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Everything posted by freeclimb9

  1. Passion for anything, including climbing, ebbs and flows like the tide. Ride it while it's high, and eddy out and rest when it isn't.
  2. So, intrigued by this thread, I checked out nwog.org. There's little in its content to justify the "guide" in the title. As the creator of www.iceclimb.com, I feel entitled to comment about online climbing guides. If you're doing it for money, you're a fool. The only time I've seen climbers lay down any respectable amount of cash was for their own gear, travel expenses, and beer. [ 10-31-2002, 07:02 PM: Message edited by: freeclimb9 ]
  3. damn, dude. Straighten out yer bloomers. The boys in Bozeman have been running laps on fat ice. It's only climbing.
  4. Necronomicon: "I am dying of inoperable colon necrosis requiring medically impossible invasive surgery. You need to buy my kayak and gear because it's not spread from topical contact with contaminated surfaces"?
  5. quote: Originally posted by Terminal Gravity: One question. Why not drive at Night. It's easier to see during the daytime. Night usually isn't a problem, but it's a travel time when long distance truckers and busses are more common. Since the lanes are narrower than the US standard, it's a tight squeeze. Livestock and unlit cars can also be a problem (I once almost had a head-on with an unlit car driving in my lane). BTW, one little annoying quirk of Mexican drivers is using the left-turn signal to indicate that it's clear to pass them. Or maybe they're turing left. Keeps you guessing.
  6. Old Navy fleece jacket, $20 http://www.oldnavy.com/asp/product.asp?:=l&wdid=10060&wpid=167866 Old Navy fleece vest, $8 http://www.oldnavy.com/asp/product.asp?:=l&wdid=10060&wpid=167864 Is the Mountain Hardwear four times better?
  7. The military I've encountered at roadblocks were totally professional.
  8. quote: Originally posted by Mr. Natural: I am going to do the winter holidays just outside of Ensanada with family and gurlfriend and was wondering if any of you gapers have spent time around there. What is the nearby climbing like? Is there a lot of it? Any favorite night spots? No donkey shows pleeeeze. Diving? and sorry fot the drift. I think you mean Ensenada in Baja California Norte. Its port is dominated by a ship yard and cannery, so you won't be diving right there. To the south is Punta Banda which is a better diving destination. Do a googlesearch for "Dale's bunkhouse" for more info. With regard to climbing, Canyon Tajo in the Parque Nacional Laguna Hansen is fairly close, but tough to describe how to get to. From Ensenada, you go through Ojos Negros enroute and by the lake itself along obscure and unmarked dirt roads. From the north, access is from La Rumarosa on Hwy 2. There's tons of climbing there --from big walls on El Gran Trono Blanco (Pan Am, the Giraffe), to long climbs (La Joya, Happy Hooker), to one and three pitch slabby climbs on impeccable granite domes. I've done much climbing there, but I couldn't remember details on which turns to make. Many of the best routes follow wispy dikes of quartz, and all would be considered runout by today's standards. The main first ascentionists of the area --Jon Smallwood and Dan Curly who established hundreds of routes-- have purposefully not published any guide and resist all attempts to do so. The result is the area is remote and feels that way. Check out an account of climbing there by Middendorf: http://www.bigwalls.net/climb/Trono.html Ensenada nightspots: Hussong's is good for a laugh, and to say "I've been there". Marina Coral has a nice restaurant. Fish tacos near the shipyard are a tradition.
  9. "a light shell and fleece combo" is more versatile, IMO. Jackets that combine the two are prone to condensation and ice buildup at the fleece, nylon barrier when it's really cold. I, personally, don't think fleece sucks, but it's not the best to wear as an outer layer when it's snowing. Plus, fleece is super cheap if you avoid namebrands (TNF, BD, Mountain Hardwear, etc.). You can get a decent pullover for under $20 if you check out Shopko, Costco, Walmart, and others, and are not averse to wierd colors, or camo. Any fleece will pull moisture to its backing, so old-school pile, or borglite, will be dryer than two-sided fleece in which the two backinging are laminated together.
  10. 1. Jame "Buffalo Bill" Gumb: The serial killer from Silence of the Lambs in the "tuck" scene (i.e. "I'd fuck me, I'd fuck me so hard"). 2. An STD involving parasites and/or pus. 3. Viagra Man: A superhero in a blue leotard with a "V" emblazoned on his chest and a big woody in his Speedo. 4. The cast of Sex and the City: A group of female friends dressed in Prada and Manolo Blahniks. 5. French maid outfit. 6. Pubic hair on soap: A solid, pastel-colored outfit sprayed with some kind of fresh-scent perfume, with a piece of black yarn glued to the front in a squiggly pattern. 7. Camilla Parker-Bowles' tampon: Big ears, British accent, all-white outfit, red tie. 8. Pedophile: Dirty old man with a children's book and a boner. 9. The E.R. patient: A carrot sticking out of the seat of your pants (i.e. "I was just doing a little cooking and I slipped, doctor, I swear..."). 10. The man who mistook his hat for a wife: Man (clothing optional) with a hat hanging over his package. from Nerve.com
  11. quote: Originally posted by mikeadam: You just gotta point those bad boys downhill and str8tline. Turnings for when shit gets in your way... Don't see too many tele straightliners... werd. The tele phreaks can be pretentious pricks, too. I don't buy into that puritanal protestant crap that you gotta "earn your turns" as if suffering somehow enhances the overall experience. For some reason the freeheelers do. I guess that's why they've also got hairy girlfriends (if they've got any) in need of deodorant as if overcoming revulsion makes the climax better.
  12. quote: Originally posted by btowle: [QBI think that the first person to make a Snickers Bar with vitamins and minerals plus some other good unflavored additives will be the next billionaire. [/QB] Many others have thought the same. Thus, that's why there's tons of "functional food" products on the market. Something like a Snickers Bar? Snacbar, called "the world's first healthy candy bar", Twinlab IRONMAN Triathlon Nutrition Bar, Balance Gold, and on and on.
  13. The slo-mo powder shots on two planks is so last millenia.
  14. quote: Originally posted by RobBob: Now, what's the best soft-shell to go with that? ?? ??
  15. freeclimb9


