Night N Gale yup
Shriek missing top 15m
Gift... almost in, soooo close
Theft, coming along nicely but minimal ice in the chimney yet
Boulder Cr falls no ice on top pitches
New Leash on Life nope
House of Cards ice blobs, M10 hardmen get on it it takes crack pro
capricorn, upper pillars Y, lower pillars (avoidable) no
plan B thin
hell creek wet
cedarvale cr holes but climbable (fun to fill out a day if you up there)
the virgin/mix master just about touch down
blackbird approach ice in but pillar nonexistant
old dogs, in but knida thin and scary looking on the crux pillar, fattening fat, should be in in a few more days.
steristrip might be in but still can't find the bolts
michelmoon got a big gaping hole
jade falls one pillar and one hanging dagger prob more 4 than 3
silk degrees, neither the bottom or top are there but the middle is. who's got a hilti?
nothing much south of lillooet or in the fraser canyon is in. bridge and duffy is where it's at.