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Everything posted by Cpt.Caveman

  1. Probably lurking. I dont need him to help me chop shit. Wimpy skinny fuckers want to talk shit. You talk here on the internet. I'll talk my shit by lopping off bolts. First garbage dropp off will be at pube club tuesday. See you there.
  2. Isn't he in yosemite
  3. No need to. Sounds like people are already grumbling about doing it for free of charge..
  4. I'm not really interested in Garfield. I'd rather take pictures of flowers or watch water freeze. But I am aware of some people that will bolt anything they can. The funny thing is I read in one of those "climber\loser or rockandloser rags" about one of the route setters claiming something to the effect of nobody is going to complain about too many bolts on that one. Man way to stir some shit up for himself. If maybe he shut his pie hole he might have been better off than spraying it out in such a way to climber ragazines. Then drilling in wilderness and cutting in trails. It's like they ask for it. I guess they don't really give a fuck is what it spells to me. Not like I am going to cop it and chop it (or maybe I will if I got riled up) but just some perspective...
  5. After that, there are maybe less than 2 bolts per pitch not including anchors to the top of 18. There must be one bolt per pitch then.
  6. I say leave it here. Chop Chop
  7. Anyone want to climb the standard route this weekend?
  8. What is the WCC's position? Seems to me like they are in a position to exist but not to talk about any real issues so far. I'd like to see some action. ML has offered up the usuals. But those services were in place before the user fee demo. There is evidence it doesnt all necessarily go into what you might call hiker or backcountry user - I found info MS Helens had bought some movie projectors with user demo money.. Lie about how they use it too.
  9. That pic of thadsboner looks like you nightfly
  10. insert floppy startup disk go to start then hit reboot after it reboots to dos in the black window type in "format /q /v:VOL c:" and hit enter. If prompted keep hitting enter or yes remove floppy and reboot
  11. Stick yer face in it or shut up is what I think.
  12. One of these days they'll have a gondola and web cam up there to stuart lake. Can you make a winter ascent in the fall? Probably not. But you can certainly find winter conditions in the fall. And that is what "winter climbing" is all about right? Most complaints or arguments I see stemming from this debate is someone climbed something in winter conditions during say non calendar winter then someone else just wants to complain or nitpick about it... But then again - I could see winter conditions in summer I suppose for short periods on some peaks. For a rack I would take baby blue, green, black, and orange metolius cams, a set of stoppers and 8-10 slings. I would bring some bigger pieces for gendarme.... Oh and nope I have no idea what the conditions are like. Even if I was up there 4 days ago I would only guess. You'll probably have to stick your face into it on your own...
  13. hello - I have charlet vasak. The ones that have the binding system that will fit on nearly any footwear. They are steel and climb really well. They would be good for starters on waterfalls that freeze or most any mountain situation. Although if you climb waterfalls in the winter often I would suggest something else to do that.. They have the supportive points behind front points and are fairly light for being steel. The flexlock binding is the best for all around for me. These I would recommend for a good set of first crampons.
  14. Sucks man. Wish I could have met the dude. He climbed Mt Saugstad first (among tons of others) with the late John Dudra. Looks pain in the arse to get to and scary in person..
  15. I thought this thread was going to be about Toofless women of Darrington or something.
  16. it would take about another 2 weeks in my opinion. I agree. Saw some ends *barely* wanting to turn....
  17. Run some searches and you will see that my basic "position" on these matters has remained the same for three years: virtual and on-the-ground bolt wars have done little to stem the tide of bolting and have had the net effect of driving most climbers away from any real discussion of these or other issues we face. Actually I see the problem as this. I started debating instead of insulting and threw you guys a curve ball. Then lambone formed a different opinion and struck you out. Then we continued along that path and now some of you are poor sports in the debate IMHO. Some might even use the term whiners.. You continue to use terms such as stink bombs when people really debate. That is poor if you ask me. You continue to discredit opinions and ethics because others have not been seen at meetings or other gatherings. Again poor. Maybe lambone donated 1000$ instead of his attendance... Then you call for participation in a group that has no opinion yet with the preset tone that some might get ignored because all of the above.
  18. Maybe if you got involved they might even want to listen what you have to say? Just sitting here on this board expressing my opinion I get the impression I wouldn't be welcome. Do they really want a meeting where people are going to speak their mind? Or is it a formal hooray we are all blessed to do as we pleased anyway? From my point of view the people criticizing the bad bolting actions might not want to attend a meeting with the tone already set like that... If such a group is going to label them as nuisances, or whatever wording they want to use then I would suppose the meeting would be over before it started.
  19. YOu fuckers can have my used edible toilet paper
  20. I didn't know you were keeping attendance records of meetings or that it was some sort of prerequisite to have on opinion expressed here. Also, I am a criticizer of bolting. I don't want to meet with a bunch of people that are grouped together in order to figure out ways to trick the FS into thinking they are obeying the law so smokey doesn't come out and see them. That's exactly the stuff I think should not go on. I can see it now - meet up with rap bolting crew in a meeting so they can push down their ethics on me in mass. Sounds like straight people going to a gay bar looking for some action.
  21. Well - people always claim that "those against" rap bolting or like items never debate without calling people pussies or making insults. Proved that wrong. It's funny how multiple times I was either accused of that or it was implied that such statements like that were made in the discussion. I do get an impression that some folks are not happy and will not debate until they have a huddle or something like that, in order to agree that one person talks for them or something. Which is unfortunate I suppose.
  22. I don't believe in power drilling in wilderness. I will not partake in it. If there's something in those two sentences that makes me a relavist that is just fine. But to insult me for it or suggest I am trolling someone because I come in a public forum and discuss the way I view it is not going to get you anywhere. That is the subject here. It's not about other laws it is about this one. You keep polluting the argument for sake of some reason or another. Kind of like when mattp tried to compare it to a couple of ridiculous items for whatever reason..
  23. Haha ;-) I just think you are quick to bash a hypocrite but use hypocrites for examples in your arguments without articulating why you use them and backing their actions for example.
  24. You might just be better of sitting back and coaching someone else to write for you RumR.
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