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Everything posted by pope

  1. quote: Originally posted by Recriminator: the pope is too busy copn looks at little boys in the locker room to know what pussy is . he can't climb 5.12 or even 5.11trad that makes him the pussy think I will make him my BITCH I ain't into braggin' about what I can and can't do, but let's just say my hardest "on-sight" (am I speakin' your laguage, punk?) at Smith Rock (are you familiar with this cliff, punk?) was right in the middle of the range of grades that you've suggested I'm not capable of climbing. Also, I climbed it with nothing but a bowline tied around my waste, and I was belayed by a girl who kept about eight feet of slack sitting on the ground. And she was hot. That's the first and last time I'll spray about my abilities on this site. I grow tired of little punks like you suggesting that anybody advocating restrained bolting can't climb anything tough.
  2. pope

    Nothing but Pics

    Ah, the Cirque Expedition!
  3. Well, would you look at this? Looks like RURP's on the run. I detect a significant degree of concern....wait, should we call it "intimidation"?....in your response. RURP is not Pope....but who is he? Hey RURP, what's it worth to you? Hey Yos, why is that you bother to offer opinions on questions about which "nobody gives a shit"? Could you be that "nobody" who gives a shit? 'Cause if you don't, then piss up a rope!
  4. quote: Originally posted by specialed: Pope I didn't want to have to tell you this, but, well... I'm your father. That's right I'm your DADDY!!! Now for the truth: you wish you were my girlfriend, Mr. Ed. Dwayner be jealous.
  5. pope

    High Winds

    RURP is a funny guy, and I'd be proud to be so clever. But, I think it's time the truth is known. Within 24 hours, I'm going to "out" this Mr. RURP fellow. I'm going to give him a chance to come forward first. He says some pretty offensive (yet hilarious) things; I don't want to be associated with that kind of thing.
  6. pope

