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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Yeah they moved the story. try this link Concrete tents! or just Google "concrete tent"
  2. "ass, gas or grass, no one gets prodeals for free"
  3. i did a little bit of homework and more than a day and a half of procrastination, including some hiking.
  4. Modelling the latest mongolian softshell technology in 100% wool.
  5. Dru

    The Pope?

    Since he was Polish, I bet there was some "Pope on a sheep" as well
  6. It's good he clarified that plants were nonhuman.
  7. Dru

    J-tree TR

    Mike, is it true you bought a mummy bag because you mistook "mummy" for "mommy" and were thinking of MILFs?
  8. hey ya, i've got a great idea. all americans pose as canadians, that way the bad guys will start attacking canadians too when they figure it out. maybe you can pretend to be french next. whatever happened to "these colours don't run"?
  9. Dru

    The Pope?

    Let's have a BBQ at Smith!
  10. Dru

    The Pope?

  11. Dru

    Yo wankers

    Such a great weather forecast too. Good weekend for aid climbing or even peak bagging
  12. you need to talk to layton, i think he's turned about a $14.99 profit in the last 2 years from t-shirt sales. that's a new quickdraw right there
  13. Rereading this one I came across the above quote. I am curious as to whether this need for a "trip leader" and "ground rules" is common? Is this part of the Mountie course syllabus?
  14. When you are the best, you have only two options. 1) Start to decline 2) Transcend yourself and become even better. To retire undefeated may be an option but only if you care about your status more than our sport. If you are in it for the love of the game you will keep playing long after you are no longer the best - just look at Beckey.
  15. Only biggest Canadian sprayer on cc.com I've only ever posted twice on rockclimbing.com It makes me feel dur-T
  16. For instance:
  17. But - total or percent? And overall or in its size range? Put simply - a "city" of 10,000 that adds 1,000 people will be fast growing ( a 10% increase). But a "city" of 100 that adds 20 people would have a 20% increase, and a city 0f 2,000,000 that adds 5,000 would have a 500% higher absolute growth. So without defining growth further the claims to be fastest growing are meaningless.
  18. Notice how they don't provide a link to the data. Also they don't mention whether the claim is total growth, per capita growth or whatever, and if it is for all Canadian population centres or just for their size range. In short, figures don't lie but liars can figure. The claim is meaningless.
  19. Dru

    Some facts about ANWR

  20. The municipal claim to be the "second fastest growing city" is about as realistic as the Squamish municipal claim that the Chief is the world's "second largest granite monolith"
  21. Doubtful. Fort McMurray hasn't been booming for years. Hell even Surrey grows faster than the Fort.
  22. Yes and it sure isn't Calgary
  23. where's the pic for comparative purposes or do we have to take your word for it
  24. Dru

    april's fools

    I tried this one out today, giving the number of the local zoo. Worked like a charm
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