic if repeated often enough. Rote also seems to play an important role as the air escapes the balloon. In any event, I wouldn't put much cred in his resurrected "we/aclu" meme. This particular poster has built a rather, to put it kindly, padded resume here.
  20. Another ridiculous myth.
  21. IRonY aLErt. ThIs iS noT a dRilL.
  22. It is. You miss the point. Cuz yer slow.
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