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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Is it any wonder, when the healthy food costs two or three times as much as the junk food?
  2. Some of the questions on the test, like "The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never _____" seem to be more like "Obscure proverb knowledge" test than IQ test. I recall that the more reliable IQ tests are standardized to avoid cultural-specific stuff like this. A high quality IQ test is one you can give to someone from the 3rd World or an Oxford Don and be assured that the score will not reflect their educational background but their underlying intelligence.
  3. go to an ice fest and try out all the TRs and free demo stuff to find out if you like it.
  4. single-party capitalism.... the worst of both worlds
  5. Dru

    Dru's X-Mas shopping list

    G-BROS chalk bags for the young and fashionable!
  6. Dru

    Dru's X-Mas shopping list

    fun for the whole family
  7. Dru

    Dru's X-Mas shopping list

    you don't find out what you are getting UNTIL XMAS!!!
  8. it's the same test as the last test and my answers are all the same, but I think it may be a different organization offering it? in any case, they are doing it for the email addresses.
  9. so if i answer all the same questions in the same way at 12 and at 40, does that mean i'm stupider at 40? cause i'm no longer a precocious imp?
  10. the 4km bar in lower left tells you the scale contour interval is 200m
  11. Dru

    LOTR return of the king

    they didn't rope up so it must be 3rd class....
  12. Dru

    Newest Member

    And if Ray didnt edit his posts for him they would consist of 14 double-posts in a row and ranDom caPITaliZATion Beckey's genius is much more suited to annotating stolen napkins and scribbling notes on maps and photocopied alpine journals than posting in the cold, hard, clinical medium of the Internet
  13. you can't score higher than 140-something on that tickle test
  14. Dru

    funny movies

    Cliffhanger is always good for a laugh ditto Pervertical Limit
  15. Dru

    funny movies

    Bottle Rockets Election Dazed & Confused original Austin Powers movie Baron Munchausen The thing I laughed the most at in the last year was Jackass
  16. Dru

    White Meat or Dark?

    blimp controls turkey meat
  17. Since when is Gold Bar east of Index
  18. bunk
  19. put it on your iPod mac boy!
  20. Dru

    funny movies

    A CHINESE GHOST STORY. The Hong Kong "Princess Bride". Come to think of it Princess Bride is good too. And don't forget some seasonal weirdness with THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS Oh yeah, another superfunny one is Down By Law dir. Jim Jarmusch, starring Roberto Begnini, Tom Waits and Keith Carradine...anything with Begnini is good but this one is extra good!
  21. ya but you can only blow em up so far before they get grainy. the biggest advantage of the digital is its ability to adjust to different light conditions. no need to pop out a roll of 100 ISO and put in 800 ISO when you wanna take a picture in a cave!
  22. the best currently available digital cameras are about 6-8 megapixels. one slide image has an effective data content of approximately 40 megapixels although it is hard for current scanners to obtain an image of this size so the scanned file is always less than this size. i'm sticking with slide film for the moment. i have a digital but don't take those "keeper" shots with it. more like take it along to shoot stuff I don't know if I want a slide of or not.
  23. I am hoping to make some winter ascents of some local peeks by some technical type routes if we get good conditions. For instance today would have been good conditions but I'm stuck at work I am hoping to climb a few unclimbed ice routes lurking in the back reaches of the north Cascades if'n they ever form up. I am hoping to climb some stuff at Lillooet and maybe lead my first WI5 if I feel strong and confident I wanna learn to ski more good and not fall down and wipe-out so much. That's about it for now.
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