    quote: what is that stuff?It's chemically similar to heroin, but said to be 100 times more potent and faster acting.
  16. freeclimb9


    The Russians are some bold mofos. Even though they unintentionally whacked way too many hostages, the novel use of fenatyl was a strong move, IMO. What does this mean for future pharmaceutical use in combat, police work, and raves? Does this stuff come in an aresol can? It would be better than pepper spray, and have a lot more recreational uses.
  17. quote: Originally posted by MtnGoat: lately some schmucks have taken to busting up mailboxes on our street, and for their three seconds of entertainment I get to spend a saturday buying a new mailbox, digging out the old one, and putting it all together again. On the rural roads around where I live, the same problem is endemic. Several strategies have developed including the rotating horizontal wagon wheel with several boxes attached (seems like more targets, to me), the mailbox swinging suspended from chains, and the brick shithouse. Even so, there's always plenty of mangled boxes.
  18. Other recipe options: http://www.dirtragmag.com/articles/article.php?ID=422&category=web_only
  19. quote: Originally posted by jordop: So I prodealed a pair of BDVs last spring, underwear?
  20. Avoid driving at night. Have all your paperwork --including Mexican auto insurance-- in order. Bring no guns, or bullets, or long knives into the country. Mandatory jail time will result if you do and get caught. Check out some guidebooks to give you an idea of possibilities (Lonely Planet is pretty good). Many hotels have courtyards for parking overnight. Expect the unexpected pothole and wierd road stuff (like rebar stakes marking the edge of washed-out roads. Makes quite a mark on a car when hit at 70 mph). Enjoy the trip. I lived in Cuernavaca for awhile, and have made many trips to Baja. I am very fond of Mexico, and I've never been shaken down, or intimidated by anyone save for some youths in downtown Mexico City who were testing their knowledge of english foul language on me and my date. A reply of "Que te jodas" got a response of laughter, and that was that. Okay, the military roadblocks I've been through and the Navy searches of boats I've been on were intimidating. I haven't been to Chiapas, and have only heard bad things about that state.
  21. check for cheapies at stores like Old Navy
  22. Look where it's falling now: http://www.intellicast.com/Local/USLocalWide.asp?loc=kboi&seg=LocalWeather&prodgrp=RadarImagery&product=Radar&prodnav=none&pid=none
  23. I've been starting my day lately with a couple cups of Swedish coffee followed by a dip of the long cut. The purgative qualities of such a morning diet can be scary.
  24. Don't be so clitical.
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