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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Under the deal Fred and I have, I lead all the "hard" pitches, and he kicks all the steps . There were no hard pitches today, so I just drafted.
  2. Fred Touche, Robin McKillop and I slogged up Mt Edgar (2061m/6700'+) today in a brief sucker hole. We could 4x4 to the end of Paleface Creek road, with Robin's 4Runner. If we'd had a Subaru we would have had to walk 8kms more. From the end of the road we crossed a brushy area through an old clearcut, picked up open forest and followed it to treeline, then followed a bench on the north side of the SE ridge, under some neat pinnacles, and on to the summit. It took 3h up from the car, and 1h 10min back down. Then we went to Chilliwack to eat pie at the airport. The snow was sloppy, but not so bad you needed snowshoes. It stopped raining from the time we began the bushwack, to 50m below the summit, and it rained the rest of the time. In between the rain we got some nice views of the head of Depot Creek, and Chilliwack Lake. What we could see of N face of Redoubt, looked good. Some seracs were showing blue ice already. The N face couloir on Nodoubt looks awesome, I wonder if it has ever had a second ascent? One to add to the tick list. Fashion faux pas: Fred wore a black lycra "action suit". This was more action than suit As the doctor said to the naked crazy man, "Well, I can see your nuts" Robin had a Seattle Sombrero on I took TWO, yes 2 windshirts, and still wore my Goretex jacket instead. BOTH of the windshirts were dead weight in the pack. There was no technical climbing involved on this peak. It was reportedly first climbed by the Boundary Survey c. 1860, but we didn't find a cairn. We didn't build one either. The pie was pretty good. Robin and Fred had the standard raspberry-blueberry with vanilla icecream. I had "Bavarian Rhubarb". Such a culinary experience
  3. Dru

    Tired Old Clichés

    There's an é in Cliché , eh. "The party of free enterprise" "Mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore" "A vote for _____ is a vote for ______" "Peak oil" "Winning the war on terror" "Just one more"
  4. you weren't wearing your helmet with your name on it, and so no one knew who you were
  5. anyways it was dry enough to climb here by noon
  6. Dru


    A website just for TJD
  7. Dru

    Tired Old Clichés

    would it make more sense if i hyphenated it?
  8. Its best to pay camp, the free area is a total ghetto. Waterworld is cheap and close to the climbing area; Banbury Green is in a nice location by the lake, slightly south of town. The climbing store is located on the main street in downtown Penticton, near the north end of town, about 15 minutes from the crag. Check on www.skaha.org for route updates, the book came out in 2003 and there's about 50 new routes.
  9. just buy 30m of 7mm static cord and use that.
  10. Dru

    Tired Old Clichés

    What are you trying to do, get as many posts a Dru? im fucking possible
  11. Dru

    Modern Lovers

  12. 1) For free or for $$? 2) At the climbing store
  13. Dru

    Belay tunes?

    That depends what time we get off the mtn... you know he doesn't drink, right?
  14. Dru

    Belay tunes?

  15. I hope it rains on you all and they run out of beer at 4 PM
  16. Dru

    Belay tunes?

    Guy Edwards used to sing "I've got big buttocks I've got big balls I have the laaaaaaargest penis My head has swelled To twice its size And now I think I'm a geeeeniiii-us"
  17. Dru


    you are soooo right There is a 90% chance TJD is actuially the avatar of another poster on this site...
  18. Dru


  19. Muir on Saturday
  20. Dru

    Insert Caption

    After ticking the 14 8000m peaks, Ed Veisturs announced his next challenge will be surviving the ridicule associated with a male pregnancy simulator.
  21. C'mon will it's all about the ticking not about the climbing.
  22. Dru

    Insert Caption

    I just noticed she has a ripcord hanging out of her ear!
  23. Dru

    Insert Caption

    With this new prostetic under his schoolgirl outfit, Todd believed he'd soon have a lock on the "pregnant shemale hooker" niche.
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