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Everything posted by Dru

  1. chat is for insomniacs and drunks
  2. maybe you should climb some Culbert routes alpinchimp. or some Hank Mather routes like Pavilion Edge
  3. My mom says I'm cool... thats not what she told me last night
  4. soak the soles in rubbing alcohol and then flame them when almost dry. this will slightl;y melt the rubber resulting in greater grip just like the race car drivers smoking their tires before the F1 start. & see how many we get with this one
  5. you can look it up in the 1984 or 85 canadian alpine journal...
  6. i saw a picture once of some stupid cordura glissading shorts you could weare over your polypro, or over your goretex bibs, to keep the more valuable/erodable material dry & intact they make you look like even more of a fool than most of the shorts over poly crowd too
  7. should have dragontail on that list, no?
  8. i read somewhere you can download an ultrasonic ring tone for your mobile phone that drives off unwanted insects or you could bowl a sticky wicket
  9. If all goes well I will soon attempt a route requiring a planned, as-light-as-possible bivi. I have been climbing for 13 yrs but have only ever done a planned on route bivi once. I figure some people out there have probably bivied more than I do so maybe there are some secrets to share. FWIW here's what I'm planning. There is no guarantee of big ledges so the bivi may be hanging or semi-hanging. I am taking a Nozone and plan to use the foam pad as the bivi pad maybe reinforced with a butt pad of yellow foam and/or coiled rope. I plan to wear a down jacket and take a syntho Penguin overbag which i will sleep in or use doubled up on itself over my legs as appropriate. Legs in the pack with the bivi sleeve unrolled. Toque or more likely balaclava on head, and maybe mitts (or just put hands in pockets), and a pair of shake n'warms. No stove, we are eating horsecock etc. and hauling I think about 3-4 liters of water each for 2 days. We will be climbing with 2 light packs on the easy pitches and hauling one heavy pack (Nozone with the other pack stuffed inside) on the harder pitches. So that set up, I figure, will get me thru the night: now what are some tips to make me more comfortable, or, lighten the load for the same or slightly less comfort level? Thanks y'all
  10. trask's marriage annulled
  11. oops i see why you are so touchy today
  12. what are you denying now we saw those pictures of you crossdressing at "breakfast"
  13. the deaths head, or r/x system, does not distinguish between runout climbs on good rock, and runout climbs on bad rock. is a 5.8X, or 5.8 3 skull route, so rated because it is unprotected the whole way on bomber rock, or is it so rated because it climbs up a potato chip flake of rotten sandstone so wobbly that the whole thing might peel off one day for no discernable reason i am willing to solo or run it out big pitches on bomber granite, karstic solid gray limestone, gneiss, quartzite but not as much on terrain where the rock is unevaluably bad like when weighting suspect nubbins at Smith, or unavoidably fractured, like on volcanic junk or yellow limestone or certain frost shattered alpine routes.
  14. trask decided to take up clown punching and was arrested for assaulting a midget
  15. BUT who was CraIg Smith quoting huh?
  16. no way, its better to downclimb than to bail off gear. "at least if you fall solo downclimbing you will die with a full rack" name the famous climber who said that!
  17. payanoia is really easy for the grade
  18. your "crotch" is fakey, 100% prosthetic. miss normandy forwarded me that scary picture you sent her of your tiny little genitals i wonder you haven't been banned for harassment except i think she was too busy laughing at your attempt to "impress" her with all two inches.
  19. you should sell the "rapping the cock" picture to Trojan to show what happens when you try and use protection.
  20. raccoons carry parasites which can be deadly to humans. petting them is a chance at the darwin awards.
  21. go to dictionary.com and type in "codpiece"
  22. king of freshiez 50000 posts are about as real as pam andersons tits or trasks trouser bulge.
  23. it looks really good from my office window right now except for the thunderhead
  24. cigars are for fat old men with high-waisted trousers who wantto have something big in their mouth as a substitute GREGW i expected you would boycott em cause the worlds last true communist, Fidel, makes all the good ones BLUNTS are dope
  25. you are STILL more than 700 posts ward of me and my mighty greatness
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