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Everything posted by Dru

  1. "make the pie higher"
  2. according to scott cosgrove, all belays not at no-hands-rest stances are A0
  3. fee demo coming soon to the bc backcountry if certain politicians have their way...
  4. quote: Originally posted by Uncle Tricky: quote:Veggie wrote: Yep, Bush is a good leader in these difficult times. Tell me who you'd think would be better HEY SADDAM YA WANT SOME HORSECOCK??? HAH??? WHAT??? YEAH ITS IN THE GUIDEBOOK! WHATEVER I WROTE IN THERE... TAKE THE OBVIOUS 3RD CLASS GULLY!
  5. quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: A-0 a good rating to me. Rock looks good. I once went climbing in the mountains with this guy whose name I will withhold. He claimed that it was OK to hangdog on gear in the alpine on a first ascent and not report it as long as the second could do the moves without dogging you could claim it as a free ascent. I told him he should take up checkers if he wanted easy glory I report all French Free moves as an anti-chestbeating service to the community.
  6. quote: Originally posted by trask: my pack llama mounts dogs "my friend" has this nasty rash, Doctor...
  7. I see you hung on gear don't forget to change those ratings to 5.10b A0 seriously perhaps in honor of the cracks systems ending you should rename it from BoB buttress to Jordan Peters Out.
  8. quote: Originally posted by sk: If the "media" gave us actual information we could make up our own minds about things. Untill that happens it does not matter wich SIDE the misinformation comes from, it is still misinformation. EVERYONE HERE NEEDS TO DROP EVERY THING AND READ THE ILLUMINATIS (sp) TRILLOGY. nothing is what it seems fnord
  9. quote: Originally posted by k.rose: Must be your status as a spray lord that makes people so interested in coming out to watch you flail on 5.10. I can lead 5.10 yet I don't seem to generate near the amount of intrest or responses to my posts as you do to yours . Hope it went well for ya and you were acctually able to make it up something must be cause you make boring whiny posts like this one
  10. that is a pussy stunt compared to stuff the crocodile hunter does with non-drugged animals Steve Irwin is what big lou wants to be. CRIKEY! PNW could have the Snafflehound Hunter
  11. Dru

    All about GU

    quote: Originally posted by freeclimb9: Is this an experiment in devolution? "Wwe believe in people's right to choose theior own mutations. Neanderthals had bigger brains than we do. Soon everyone will be a potato." - DEVO
  12. quote: Originally posted by michael_layton: Looks like Mt Habrich, Dru. Anyway, good info, dunno about the E.Face of McMillian. What else, I'm not asking for secret unclimbed stuff, cuz obviously It's secret! Habrich is steeper than that. It looks like Darrington to me. NE face of Tower only has one (Doorish/Burdo/Cudcowicz) route?
  13. I saw Kurt in the Smoke Bluffs on Sunday. He smiled and said Hi. I believe he was going to toprope Cat Crack
  14. here is a link to a new area of 2000 foot granite faces on north-central Vancouver Island near Zeballos. look at the pictures!
  15. quote: Originally posted by chucK: The worst thing about soloing is when you get a stupid song stuck in your head. at least you can sing it without your partner making fun of you "Dancing Queen, young and lean only 17..."
  16. jordan - i notice the pictures are not linking from the peak 6800 peak page on www.bivouac.com i bet you just used name "peak 6800" for the photo essay. try changing it to "peak 6800 (kookipi creek)" ? it might work.
  17. thw worst thing about soloing is you dont have another climber to give scale to your hero shots, looking down the crux pitch for instance.
  18. Back to the topic, isnt the East Face of East McMillan Spire still unclimbed?
  19. Allison sez "he is a pain in the behind" referring to FB. That is probably cause Fred grabbed her ass.
  20. i bought a "dirtbag Guide" to Tieton River for like $10 at Leavenworth climbing store about a year or two ago. it has a blue cover and is a bunch of spiral bound photocopies. it gets you around.
  21. it didnt rain today
  22. Im not telling you where
  23. That route is choss. The peak is called Choss Buttress and Jordan has no idea what route I was trying in the Chehalis. No actually, I'm sure KM will be interested in your route (kml@elaho.ca) . The CAJ will be too. But dont bother naming it, or rather, name it anything you want and the Standing Committee on Geographic Names will end up vetoing your choice in favor of 1) a politician, 2) a dead guy or 3) an Indian word meaning "stupid white man thinks this is a traditional name"
  24. Now that Willy has been freed, they can raise giant squid in all the empty whale pools.
  25. does your leash come with matching zipper mouth gimp mask, and ball gag?
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