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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru

    Let's join Canada

    Keep your heathen doughnut brands at home! OK: for the wanna bes. Learn this speech by heart, replace "Joe" with your own name.
  2. Dru

    Poll...for the ladies

    Slothrop how did you know that!!!! Did I know you in High School
  3. Dru

    Poll...for the ladies

    and the last time you had a date or got laid was....? Last week Oh wait...YESTERDAY if you count sheep
  4. Dru

    Let's join Canada

    That map is fucked. there are no States in Canada. We will let you keep Starbucks, but you must leave Krispy Kreme behind.
  5. Dru

    4 more years of...

    Democracy is where you get what you deserve not what you need. You got Bush. Maybe instead of fleeing the country because your side lost you should WORK HARDER FOR THE NEXT 4 YEARS.
  6. Dru

    Poll...for the ladies

    if people didnt play games the world would be a boring place. the trick is to be the Player and not the Playee
  7. Dru

    Let's join Canada

    Speaking as a Canadian I would be willing to take Bellingham and the North Cascades but not Seattle. That town is fucked, 30 yrs and you can't even build a decent monorail
  8. The JW's do that stuff, like dying instead of having blood transfusions. Maybe that will kill them all off eventually. Way to take a stand!
  9. Yes there was a 2 pitch streak of white ice forming on the Sumallo Bluffs today The only problem was - 800 feet of flowing water and wet rock underneath it
  10. what will the casinos do when the power stops flowing from hoover dam - build some more reactors?
  11. Dru

    Exit Polls

    but that's what the punters (pundits) have been saying for weeks
  12. Dru

    Exit Polls

    vote _Nodder.
  13. Dru

    It's a Lock!

    Actually Minx added the disclaimer but ditto on the read before you click
  14. Dru

    Exit Polls

    The NDP.
  15. Dru

    The Dead Vote

  16. lol
  17. Dru

    Exit Polls

    I just saw something that said the absentee vote is expected to go to the Democrats, in Florida anyways.
  18. opposing
  19. back on track, what if you are using a "trad draw" ie shoulder sling, tripled up, instead of a sewn quickdraw. where the biner is free to move around. which way should they face then
  20. Dru

    The Dead Vote

    The north pole one appears to be down, probably due to Santa's workshop protecting trade secrets,but here's the south pole web cam. Looks like a nice sunny day with freshiez. No sign of Republican hordes challenging voters yet but judging from the tracks in the snow, maybe we missed it.
  21. Dru

    The Dead Vote

    I want to hear more about these Republicans challenging people at the poles . I wonder if they used the Dr. Cook method of getting there
  22. It can go down in infamy along with all those posts about your g/fs of the time dumping you from 2002 and 2003.
  23. http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_1161174.html?menu=news.scienceanddiscovery It sounds like I might already have this mutation
  24. "In bouldering, every fall is a groundfall"
  25. Is Osama channelling The Economist, or Michael Moore, or both here?
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