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Everything posted by Dru

  1. should we have a pool on the number of times he uses Beckey words like , and Obvious Descent Gully??
  2. Dru

    Uh Oh Viggo M.

    Men Who Don't Shave Have Less Sex, More Strokes Thu February 6, 2003 09:08 AM ET By Richard Woodman LONDON (Reuters) - Men who don't shave every day enjoy less sex and are 70 percent more likely to suffer a stroke than daily shavers, a new study shows. A team at Bristol University who examined the link between shaving, coronary heart disease and stroke in 2,438 middle-aged Welsh men, said that men who did not shave every day were more likely to suffer a heart attack or stroke. Over the course of the 20-year study, there were 835 deaths, they reported in the American Journal of Epidemiology. In all, 45% of the men who shaved less than daily died, compared with 31% of those who shaved at least daily. Many of the excess deaths were due to higher rates of smoking and the poorer lifestyles of men who did not shave daily but the scientists said this did not explain their substantially raised risk of strokes. The findings show that men who don't shave every day are less likely to be married and are more likely to be blue-collar workers. They also have fewer orgasms, tend to be shorter, and to suffer from angina. "The association between infrequent shaving and death is probably due to underlying smoking and social factors, but a small hormonal effect may also exist," Professor Shah Ebrahim, of the department of social medicine, said in a statement. He said the association with stroke did not fall away after discounting lifestyle factors and remained unexplained. Ebrahim told Reuters the link between circulating sex hormones and beard growth was first established when a man on a remote island in the Hebrides noticed that his beard grew vigorously when he was about to rejoin his girlfriend on the Scottish mainland. He said the low frequency of orgasm in men who did not shave regularly might be because they had low levels of testosterone or might simply reflect the fact that they were unmarried and had less opportunity for sex. One possible explanation for the raised risk of stroke was that levels of circulating sex hormones in the body might influence the atheroma process in which fatty deposits build up in the arteries.
  3. Go to Japan, they just invented a prototype Invisibility Cloak
  4. Discussion of sex and war?
  5. AG replaces NCSS but the YDS and other technical info is still included.
  6. or you might be able to make some money selling tickets, hot dogs and cold beer
  7. yup, thats a good way to find some true wilderness country - look for where its dark.
  8. e-rock say obviously another case where we are right, and you are wrong! altho' you're right i forgot how old the laramide orogeny was. i promise to respect american orogenous zones more in future
  9. Jay instead of 6 Grades for all N American climbs outside of Baffin, the Euro System gives ~17 when the letters are used with the +/-: F, PD thru TD each potentially minus, plus or unmodified, and ED1-4. The system is most useful at the upper grades. If you do a VI like on W face of N Howser you might think you are ready for the N Face of N Twin also at VI. But if you know that the W Face Howser route is ED1, and the Twin route is ED4, you might realize you want to go do an ED2 next... or, Lib Ridge is commonly given a IV, its been called D- as an alpine rouute. But take another IV like East Buttress SEWS; probably more like D+/TD- I would guess. So the Euro grade helps to distinguish this.
  10. TD = “tres difficile”, very difficult Very difficult routes are generally over 500m in height and technically hard; lengths are more typically over 1000m. Rock difficulty ranges up to 5.8 to 5.9. Alternatively, the difficulties may be as high as 5.11+ for short routes or very limited sections of longer routes. There may be a bit of easy aid ( A1 or A2). The route may involve bad, steep, exposed snow and/or very steep alpine ice (to about 65°) with short sections of WI3 or WI4 (75° to 90°). There may be nasty icefalls, double-corniced ridges, and difficult mixed climbing. The climbing is usually sustained. The terrain may be loose, but is often very solid, particularly on technically difficult rock routes. Route finding can be very difficult, and escape (as opposed to retreat) is usually not possible. The descent may not be difficult, but it is invariably “over the top” or by rappel back down the route. Hazards may be high. The climb is often very remote. The degree of psychological engagement is very high. How did the Good Bad & Ugly, a 5 pitch route in Garibaldi with one pitch of 11a, get in at TD- then? Hmmmm something else for Kevin to fix in the 2nd edition.
  11. marmont? interagal? Back to the shuttle, Spock! We've landed on the long lost Planet Of Muffy Spellers!
  12. i think it has to do with the initials of jim nelson's store....and another "visitor " of the same initials....
  13. dam,n girl you are too smart for me
  14. who is the furry??? gregm in a mascot suit tooate 4 the edit muffy i got your spilling of gregm's furry secret fetish for all to see!
  15. mus be a nic fit!
  16. Post deleted by Lambone
  17. TLG, showgirl
  18. I guess this 8 to 10 page book of route ID photos is gonna be pretty interesting then
  19. mmmm scrambled fighters on toast, sounds like breakfast!
  20. Actually Easton called Skullfuck a V but said it could be linked with the then unclimbed seam above to be a VI as he thought the seam would be a pitch of a5. of course, maddaloni or someone soloed the seam and rated it a3+.... the only true vi at squamish is bald egos, although both fred beckey and steve sutton called zodiac wall a vi, it would likely be v today..but no one has done it since them so who knows????
  21. is there a reduced rate, if you do not want to take part in a clinic, but still would like to socialize and eat and see the slideshows and win loot?
  22. i heard bearspirit and the little gem, up the drainage between cory & edith, are both good 4s. theres a couple of caves with routes to m9 in there too (not in the guidebook). bountiful drought is supposed to be really fun but never comes in, ditto tout les matins du monde. rock on and off is a good m4/5.8 wi3 but it might not be in this yr, it wasnt at new years.
  23. G-spotter = Sprayshaw I like the affected Euro dropping of the indefinite artcile "an", which is more Russo than "Andorran" I would guess G-spotter=PolishBob but he hasnt called anyone a cock chugger or posted any child abuse jokes yet.
  24. i lost 10 lbs on shuksan nf but 8 of it was dehydration.
  25. G-spotter = Sprayshaw My English is better than that!
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