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Everything posted by slothrop

  1. I'm not as angry about a corrupt UN as I am about a corrupt US. The reason why should be obvious. Corruption should be investigated and punished. Your trolling skills need work.
  2. WND is not a source, sorry. Primary or respectable sources, please. And none of those organizations attacked Americans, unless you'd like to inform me otherwise.
  3. Are we living in Palestine? Did Saddam ever fund terrorists attacking Americans? Read the article chucK linked. The reporter clearly states that the complex was not thoroughly searched.
  4. Dammit, Fairweather, now I'm confused. I thought Britain was our ally? You know, like, part of the coalition. How can British people not like us? Is it something we said? From the NBC news story chucK linked: If the 101st didn't thoroughly search the huge complex ("1,000 buildings") on April 4 or 10, how could they say whether the HMX/RDX was there or not? In any case, the Iraq Survey Group says there was a period of seven weeks where the complex was left unguarded by US troops. It doesn't matter what the original story was... when new facts come up, stories are corrected or added to ("embellished"). I don't understand your gripe with the date.
  5. Don't mock the geeks or they'll go off and form their own climbing bulletin board (crackcaliperz.nu) with collaborative filtering and RSS and all that shizzle. Pr3p@r3 2 B 0wn3d!
  6. Where's the "wildly tangential reference to a provocative French film director that's over everyone's head" gremlin?
  7. You can always tell who's hiding a Met5 vest under his jacket by the raptors riding the thermal over his head.
  8. http://blogspace.com/rss/readers :geek:
  9. Scott, can you name a single guerilla war in which the more powerful invader prevailed without resorting to genocide? History is full of examples where the vastly more powerful invader was brought to its knees or forced to withdraw by the occupied people. I don't think "shock and awe" is going to win the war in Iraq or overwhelm the Islamist insurgency around the world. Our enemies deal in violence, not in diplomacy, but they also feed off of violence. Airstrikes and raids by the US forces only seem to incite them further and serve as motivational tools for their recruitment efforts.
  10. The #0 Clog cam is my least favorite piece... I place it as soon as I can just to get rid of the thing. Friends smaller than #1.5 aren't nearly as nice as TCUs or Aliens.
  11. RSS is a way of packaging web data so you can aggregate it. In other words, RSS feeds let you gather the content from different websites together and read it all at once. Imagine a web page where you have your favorite cc.com forums in one box, the news headlines in another, and (as PP suggests) real-time images of your favorite mountain passes in another.
  12. Yeah, that couloir on Buckner looks awesome. This looks like a good ski, if you're into that sort of thing: http://www.pbase.com/nolock/image/35442686
  13. Aiding Iron Horse, I got up to the pins, clipped their slings, and decided to move right toward a little block and then to the Sagitarius belay instead of going straight up. From the pins, I placed a so-so green Alien and then got an inverted cam hook under the block. Next was a small brass offset, which I bounce tested lightly and moved onto, removing the hook. After a few seconds, the brassie blew, the Alien popped out, and real quick-like I was 10 feet from the ground. My belayer (nameless cc.commie ), standing quite a ways back from the wall, got yanked forward, making for a soft catch but a longer fall. TimL was climbing 10% MV, I think, and called over asking if someone had just taken a whipper. I scraped up my elbow and tore a hole in my windshirt, but otherwise no damage done.
  14. Goddamn, that's my desktop background now. Nice photo.
  15. and already posted, too.
  16. Why dontcha dump a bucket of icy cold water on him and find out, chuck? Wet Mountie t-shirt contest, yowza! Here comes the ice pick to the forehead!
  17. There's still time to run down to REI for all your costume essentials, Paul.
  18. Third from left, filling up his Nalgene with what was the morning's first 40 of the Ol' E. Far left, about to get beat down for sportin' the red bandanna with blue gaiters. Sucka don't even know... it's black gaiters and blue bandannas in this hood.
  19. Aw yeah: The off-kilter look is hot this fall for fashionable Mounties. Notice Gary's single twisted waistbelt strap--a real daring statement among the "no ten essentials left behind" set.
  20. It's not his fault that the Mountie costume is inherently funny.
  21. Awesome.
  22. Naw, Blockbuster is the very short 5.9 offwidth just above Sickle.
  23. Re: Sickle I'd rather do that finger crack to the right and then continue up the groove, rope drag notwithstanding. I like that groove, it's cool. Blockbuster is also cool, but two moves long.
  24. From Boogie Nights (too bad PT Anderson is a prick and won't let the script circulate online...): That is a giant cock. - Amber Waves in perfect deadpan See this system here? This is Hi-Fi... high fidelity. What that means is that it's the highest quality fidelity... - Buck You've got the touch / You've got the power - Dirk, singing I'm just gonna keep on rockin' and rollin'. - Dirk's acceptance speech
  25. There's some thirty-foot bolted 5.0 route at Exit 38 (Headlight Point area or something) that gets a 5.7 in the guidebook and is not even worth trying to remember the name of. By far the worst route I have ever wasted my time on. Another at Exit 38: the one that starts right off the trestle, the only route on its tiny crag. At least one bolt loads the bolt-end biner against an edge. Nightmarish slippery downsloping blocky crap to climb on. Sahale is way overrated as a climb, but it does have fine views. Sickle Crack at Index. Too short and the traversing bit is annoying.
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