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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Friday afternoon was climbable at the crags but the alpine was socked in; ditto Sunday. Saturday was rainy and wet for most of the day even at the crags Only got out of the van for about 2 hours! Being in a tent would have sucked.
  2. tape is aid... use technique next time!
  3. Dru


  4. Dru

    Fig-8 Devices Can Kill

  5. rock climbing hiking mud hiking limestone flake removing book reading wild mushroom picking wild mushroom eating rain watching snaffle watching driving junk store investigating coffee drinking bolt clipping BigBro testing did I mention rain watching? seems L'worth should have been plan B over Lillooet cause it rained in Lillooet part of Friday and most of Saturday
  6. Rabbi Don's travelling Sprot-climber outreach program is back in session!
  7. Dru

    Bad Photo Contest

    if the rest of the holypro has as many holes as the knees display, the shorts may be justified for reasons of modesty or masculine inadequacy.
  8. Dru

    Fig-8 Devices Can Kill

    yoooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuu arrrrrrrrrre goooooooooiiiiing tooooooooooooo diiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
  9. No
  10. How was the weather up there.... didn't you read that "the rock was wet"
  11. Greg Foweraker posted the following clarification/errata to Anders Ourom's original memorial piece which I had cut and pasted here and on the Gripped bb.
  12. I'm still waiting for buckytube cam trigger wires
  13. This is not a TR. Marble Canyon rock is wet, and Icy Bc is fully dry. There is just a slime streak where there is normally a rushing waterfall. First time I've ever seen this. Get the bolts in for your mixed proj now! Explored some mud, back roads and limestone further north in the Marble Range. No secret waterfalls to report. Found some nice 3-pitch sport potential on karstic gray limestone but too far away from anywhere (10 minute hike from 4wd road) to ever make it as a sporto destination crag.
  14. Dru

    Bad Photo Contest

    FYI that's holypro and shorts too
  15. Dru

    Fig-8 Devices Can Kill

    The DMM Belay Master is good for climbers over 40 and stoners because it is nearly impossible to not immediately notice if it isn't locked. But it kind of sucks because you cannot use it directly into the harness, bypassing the the belay loop because there isn't enough room for the harness belt,etc. below the black plastic piece. "bypassing the belay loop" can kill too. "directly into the harness" at belt and legloops = automatic crossloading
  16. Dru

    oh canada

    hello capitalist you have peanut butter cup we have bc bud thank you for allow canadian 2 post eh!
  17. galene lakes trail is the worst possible way to get to the toothpick. as you would have to go over the d.tongue and descend either go in by maselpanik cr and drop to international glacier, make quick first ascent of n. face couloir (if still icy and not melted out) to u-shaped notch then up standard route, or, approach to silver lake by standard route (via depot creek, one long day) then easily up to u-shape notch from south side don't forget to post a tr!
  18. d00d you missed out on the potential for another touching the void, blockbuster movie deal by extricating c. from the crevasse instead of cutting the rope
  19. Ditching work to go climbing is fun see ya on Monday sprayers
  20. Dru

    If it's true...

    Didnt Nixon suck back the Valiums? And Kennedy smoked herb in da House reportedly
  21. Dru


    yeah she was about to become a Pacheco-like institution
  22. Dru

    The Olympics Suck

    Is this Brazilian Sandra Pires related to cc.com's Genepires and if so can you introduce us to her Gene?
  23. beckfest last year was like late october and this month 11fest is early or something though right?
  24. Dru


    w00t w00t w00t w00t w00t w00t w00t w00t w00t w00t w00t w00t w00t w00t w00t
  25. Dru

    The Olympics Suck

    It's nice her bra/top is labelled BRA. Wouldn't want anyone to be confused.
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