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Everything posted by specialed

  1. I went cragging once and almost forgot the beer.
  2. Climbing in the mountains is inherently dangerous, a certain amount of risk (subjective and objective) can never be obviated. On the other hand, speed, safe systems, fitness, and experience reduce a lot of risk and can change what is a potential fatality into just a scary situation or close call.
  3. Just admit that you broke it on purpose so your victims, I mean "dates," can't escape.
  4. I wish I had three hands. I'd give this thread three THUMBS DOWN!!
  5. So, the fact that you hang out with a bunch of burnout bong smoking hippies justifies mass governmental intrusion into our personal lives? Maybe you just need to reexamine who your buddies are.
  6. The problem is people hate Jesus. Infidels.
  7. The people shouldn't have been standing under where a dummy was falling. Duh.
  8. The best thing about that buttess is that you hike down into it, so there's no descent. The best looking rock, and where we figured Yoder's route was, was to the right of our route and the toe of the buttress - the east face, I think. Nice job making the most of a shitty weather weekend. Classic pic of Rolf following that pitch, BTW.
  9. specialed

    police radar

    From your dog doesn't count.
  10. specialed

    police radar

    Atleast he didn't zap you with his Gaydar.
  11. Stick to drinking and PCP its much safer.
  12. Squampton. Wasn't there already a thread on chimneys / offwidths in the northwest?
  13. I saw a group of six mountain madness people being short roped down the Becky gully yesterday. I felt sorry for the guides / sheep herders. But if that's your thing, have fun.
  14. I watched some squirrel accrobatics earlier this summer. It was entertaining for a while. The arrow split open the fuckers belly and created quite a mess. After that I realized a .22 was a lot more efficient for the next few. The new squirrels haven't figured out how to get in the feeder yet, so there's a ceasefire for now.
  15. There's a ton of climbing up there. I would assume someone's put out an instruction manual. That area is still pretty rustic, should be a really cool place to visit. Let us know how it goes! Sorry I'm not much help though.
  16. Don't make me toss your salad.
  17. It blew a fuse and caught on fire.
  18. In most circumstances being tied up by a rope means both.
  19. Is that right before you realized you'd been on an 8-day peyote trip and you'd never actually been climbing before?
  20. No, I just got screwed.
  21. Experts only.
  22. Its cool if you wear Mike's shirt, but I wouldn't recomend wearing his underwear. Way too many skidmarks.
  23. Almost died last weekend on the rope swing at the lake. No shit. My leg got caught in the rope and there I was swinging back into shore upside down headfirst into a rock. Luckily I was able to pull out at the last minute
  24. Put down the bong, slackers.
  25. Commonly soloed in under 6 hours car-car in sneakers.
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