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Everything posted by Dru

  1. if only one could mail oneself via whitesaddle air.
  2. i saw freshiez at 7500' on mount unnamed, near kingcome inlet, 2 days ago
  3. ced the right skyline you speak of is the south ridge and is class 2 easy peasy as was already mentioned.
  4. news story
  5. it takes 2 people to do laundry? what, one folds and one puts away?
  6. Dru


    not if its a bright enough day! and if you take your off
  7. If someone sinks it will the papers proclaim "BUSH GOES DOWN WITH COPIOUS ESCAPAGE OF SEAMEN"
  8. saw it on the news last night and wondered how long til someone posted it here
  9. why is that rabbit winking at me is it gonna wig out and eat the other rabbits if i watch the gif long enough?
  10. Dru


    super fun 5.8!!!! and you dont even need any gear!! except its a 5.7
  11. Dru

    DRUL !!!!

    my buddy is not back from spain yet and its on his home computer
  12. south of bella coola i will tell you where in 5 years after i climb all the unclimbed stuff here is a picture
  13. Sorry. I was just pointing out that when you lead, I believe it is easier to find people to climb with. I hope she does too. It was a comment to your offer to ropegun for cheese sandwiches last week i thought you were saying you were being harsh to people like fern always is!!!!!
  14. Dru

    Top 3

    spraying chestbeating (more posts than trask!!!) climbing stuff
  15. fuck ya its chestbeating! but only if you were stuck in an office the last 3 days
  16. unfortunately i have to go to the office tomorrow and come up with an expense report
  17. I got paid to fly around in a helicopter and look at unclimbed big walls for 2 days Then I had to spend a day bushwacking in the rain and crawling on hands and knees through thickets of salmonberry and devils club. Our native guide found an old log with "special" fungi growing on it. Wednesday night was fungi night I saw 3 grizzlies, 26 black bears, uncounted squirrels, deer, salmon and seals. Also 2 mountain goats and our bunk house in the logging camp was invaded by a snafflehound of prodigous size and appetite this morning so we played "Kill The Snaffle" for 2 hours waiting for the float plane to show up.
  18. the air pressure on the summit of the chief is almost equal to the air pressure on the summit of everest now due to the effect of latitude.
  19. Has anyone ever done it? I looked at it last year and it looked quite steep for 10b. Also I could not figure out where the route went after the 3rd bolt. Any beta? I might try it this fall.
  20. I thought this was an ad for the cc.com Fall Rope-a-Dope? i dont see any beer so it can't be!
  21. Why whine about winter. You guys suck. FALL IS COMING!!! The trees are turning colours already. You know what dat means SLABTEMBER ROCKTOBER Rock climbing time! Alpine peaks with red and yellow meadows, warm days, cold nights, golden larches, no crowds and no bugs. Fall alpine ice and seracing Cragging in the Valleys with the smell of woodsmoke, fallen leaves carpeting the ground, and snaffles hurrying past to bury a few last nuts Beer drinking and climbing parties with friends despite the best efforts of Beck FALL IS THE BESTEST TIME OF YEAR!!!!! DONT BE WISHIN FOR WINTER JUST YET THANKS!!!
  22. baby
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