    High Winds

    quote: Originally posted by Doug: I've always been told that farting while on ascent up a rock face is considered to be aid climbing. Is this true? RURP, you surely must know. No, it's just really dangerous. There's always the chance that the rock hippy will be sparkin' a bowl and....KABLOOOM! Death by blue flame explosion.
  7. quote: Originally posted by specialed: Ouch! Pope are you gunna go all Capt. Caveman on me now? ARe you Lambebone? Dude, with the psycho-threats I've been reading today, I'd go into hiding!
  8. quote: Originally posted by vegetablebelay: 56 gapers online at once today is a new record! I occasionally wish I had a career that allowed me to wank my keyboard all day like yous guys. But I'd rather have no career and go climbing. Hey Will, have fun down in REd Rocks. Look up my friend Dave Thomas (Starbucks manager) in Vegas. Stay away from the sex workers.
  9. I have forgotten my third boot, my third crampon, and my third ski on numerous occasions.
  10. quote: Originally posted by Dwayner: pope: are you on drugs???? "Donna" just called me from Colorado this morning. This is the run-down, folks....pope and "Donna Top-Step" had this fling just a few years ago...back when pope was still living in his parents basement. It was my bad for introducing the two..(By the way, Donna ain't her real name - I've known her for years and all though we've had our ups and downs [no pun intended], we're still good friends and she evens stays at my house when she's in town). Anyway, she's a superb alpinist and they did some pretty wild climbs together but the final straw was this Alaska trip they went on together during which she stormed off angry after pope apparently crapped on his own sleeping bag. I have seen a few photos from this generally very disfunctional trip and have heard both sides of the story plus a few choice anecdotes from other parties in the area. pope is still pretty embarrassed about the whole thing and continues to distance himself from the ugly truth. Donna used to post on here but she was given a lot of abuse and told me a couple of months ago that she can't log on. Anyway, nice bluff, pope...and trying to make a connection between Ginger...oops!..I mean "Donna" and RURP is a far stretch. I've never met RURP, but he ain't no Donna Top-Step! - Dwayner Like a triple-headed-yet-cycloptic sea monster, Donna, RURP and their genius creator smell like a one-eyed fish.
  11. quote: Originally posted by vegetablebelay: RURP and Pope tell the same jokes. This is gonna take a little bit. No, Pope told the same joke twice. Wasn't sure anybody figured it out the first time. Pope ain't RURP. But Pope knows who RURP is. RURP and Donna Top-Step are creations of the same brilliant mind, a mind more brilliant than my own (just ask the guy who owns it).
  12. ...and we are all together.
  13. quote: Originally posted by trask: Funny you should mention that. As with the Peacock, our male plumage never shimmers brighter than when lusting after gregarious females in heat. ....which is always indicated by copious amounts of ruby-red lipstick.
  14. Check the name of the featured member! Is this a familial brush with His Greatness?
  15. Heard a rumor that old Fred insists that the hardware be carried on the exterior of the pack, so that when "cows" approach, one can attract their attention by jangling the bells.
  16. quote: Originally posted by hikerwa: I sleep nekkid. Still want me to go? I think Trask would probably ask you to leave...together! Hey buddy, you jacked my signature!
  17. Show up in my "jammies" and I'm likely to break up a few marriages!
  18. Show up in my "jammies" and I'm likely to get arrested before I even make it through the front door!
  19. Pope and Dwayner have appeared in public together, even signed release forms Monday at the Stone Gardens. But notice that RURP ain't signed in when.....well, you figure it out.
  20. quote: Originally posted by gregm: btw i'm not making any generalizations on boarders here. Well, now Greg, I'm not so sure. Four snowboarders did this? Four? Once is a mistake, twice is a pattern. But four? I think it's a conspiracy. Instead of warning these guys, maybe he should have dug a test pit above them!
  21. quote: Originally posted by Dru: one time i wore my chalkbag into the squamish mcedonalds...about 1991...some guy in the line up asked me how the climbing had been that day. I thought "ALL right! Dude can tell I am an extreme rock athlete just by looking at me!". Then I realized I'd just forgotten to take off my chalkbag. Duh. might as well have taken a Majik Marker and written POSER in big letters on my forehead. I'm surpised that nobody ever suggests such activities for rest days, but it is a well-known fact that sorting gear in El Cap Meadows is a sure-way to meet girls. Some of them want to become intimate (yawn), but some of them can get you free showers and a pic-nic lunch!
  22. quote: Originally posted by trask: No offense Pope, but I immediately think of a French faggot whenever I see a male in a "cutsy" beret. ...incidently, I don't feel that way about the military berets. But, I think it was a huge mistake for the U.S. government to make the beret standard issue. I feel it downgrades the importance and pride of the Special Forces soldiers that have worn the berret with honor and as a symbol of their commitment to "being the best". My Swat buddy, who trains at Ft. Lewis with the Rangers tells me that no Ranger wears the beret anymore due to this fubar. So anyway, to each his own I guess. Enjoy your beret! No offense intended, although when you say, "I immediately think of a French faggot whenever I see a male in a "cutsy" beret,"....I'm sure that you conjure up such images even when you don't see the beret! I used to wear the beret as a silly ploy to make women think I was mysterious. It is amazing how little effort one can put into creating an image that women find to be attractive/hip!
  23. quote: Originally posted by gregm:[QB]then again, ohno definately played up the foul with his body languageQB] Yes, with that body language, he could be a superb soccer player, drawing frequent penalty kicks in crucial situations!
  24. quote: Originally posted by AlpineK: I wonder if she bought it or shoplifted it. Good question. Those hats are nearly impossible to find, according to one report I heard. I haven't put on my little beret in years, but if I score one of these, I'm going to have to make an exception. What's the feeling on short-track skating after our local boy's results were, once again, determined by luck and judgement? I agree he deserved to win last night, but I think we're left to ask whether he would have been able to win if the Korean racer hadn't changed lanes and been disqualified.
  25. pope

    Jumbo Go Away!

    quote: Originally posted by mattp: Tele skiing is just a dying fad, Pope. If you take that one up too, all the while eschewing bolts, you will truly peg yourself as some kind of historic artifact. I'd suggest you go for the split board. Mentioning historic artifacts, Dwayner and I got rained out of Index Monday and decided to check out the gym scene. We stopped by the Stone Gardens to check out this finger crack that my friend Brian had created in the bouldering pit (anybody know how hard that thing is?), then we sampled some of the other excellent crack climbs to be found there. Anyway, Dwayner noticed that a number of climbers just stopped what they were doing and gaped at the spectacle of these two old guys climbing cracks; we speculated that we must have looked like some kind of robotic museum pieces to these youngsters. BTW, hats off to KJ, to the saucy girl who loaned us the chalk bag, and to all of the Stone Gardens staff: they made us feel most welcome in what must have been our first trip to a gym in three years!
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