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Everything posted by hakioawa
"Shit a guy could have a pretty good time in Vegas with all this" From what classic American Film? Yeeeeeeeee haawwwwwww! Yeeeeeeeee haawwwwwww! Dr. Strangelove!
According to this KING5 news story, "The popular Kennedy hot springs and the historic cabin are no longer there" after the recent floods. Anyone have any more specifics about this?
-Super Stinx for tele -Dynastar SF to go fast -XScream Series for inbounds -XScream Series w/ Silveretta's for BC -Dynafit setup for big mountains -Old Blizzards for rocks -Oh ans a snowboard for when I want to break myself
PP, You are really scraping at the bottom of the barell. Come on I know you can do beter than that.
You know you've sunk to new lows when you make Trask look classy.
Opera is pretty cool. Fast, and works on 99% of sites. But I'm sure you only care about cc.com. And yes it works here. The free version has a single window in the upper right that shows little banner ads. Its not intrusive at all, and you can block popups. Its likned into google so the ads depend on what page you are reading. I get all kinds of climbing gear adds on cc.com. This little feature is pretty funny somtimes. While reading about the CA fires I'd get little ads like "Sell your SanDiego real estate". Is a nice little app.
OK, if the nubers hold I'll have to hand it to Bush. I hate the guy, but I blammed hi pa for the recession of the early 90's, I blammed Clinton for the prosperity of the late 90's. So it seems fair to give Jr. the credit for the current economy. If the numbers stay up, hurrah! retirement fund grows. If they go down, hello president Dean. Its a win win situation. But along those lines I'm going to be consistant. when next months numbers come out at a 1.5% annual growth rate and have adjusted the recent ones down, I'll still give Jr. credit.
Flood the market w/ really cheap oil, thus making OPEC irrelevant. The Saudi's will no longer be able to placate the masses with onrimental mosques and pay the salary's of the secret police. We can beat 'em the same way we beat the Ruskies. With $$$$
Seeing as how this story comes from fox news, we can safely assume: 1) Proof the Iraqis were developeing Nucular weapons. After all the sun is a giant fusion reactor. 2) The liberal media is hiding the facts. 3) Yet another reason to expand our militry presence in space.
Except for really long outings canisters are the way to go. Unlike what most people think, these stoves do really well at altitude, they are actually much more efficient. They do not do well at cold temps, but that can be worked around. There is an really cool new prumus micro stove. Its the sine of a film canister, is hot, and has a built in sparker that won't break, unlike ever other stove I've seen. As to recycling, I don't know why people make such a big deal out of this. If you want to, puncute and crush them. But think about it what else do you recycle? Do you use ziplocks? paper coffee cups? What about freeze dried meals, you can't recycle those containers. first aid suppiles? There are lot of thinkg you can't recycle. Don't get me wrong. Its good to recycle, but its kinda a red herring for the fuel canisters IMHO.
I don't get it? Basically the poll says a very larger percentage of the population couldn't give a rats ass about "the was on terrorism"? How exactly does this spell republican victory?
I have been reading Krugman for about 8 years now. Since my undergraduate Econ years. I am reading his new book. Krugman is not a liberal from an econmics perspective. At least not historically. He is a Bush hater. As am I and damn proud of it. However I do think the author makes a good out point. Kurgman is an Economist, not a politician, statesman or philospher. He is using his position at the paper to put forth a political agenda and that is unfortunate. He discredits his own economic opinions through his insessant anti-bush rants. Were he to stick to purely economic analysis of the effects of bush's policies, his opion would carry more weight.
Guilty as charged. None the less I think its important that those of us who have consistantly been against the war stand up and be counted. Personnaly I don't not know many people who truly supported the invasion for valid and honest reasons. I thnk a lot of people that are against the war and the current occupation assume they are in the minority. The media has continuously undercoverd people that are against the war. These people should be heard. Some should be listened to. I do think "support the troops" is another way of saying shut the fuck up. It also does not help to say well we're there so lets fisish the job. How do we do that? When will the troops come home? I gaurentee may of those guys would love to have somone say to them exactly what thier exit criteria is. Nov 1? Jun 1 2004? Dec 31 2009? Dates, times, rules, schedules these are what is needed. It comes down to discussion and debate and this is something the Bushies refuse to do. So I'd rather have Jim McDermot screaming I told you so as long as he has something to add to the current debate. Even if it is "the whole thing was a mistake, lets pull the troops now, badgad be dammed". At least its somthing to talk about rather than blind faith in the double sceret plan the administration says is on schedule.
Sorry but the I told you so's should be srcreaming it at the top of thier lungs! We did tell you so. Unfortuately Bush chose to listen to his war mongering cronies. Every day it looks more and more like the Jim McDermot's and Robert Byrds (when I found myself agreeing with Robert Byrd I knew somthing weird was going on) or the world were right. Bush had his chance and totally blem it, so its time to listen to someone else. Its far too self serving of Bush and his "cabinet of evil" to say "now is not the time second guess". Its an election year. More people should be screaming I told you so!
Is it just me or is a picture of a dancing happy face priest calling a 15 year old hot a little disturbing
Weird seems to work for me. Do you have a like to the GIF in question?
What are you using to save them? I can to it in IE6.
Tried that. It didn't work. Any other ideas?
They are out now. And they look like may wallet went through the wash and bled into the $$$. Plus the paper dosn't feel like real duckets.
Come to think of it it must be IE, cause I don't get the re-directs in Opera. SO it can't be the network stack.
I usually use opera, but Certian sites I need for work don't render. Outlook webmail etc.
Yeah I could. Its just such a hassel. I think there should be an easier way. Maybe unilstall all networking? Then try to reinstall IE?
All you geeks. I downloaded a CD ripper a few weeks ago. It installed a TON of random spyware crap. I got rid of most of it. But now it seems to have taken over Internet Explorer or my TCP/IP-DNS stack. Randomly when clicking on a like I get redirected to all sored of web paeges I didn't ask for. Like "superpages.com". Its taken over and I can't get rid of it!!!!!! Any ideas??
Never been to that site before. I googled cause I remembered the study. I couldn't load the PDF from web page Yeah that site is a bit left of my taste.
Fair enough. I know this has been posted befor, but I would say it shed light on this issue. Liberal vs. Conservative, Left vs. Right, Thinking vs. Reactionary, one wat to judge a news organization is determine its listeners/viewers/readers ability to judge realitiy. A recent poll indicates that 80% of frequent FOX news views have one or more major misconceptions about the war in Iraq whereas only about 23% of NPR listeners hold these same beliefs. To the extent that any of these news source tell the truth NPR is much closer to it than most and FOX as way out there. link You can argue that the study was conducted by the "liberal media" but if you accept it, its hard not to admit more liberal the media the less biased they are.