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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru

    Why we die

  2. Dru

    No Class

    jesus makes great tacos.
  3. Dru

    A word of advice

    yeah, colostomy bag makes rainier blue-bagging seem positively trivial.
  4. Dru

    Why we die

    a fish takes the hook!
  5. Dru

    Why we die

    I heard sylvain millet downgraded realization to 8c+
  6. Moderated Into Lassitude Fernstyle
  7. sandbagging is all part of climbing. both sandbagging with respect to grades, and sandbagging with respect to the level of protection and safety of a climb. learning to deal with sandbagging of all types is one of the skills every climber should develop.
  8. Dru

    Why we die

    I read on cascadeclimbers.com that some people there have the new smith rock guide, but I can't find it anywhere in the stores? Anybody know how I can get a copy?
  9. Dru

    Why we die

    there are a lot of dead climbers who were good, and there are a lot of shitty climbers and bumblies who are still alive....
  10. Dru

    No Class

    sure its a metaphor but the underlying idea is symptomatic of one of the causes of the currently ongoing mass extinction.
  11. Dru

    No Class

    its kind of stupid to lecture people on how they should be acting on a climbers board without ever posting any tr's or useful beta either. invitations to come climbing at some godforsaken eastern crag are unlikely to be relevant anyways and hence can be offered without fear someone will take them up.... have you two ever actually met in person by the way?
  12. Dru

    No Class

    christ was a weirdo that's for sure. the love one another thing is fine but the idea that if the tree does not give fruit you should cut it down seems somewhat over-utilitarian? fortunately christ is not the be all and end all of philosophers.
  13. Dru

    Ronald Reagan

    Metric system was invented by the FRENCH!!!
  14. fahq dood i just grid bolted the pickets traverse and added flashing neon signs!
  15. me three but i climbed the west lion once
  16. Dru

    No Class

    dear fat_teddy please give proof you climb. if you cared for reagan, you are a fool. reagan was a bad man.
  17. Dru

    Why we die

    everyone dies.... what matters is not the hour of your death but the manner of it.
  18. carolyn, don't you think you appreciated your send all the more because of the yahoos though?
  19. Dru

    No Class

    nothing to do with what respect means. he funded death squads in central and south america; he armed and supported saddam hussein and knuckled under to iranian ayatollahs by paying a ransom of arms for hostages. he presided over that and more. on the scale of bad to worse he was nowhere as bad as a stalin or a pol pot; but worse than, say, an average corrupt politician like the not-dead-yet jean chretien, and far, far worse than the dalai lama, nelson mandela etc. you are caught up in some semi-religious, semi-patriotic notions of how dying ennobles the dead and how they are being judged by higher powers now. the custom of speaking only good things of the dead is one i do not agree with or follow. it is intended mainly to comfort the survivors. none of whom are surfing cascadeclimbers.com seeing what we think. so this is all spray and trolling as usual. in which case stating what i think serves to keep you outraged and you feign outrage in turn to get me to say what i think.
  20. Dru

    Ronald Reagan

    Carter has spent the time since he lost the office doing things which ameloirate his ineffective presidential record. Reagan did pretty much nothing after leaving office mostly as a result of accelerating Alzheimers. In fact many have noted that he displayed symptoms of Alzheimers while still in office. Sort of like the Soviet system where Brezhnev and successors ruled while on heavy life support. Mao also apparently ruled in delirium for the last years of his life. Jon - you are totally correct about the government being many people. But the president as chief executive is ultimately responsible for what is carried out by the government.
  21. Dru

    No Class

    Respect is something which should be earned and not mandatory. Reagan, through his actions, lost my respect. Dying does not restore that respect. Anyone can die. Even small children and the elderly manage it with ease. When you praise Reagan you are "pissing on the graves" (your own words) of his victims. Think of that.
  22. Dru

    No Class

    just because someone dies does not suddenly mean they are worthy of respect. i wouldn't say anything about a dead guy i wouldn't say when he was still alive.
  23. it rained on slesse all weekend anyway
  24. i'm jealous!! its the troll wall, Dru or Eiger of wa pass... collapsing due to global warming... shedding its skin
  25. Dru


    oo yeah. nothing like a 2 week late spelling flame for showing who's top dog of the newbies forum!
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