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Everything posted by Dru

  1. The cedars of Lebanon WERE deodars Do ya think they had squirrels too?
  2. Here is a method of transportation that could get you to New Zealand with NO greenhouse gas emissions!!!! The bike people make a big deal out of like 10% of people in a city commuting by bike; well in Auckland 25% of the population own sailboats. Highest % anywhere in the world, except for little villages of 10 boat owners in the san Juans or whatever . Hmmm, other benefits of sailing: sea legs. possibility of using cannons. call other people 'landlubbers". Potential sailormongering. Wire gate carabiners. Nautical knots never used in climbing. Parrot and eyepatch HARRRRRRR
  3. Hey, ya ever hear of the "cedars of Lebanon"?
  4. Hey timmy what do you think works better for getting the addict thru temporary spray cold turkey, gum or "the patch"?
  5. There was an article about this in Scientific American like 4 years ago you geek-wannabes!
  6. working is so much better than working out though
  7. Those Irbis screws are nice in the alpine. Why leave a screw when you can leave an Abalakov?
  8. New conspiracy theory: Saddam doubles were clones of the leader. "The Boys From Baghdad"
  9. Dru

    New Book

    Talk about "not getting it" The scene: Banff 1998. Dru has caught a ride to the disneyland of the Cdn rockies with some friends going to Banff Fest (Dru is on his way to Calgary to visit a soon-to-be-ex girlfriend). Upon leaving his friends Dru is spotted in an elevator in Banff hotel by Maria Coffey. Dru has a big pack full of climbing gear and stuff. Maria: Hello, my name is Maria Coffey. Are you a climber? Dru: yes. Maria: How does your mother feel about you risking your life? who's jumping to conclusions here?
  10. offensive
  11. they seem to think so!
  12. can you pm me the deleted word so i know not to type it?
  13. I thought this thread was gonna be about Keiko dying
  14. a new 'teryx
  15. Catbirdseat: Venus has a molten core but no real magnetic field. Please discuss in paragraph form essay. Answers will be graded. Deductions for bullshitting.
  16. Dru

    Muffy Misconception

    did someone say hello kitty
  17. Dru

    New Book

    I encountered Maria Coffey at one time and noticed how she seemed to assume every climber has a death wish. Every sentence she spoke was about death or risk or danger. I don't think she seems to understand the joy that climbing brings. I can only compare her to Andrew Todhunter as someone who writes about climbing but IMHO doesn't seem to "get it".
  18. PS Catbirdseat is on crack and tal;king out his ass as usual, or no, there is no logging visible in the picture
  19. ROPER NAILED IT what a surprise Finlayson and Whitworth at left Welch and Foley in right distance. Hey John you climb Whitworth yet?
  20. Oxford Concise English Dictionary 9th ed. says of "fuck" : 16th century origin unknown. "frig" on the other hand is said to come from Frigga or Freya a Norse goddess associated with fertility. Although the OED states that the earlier sense of "frig" is from "move about or rub"
  21. Nope! WTF do you people want, HINTS?
  22. I sawa "Change of Name" in the legals once where some guy was changing his name from Mohammad Hassan to Wing Yip.
  23. Dru

    LOTR return of the king

    SHELOB better be good!
  24. Dru


    man walks into a bar and asks for 12 shots of ouzo bartender is busy pouring them and asks, "why 12 shots, wha's all this for?" man : "i'm celebrating my first blow job" bartender " well, congratulations! have one on the house!" man: "naw, if twelve won't get rid of the taste I dunno if an extra one will do any good!"
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